Invader by Hardread [web]
______ _______ _____ ______ ) /_______)__ /___) \_______) / _/ _ ______ / /_____/______ / \____/ /\_____\______/\___________\____\ \ \ ______ _______ ______ __ ______) \__) __/______)__ /_____) / __ _____/ ( _) /_____/ ___/ ______ /______ / ) \_____ _) \__\_____/\ \_____\_____\_______ \____\__/ (_ \___________________\ /__________________/ __)__________________________________________________________(__ \___________/_/__________________________________\_\___________/ | | \_ [ INVADER ] _/ __|_____________________________________________ _ __________|__ _)_________ ___ ___ _________(_ \__________\__\__\_______[ RELEASE INFO ]_______/__/__/__________/ | | | This is HARDREAD's contribution to SceneCon 2003 party. | | If you want to enjoy this 64k intro, you will need a | | 3D card with OpenGL support, Win32 and a soundcard. | | It surely works with WinMe and WinXP and Gef4 Ti4200. | | | \_ _/ | The intro was made in such a hurry (about in a week) | | by a single coder and it isn't too hard to realize ;) | | Graphicians/designers/animators feel free to contact | | me at [email protected] ! | | | | Music was created by Vincenzo, using my new softsynth. | | He helped me a lot in makign that sound generator, and | | the development continues... Thank you, Vincenzo! | | | | The fontset used in the intro is by Biodread. | | | | This nfo file was created by elend. | | | | | | So, watch and enjoy! | | pohar | | | __|_____________________________________________ _ __________|__ _)_________ ___ ___ _________(_ \__________\__\__\_______[ GREETINGS ]_______/__/__/__________/ | | | It's 3 o'clock after noon, the train leaves in about 4 | \_ hours, and I would like to take a bath and sleep a bit _/ | before the party. I wouldn't like to miss the prize- | | giving ceremony once more. So everyone is greeted! | |____________ ________________________________ ____________| )___________// \\___________( /______ [ HARDREAD 2oo3 ] ______\ )______________________________________(
[ back to the prod ]