
It's Over by optimus
screenshot added by Optimus on 2021-06-04 22:29:26
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release date : june 2021
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popularity : 62%
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alltime top: #7599
added on the 2021-06-04 22:29:26 by Optimus Optimus

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"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application."

Regarding the content of the infofile, Optimus, i think you been slightly brainwashed by alt right conservative propaganda. Although there definitely have been some specific efforts from certain sceners as of late into bringing more awareness to bad behavior like sexism in the demoscene, it's very far from being a woke cancel culture conspiracy imho.

World culture changed since the 90s, we are in 2021.

A group pushing to remove racism, sexism, etc from being tolerated in the demoscene isn't a woke conspiracy, it's common decency towards people who have been affected by it in the past while at the same time trying to reduce the probability of it happening in the future.

Although I agree with you that the world is very polarized with opinions (social media in the internet heavily promotes this polarization) and it gets tiresome to keep up and deal with that when you know expressing your opinion will start yet another discussion and people shouldn't be afraid to speak their opinions. I do however recommend that people try to educate themselves on those topics instead of just repeating keywords. Also everyone should have more empathy and less hot heads.
added on the 2021-06-05 02:53:40 by psenough psenough
Also, you repeat a lot that "you don't understand" this or that behavior, if you want me to try to explain to you where they are coming from feel free to ping me on discord.
added on the 2021-06-05 02:57:31 by psenough psenough
Kudos for ps to be able to parse such an unformatted wall of text.
added on the 2021-06-05 12:13:25 by Rob Rob
"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application."

Same here, which just makes the ragequit all the more hilarious.
added on the 2021-06-05 12:28:38 by Gargaj Gargaj
See you next week!
added on the 2021-06-05 13:25:10 by darya darya
Great you are having a pause.. untill next time
rulez added on the 2021-06-05 14:40:32 by magic magic
@ps: Surely telling your interlocutor that he/she is brainwashed (even slightly) is the most effective way to start a compelling and persuasive reasoning.

@Optimus: Videocapture, please? I'll thumb up this, anyway, because I like the long info file and it looks like the kind of scrollers I love to read.
rulez added on the 2021-06-05 18:31:13 by ham ham
i think it can be damn hard for people hitting certain spectrums to 'feel their way' through the 'stay true, stay happy'-grayzone by just reading/hearing the daily heavily-polarised opinion shitstorms and end up in some DOES NOT COMPUTE meltdown. Don't take it too personally and don't fret over it all too much, dear Optimus It's not very healthy for yourself and a healthy yourself is more important than trying to understand everything! Hope to see you back soon!
added on the 2021-06-05 19:17:39 by el mal el mal
I'll add a respectful comment here, to balance this comment section a little:

Please consider coming back, it would be a shame to lose you over this kind of discussion. I feel that there is more to the scene than drama, and maybe there is a point in time, where you'll enjoy releasing again ;) Or having a beer at the bonfire at Revision.
added on the 2021-06-05 19:33:23 by NR4 NR4
I don't think that I can speak here freely. So I'll just leave it at a thumb up.
rulez added on the 2021-06-05 19:45:21 by platon42 platon42
Doesn't run here, either.

But yes, I can fully understand your feelings. The idea that everybody inside our community have to have the same world view is a terrible one.

You are right that the scene used to be FAR more tolerant in the past. I do remember the 80ies when there actually were some "Nazi"-themed (and far more "anti-communism") demos on the C64. I simply didn't watch nor swap then. Done. I do remember the 90ies when we showed "offending" demos on the bigscreen at partys, and those who did not like them did not watch them and/or not vote for them.

Just a couple of years nobody would have asked me to kick someone out of a demoparty because he believes in weird conspiracy theories.

I believe that Christians are evil, that churches are evil, and that both should be burned down. But I am aware that such people exist inside the scene, even if I don't find it very logical for a clever Nerd to believe in ghosts. And of course don't mind watching the art they have created, and respecting them for that art.

The shared values of our community had never been based on ages, sex, gender, believes, kinkyness or looks. Any attempt to force everyone onto the same world view will not work, but simply damage, split or destroy the scene.

We need to focus on our shared values that bind us together. "Go make a demo about it", like you have done (even if I can't watch it ;) is something I have respect for.
added on the 2021-06-05 19:48:32 by scamp scamp
What scamp said but i have to add about christians and any other monoteism in western world, are worshippers of aton (sun), basicly. This is a wide thing to think about and takes years to comprehend.

But for the release, i never knew Optimus personally but i liked his enthuanism for various kinds of releases, as well as his own stuff with lot of releases. Lately i have seen him asking totally legitimate questions about things, and seen the authoritarian answers to those questions. I don't blame him.
rulez added on the 2021-06-05 21:05:37 by Serpent Serpent
The SDL2.dll bundled in the archive seems to be an incorrect version. It seems to be a 32-bit build where the included .exes are 64-bit.
You can download the correct dll here: https://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL2-2.0.14-win32-x64.zip.
That should make it run.
added on the 2021-06-05 21:46:12 by Scali Scali
For all the drama and stuff being typed. Also coder colors in the screenshot. I hope you are well Optimus, take it easy buddy.
rulez added on the 2021-06-05 22:03:45 by spkr spkr
I don't think that I can speak here freely

That's sad
added on the 2021-06-05 23:14:49 by Soundy Soundy
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." (George Orwell)
rulez added on the 2021-06-06 00:16:32 by Asato Asato
added on the 2021-06-06 01:21:13 by noname noname
Didn't watch the demo, yet just read your text.

Personally I see the whole "current society thing" a lot like you. And I understand the point of deleting a post about this 9 of 10 times.

Personally I don't understand all this division stuff going on, and mostly it's just definitions in itself which are the problem.

You won't find an "angry white man", maybe you find an "90% angry white man", but even that will be hard to distinguish. If you tell someone repeatedly he is an "angry white man" he'll get more angry and most probably more white. Plus other people will recognize him more as "angry white man". This whole game is stupid. And it's just the definitions.

In Buddhism there is a practice to rewatch and relabel stuff as deep as possible till you come to the conclusion that definitions are really merely from the personal mind itself. That there is no 1+1=2, since that's just based on definitions someone made at some point in history. This whole definitions thing is worthless. Plus you are a marionette of people labeling you and others. In the past whole groups of people labelled with some stupid stuff got exterminated. And other groups labelled some other thing got hyped. It's really worthless. I think that's why Buddhism and other religions try to get rid of labeling behaviour and improve compassion instead. But most people here don't like "religion" and love to think in defintions(code), so whatever..

Thank you for your post, much appreciated.
rulez added on the 2021-06-06 04:27:52 by mad mad
@scali: thanks, that works!

Well the prod looks like an Optimus prod somehow. The effect is not bad but the colors ... damn :)

Motivational thumbs for coming back in the future (maybe even with a tiny intro ^^)
rulez added on the 2021-06-06 07:51:44 by sensenstahl sensenstahl
If you tell someone repeatedly he is an "angry white man" he'll get more angry and most probably more white.

Hah! Love it :)
added on the 2021-06-06 12:15:47 by skrebbel skrebbel
Yes, mad, that's perfectly spot on.
added on the 2021-06-06 13:31:46 by scamp scamp
Hey Optimus, take it easy, take a step back and focus on the stuff that makes you happy. I hope we'll keep seeing demos from you!
added on the 2021-06-06 19:35:17 by exocet exocet
Good effect :)
rulez added on the 2021-06-07 20:31:24 by StevenK StevenK
I support you Optimus, and get what you're saying.
Many good responses here that show you are not that far out as you might think :)
added on the 2021-06-08 13:27:43 by tFt tFt
rulez added on the 2021-06-08 13:33:30 by Frequent Frequent
omg what a manifesto.
[...] They use the 'Think about the women' narrative, because this is what will stick emotionally. Men love women and women love women. And between a woman crying for help and a virgin neckbeard (as you always say) they'll go for the pro woman approach
So, it's very easy for outsiders to come in the spaces and play the same game. It's universal, you can use the damsel in distress trope and you'd have half of the men fighting the other men in the community, it comes naturally. It's inevitable
And your answer? Oh, it's those horrible incels, the virgin neckbeards misogynists. You know why you throw these words there? Because if man has to choses between a woman and a loser, he will go for the woman. It's easy! Just connect every subject to incels and everyone will be like 'Ohhhh I am not touching that!'
This is what you have, this whole narrative, just throw there 'incels', 'toxic masculinity', 'gatekeeping' and all these terms without much proof and you catch a lot of people's attentions. Men want to help women, they don't want to be that 'misogynist' person who everyone will hate. They don't want to touch that thing!!!
I have a theory about the scene.[...]

Not gonna read all of this crap and I won't try to convince you otherwise, because I feel that whatever I will say it won't change anything.
Anyways, props for "making a demo about it" (which didn't got "cancelled" in any way btw., but nevermind)
As said I think we all need some hugs.
added on the 2021-06-08 22:13:30 by v3nom v3nom
Have always been a big fan of your size coding stuff, so i hope to see you back in action soon! I hope you keep having fun coding and are able to ignore all the superficial fluff surrounding the scene.

create participate repeat

there will always be people that take care of the uploads for you.
rulez added on the 2021-06-09 11:00:24 by superogue superogue
i await for your return.
rulez added on the 2021-06-09 11:27:27 by no longer active no longer active
Not gonna read all of this crap

but that won't keep v3nom from posting drivel.
which didn't get "cancelled" in any way btw.

which is something v3nom pulled out of his ass
but nevermind
added on the 2021-06-09 12:06:17 by bifat bifat
take your cancel shit elsewhere.
sucks added on the 2021-06-15 03:09:17 by mudlord mudlord
A group pushing to remove racism, sexism, etc from being tolerated in the demoscene isn't a woke conspiracy, it's common decency towards people who have been affected by it in the past while at the same time trying to reduce the probability of it happening in the future.

added on the 2021-06-15 03:36:12 by mudlord mudlord
I think you shouldn't quit the demoscene. You should quit pouet. It's a den of retards and lamers, and there's zero value in it beyond a database of demos.

I haven't watched the "community" at all so I don't know how prevalent is all that lame SJW shit is becoming in here. But I have seen that the concensus around here seems to be to consider unity/unreal/notch demos as valid prods, and those who release them as not lamers, which clearly signifies that this is no longer "the demoscene", but some circlejerking, inclusive, diverse hellscape.

Fuckings to lamers!
rulez added on the 2021-06-16 16:21:27 by Nuclear Nuclear
added on the 2021-06-17 21:34:45 by AntDude AntDude
Hi Optimus.
Take care of yourself. Try to be happy.
We are living strange times.
People are dividing into groups that take different directions and the gap is becoming wider and wider, to the point people from the different groups cannot understand or stand each other's worldview. The other group seems crazy to the one group. Really crazy. I feel it too.
You are not alone feeling this divide, this fracture. I feel it too.
Yes, it seems we were born in a world that was more free and peaceful and innocent than the one we are in now, and this hurts.
I guess for the moment it is best to just not get too heated with things you cant change and again, take care of yourself, and try to be happy.
You don't know me but thanks for having been part of this corner of the scene.
Have a nice night.
rulez added on the 2021-06-20 03:24:25 by HeLLoWorld HeLLoWorld
what spkr said

enjoy your break from the scene!
rulez added on the 2021-06-24 23:39:54 by wullon wullon
I agree with Ps:

"Regarding the content of the infofile, Optimus, i think you been slightly brainwashed by alt right conservative propaganda. Although there definitely have been some specific efforts from certain sceners as of late into bringing more awareness to bad behavior like sexism in the demoscene, it's very far from being a woke cancel culture conspiracy imho."

And what is this with incels. Is there a thread where you battle it out ?
added on the 2021-06-25 09:18:42 by Navis Navis
Thanks for sharing you thoughts.
rulez added on the 2021-07-02 18:22:33 by SMue SMue
The demoscene like a metaphor of life, is good and bad, happiness and sadness.

It is good to have break, breath fresh air, if it is not a pleasure anymore.
Other people have also announced a pause, so you are not alone.

I hope that one day you come back more motivated and stronger than before.
added on the 2021-07-14 13:29:49 by AlienTech AlienTech

Lacks sound anyway.
added on the 2021-07-20 03:25:55 by T$ T$
The demo ran fine for me but I don't think 30 wobbly pixelated characters at a time is the right speed for the manifesto you put into it...
sucks added on the 2021-08-09 14:05:08 by stijn stijn

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