Nano Chaos 16 by Busysoft
:::::::::::::::::::: :: Nano chaos 16 :: :::::::::::::::::::: 16b intro for ZX Spectrum 48k Code: Busy soft Create: 20.01.2025 Release: LoveByte 2025 Simple 16-byte effect with filling whole screen and producing sound ON AY-3-8912. The 16 bytes of code presents: - Monochromatic strips in paper - Multicolor strips in border - Stereo noise sound on AY - New random sound every 5 seconds The intro can run correctly on original 128k/+2 only. There is no paper filling on ZX Spectrum 48k. Unfortunatelly, intro crashes on +2A/+3 and all models with enhanced memory (more than 128k). Anyway, you can disable any bank switching then intro runs by the same way as on ZX 48k. Source code: ORG #80DF start ld hl,(#5C78) ;; Sysvar FRAMES ld d,l ld a,(de) add a,e ld d,a inc e xor h and c or #10 out (#FC),a jr start Note: C = #DF due to ORG #80DF
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