
jurassic pack #12 by Scarab [web] & Moods Plateau [web]
screenshot added by dipswitch on 2003-04-27 15:01:45
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release date : april 2003
release party : Breakpoint 2003
compo : none
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popularity : 59%
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alltime top: #14917
added on the 2003-04-27 15:01:45 by dipswitch dipswitch

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finally, a new issue of JP. i spent the whole night reading. very interesting articles inside, for example the article on scoopex amiga.
but what i didnt like at all, is the anti-pc spirit that is even more present than in other amiga publications. for example, what the heck is with publishing BP results without pc stuff argumenting like "that's not of our interest", at the same time publishing console and wild results. that is just damn narrowminded. come on people, the platform war is over or never ever existed. without platform unity the scene will die.
the pointless BP orga bashing was quite lame as well. sorry to say so, as the JP guys are my friends, but hey, we're not usa vs. germany on the iraqi conflict, so criticism amongst friends should be only helping to do it better. just get off your "amiga über alles"-horse next time, be a bit more openminded, stop bashing people who did their best to organize things. i'll see that i come over with a few more articles next time.

ah yeah, and the panels are (nearly) not ugly anymore... =)

btw, there is a second disk with a slideshow, get it at ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/parties/2003/breakpoint03/amiga/misc/mds_j12g.lha.
added on the 2003-04-27 15:10:37 by dipswitch dipswitch
Nice issue again.

I agree about the strange BP results. Including the console results just because Unique is in Amiga scene too is just a bit too strange. Unique is still mostly a PC group.
rulez added on the 2003-04-27 16:11:29 by dairos dairos
Definitely one of the best issues I've seen for a long time. An interview with Jesper Kyd, an exlusive Jester module and lots of upto date news. What more could anyone want?

My only disappointment was reading that people like Zito, NDK and Xenusion (any others??) held doubts about my Breakpoint picture. Well, I hope to put these doubts to rest very soon.
rulez added on the 2003-04-27 19:44:34 by Wade Wade
Yes wade, me too! :P please record a whole painting sessions of yours with camera one day, otherwise no one will ever believe you! :D
added on the 2003-04-27 19:50:04 by elend elend
i believe you wade, picture looks like drawn.
added on the 2003-04-27 20:17:28 by uns3en_ uns3en_
youre betraying yourself wade.

it was a personal statement to zito and i never thought that he will quote me for his article.

im not interested to write about this as i dont really care about it anymore ...

do your thing but better stay silent if you dont want to start a flameware that no one really wants.

rulez added on the 2003-04-28 07:12:21 by xeNusion xeNusion
Well, didn't you guys want to review JP#12 here at this point, or am I'm wrong? ;-)

Anyway, I did always trust Wade totally and I do it until today. To see him cheating the Scene would be a real SURPRISE for me, that is not his way, it never was. I really hope that Wade can proof in an effective way that he did paint and not scan his picture. I don't have a fucking clue about the usage of Photosop, how to work on a scanned pic and how to detect cheaters afterwards, but if Wade tells me that he has painted it, he has painted it. So easy, that's my view.
added on the 2003-04-28 12:14:48 by ghandy ghandy
thats not the point ghandy ... it never was.
you dont even understand what all is about.
dont talk about something that you dont know.

talk with zito as he is responsible for this shit and he is even responsible for a one sided badly written article.

and now its time to shut up for everyone as no one can win something from this.
i have allready told this zito and i can just hope that he has checked what fucking trouble he has done with his shit article
added on the 2003-04-28 15:41:40 by xeNusion xeNusion
wow, a fight in the amiga scene... last time it was... hmm... digital corruption vs. damones in 1999. =)
added on the 2003-04-28 19:53:08 by dipswitch dipswitch
As a breakpoint orga I obviously also didn't like the orga bashing in that magazine ;)

Anyway, tastes differ, and everyone is free to have its opinion. But at least you should get the facts straight....

Just one example:

"mOOdS pOSSe" wrote: (about the food) "Although both were not as cheap as announced and there were only pommes frittes for vegetarians like Zito."

The prices were EXACTLY as announced: http://breakpoint.untergrund.net/food.html

Vegetarians could choose from: Fries, Sandwich w/ cheese, pretzel, mozarella-baguette, coleslaw.

Another thing that bothers me is: "And one pixeled picture had not been shown due to missing steps. But we have seen the picture and it looked typical pixeled, so no steps were needed in our opinion here.".

Yeah, and sure it's your opinion what counts. It would not have been unfair if all other artists followed the rules and we'd allow one guy not to follow it, eh? ;)

As dipswitch said, that anti-pc-stuff also is rather silly. IMHO it's not the wisest thing to bash the pc scene all the time if you need their support at future parties...
added on the 2003-04-28 22:17:15 by scamp scamp
No offence taken on my part Xenusion, and definitely no flame war intended.

Anyway, I've finished the promised step-by-step guide, which can be viewed here for the time being:


While it's not a camera, I hope it's enough to clear up any suspicions. Please excuse the pathetic design, layout, ads, loading times etc etc.

Anyway, back to JP now. I agree with most of the comments here, but I still thought it was a very entertaining read. :)
added on the 2003-04-28 22:44:43 by Wade Wade
rulez added on the 2003-04-29 22:35:39 by RaS RaS
Well nice pic indeed wade! hehe.
added on the 2003-04-29 22:53:15 by elend elend
rulez added on the 2003-05-01 14:30:58 by elkmoose elkmoose
Just for the PC scene offending: We in JP do not do this. We are half using PCs and supporting its scene by our partnership with PAiN. We are loyal Amigians, but do not hate or dislike any other platform. Dunno where Dipswitch read this inside JP12. But of course we do not censore, so if a writer does an article like this, we will not forbid him to publish it in JP, we rather like to read replies on such articles in the next issue instead!

The excluded PC results was because the few feedbacl we got for past issues, told us that they did not like it to be included. So we did what our readers wanted. Now that we know, more people prefer FULL RESULTS, we will do this. We just did not get any feedback about this fact before.

So, no platform wars with JP. :-)
added on the 2003-06-10 13:50:39 by Zito Zito
And no flamewars towards the BP orga team! This years edition of Breakpoint was fantastic!!! And Zito won't write a negative article as he wasn't present. ;-)
added on the 2004-09-30 23:42:42 by ghandy ghandy

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