
oldschool memories by Tristar & Red Sector Inc. [web]
screenshot added by dipswitch on 2003-02-08 22:20:57
platform :
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release date : february 2003
  • 20
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popularity : 66%
  • 0.04
alltime top: #16898
  • h7 h7 [Graphics]
added on the 2003-02-08 22:20:57 by dipswitch dipswitch

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"oldschool memories", nothing more nothing less... solid intro !
rulez added on the 2003-02-08 22:28:26 by dipswitch dipswitch
the name fits!
i love this style.. and the kewl chiptune!
rulez added on the 2003-02-08 22:34:34 by liNCOlN liNCOlN
sucks added on the 2003-02-08 22:36:19 by protectin'myhive protectin'myhive
rulez added on the 2003-02-08 22:46:37 by dairos dairos
Nice job fellas. I'll never forget november last year. :o)
rulez added on the 2003-02-08 23:26:50 by sphinx sphinx
Go for it you old maniacs, nice to just sit and read a true oldschool scrollie with a nice chiptunes on it ... waiting for your next gba relly ....
rulez added on the 2003-02-08 23:48:34 by Turtle Turtle
nice, nice, nice, enjoyed the scroller and the chippy. keep our spirit alive
rulez added on the 2003-02-09 00:54:59 by RaS RaS
Nice scroller text
rulez added on the 2003-02-09 04:26:56 by iTeC iTeC
yip yip yip lovely :))
rulez added on the 2003-02-09 06:51:29 by NuKem NuKem
The *BEST* GBA Intro I ever see !!!

Thx to TRSI that bring me back for momentarily in my younger days and fell the old *real* Scene sensation!
rulez added on the 2003-02-09 08:09:35 by Sargor Sargor
Too oldschool for my taste
sucks added on the 2003-02-09 09:56:20 by shash shash
i would rather watch some "real oldschool prods"... it hasn't any attractiving things: scroller is quite ordinary and music is bad
sucks added on the 2003-02-09 12:00:52 by shadez shadez
oldskool without the oldskool feeling. bah.
sucks added on the 2003-02-09 12:29:35 by Shifter Shifter
very cool intro!
rulez added on the 2003-02-09 16:32:26 by Kami68k Kami68k
Tuomas Volotinen aka shadez - Age: 15
You want us which of Oldskool to tell?
added on the 2003-02-09 18:05:32 by Sargor Sargor
shadez is gheyz! =) haha, this owns =)
rulez added on the 2003-02-09 18:13:03 by JUVENiLESHiTHEAD JUVENiLESHiTHEAD
great title! but ehm... that's about it.
sucks added on the 2003-02-09 18:56:12 by havoc havoc
mail to [email protected] for a GBA programming instruction, you need it
sucks added on the 2003-02-10 12:01:18 by Inopia Inopia
music is cute tho :)
added on the 2003-02-10 12:02:37 by Inopia Inopia

for the messy text and i expected nothing

rulez added on the 2003-02-10 12:13:54 by raver raver
no memories at all
sucks added on the 2003-02-10 12:26:55 by bhead bhead
old good trsi.
Inopia: What the fuck are you saying there's something codewise wrong here? In a case you didn't notice, it's oldskool.
added on the 2003-02-10 17:35:42 by dairos dairos
cheap crap
sucks added on the 2003-02-10 17:56:45 by superplek superplek
Mastercard: in case you didn't notice, you're a retard
sucks added on the 2003-02-10 19:15:36 by sagacity sagacity
mastercard: oldskool on a non-oldskool machine isn't cool, it's just plain weak.

at least TRY to do something interesting, instead of coding the same intros over and over again. Where's the fun in that? You could just as well don't code anything at all
added on the 2003-02-10 20:15:46 by Inopia Inopia
you're really bashing the guys too hard... i think it's rather nice that old men like duke & co. come back and at least try to contribute to today's scene. we should rather see it as a nice gesture. and all you imposters, imagine yourself coming back in 10 years, without up-to-date knowlege of code and design, doing a lifesign intro, and getting bashed hard-core just because you dared to do a product that doesn't fit up-to-date standarts. you will be pissed very much, i promise...

i like this kind of lifesigns very much and i bet i'm not the only one. it's the gesture that counts, and i'm glad to see that the "grandfathers" of the scene still care about the thing, no matter if they already caught up with up-to-date standarts or not. give them a comeback chance instead of just bashing !
added on the 2003-02-11 01:24:46 by dipswitch dipswitch
and if you got to critizise something, CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is the magic word, not just shouting "crap" and "retarded" all over the place...
added on the 2003-02-11 02:06:15 by dipswitch dipswitch
thumbs up for Dipswitch.
rulez added on the 2003-02-11 04:11:37 by kimi kardashian kimi kardashian
thumbs down for Dipswitch.

I mean. "We're alive" and "we're alive and moved to another platform" are two different things. They seem to be up to date on what platform to use, so why can't everything be up to date?
sucks added on the 2003-02-11 08:04:45 by leijaa leijaa
I want to see polygons and nice software effects under GBA, not just some plain scrollers ;P
added on the 2003-02-11 08:28:51 by Optimus Optimus
hey look.. a discussion forum! for those expecting the gba version heaven 7 or the product or something, remember that the GBA, though new, is hardware wise essentially an old-school machine along the lines of an amiga 500 or atari ST.. it's only new-school because the parts are smaller than they used to be able to afford to make 'em.. and yes the gba is lower-res and with a few more extra graphic doo-dads than the above but ya get the point.. so don't expect too much.. still, it's a weak demo.. i'm just thumbing it up for the tune and the fact the The Red Sector Incorporated is still one of the best demo group names of all time ;)
rulez added on the 2003-02-11 09:00:54 by dyscotopia dyscotopia
heh.. or did that stand for tristar red sector 1?
yeah, i like the music, but that's about all i like. even for a late-80's screen it isn't great. why is the font not worked out better (handpixeled)? where are the multilayered stars for instance?

dysco: gba is far more powerful than atari st, or amiga500. infact, it's even a bit more powerful than the follow-ups of these machines: falcon and a1200.
making a late-80's a500 screen on those machines was easy as pie, and i suspect even easier on a gba. still, it's more work than doing it in directx. i respect that.
added on the 2003-02-11 09:47:37 by earx earx
dyscotopia: sorry, but you're talking out of your ass here. Next time please know what the hell you're talking about before you make statements.

The gba has an ARM7TDMI at 16.78 mhz (32bit risc proc, can't do div, but has a barrelshifter) 402k memory (256k work ram, 96k vram (halfword writes only), 32k internal ram (only part of mem with 32bit databus/0 waitstates), 1k palette ram and 1k obj ram. The graphics chip has a few different modes, like a 256/16 color tilemode, a 256 color lfb mode (2pages) and a 16bit lfb mode (1page). Sprites can be scaled and rotated by the hardware (limitations apply) It also has 2 pcm channels (left/right) for sound, and four DMA channels one of wich is tied into the LCD controller to allow for raster tricks. Oh, and the graphics chip allows for 1 alpha layer (1 alpha value for entire layer tho, good for shading tunnels to white)

The two logos are just two background layers moving around (they could have had four), the sprites rotating are also done by the hardware. The music player is probably AFM by groepaz/hitmen.

This intro can be done in about 100 lines of C code, including all the memory adressing for the sprite obj ram.

It's ofcourse always better than NO production at all, it just doesn't show any EFFORT.

This intro can be thrown on the huge pile of cracktros already on gba. It has nothing to add, there are better cracktros already made by real cracking groups.

For some real nice GBA code go watch FR-018 by exoticorn.
added on the 2003-02-11 10:24:47 by Inopia Inopia
Sweet. Nice chip.

Btw. Emulators sucks, get the real thing.
rulez added on the 2003-02-11 14:52:17 by Shagma Shagma
Inopia: did say "with a few more extra graphic doo-dads".. thank you for explaining them in detail form me. i know there are better gba demos, but i still think as a "new" platform we have to expect things like this as people get themselves up to speed with developing for the machine. you're right though, it would have been nice to see even very basic use of all the hardware. but it's heartwarming too see an old familiar name from my childhood.. and unlike some other oldskewl names, with some of the same people involved. looks like pretty soon this will be one of the most "popular" prods on here. ;)
I think you can't compare a risc 32bit at 16.78 mhz to the 68000 inside the amiga at 7.14mhz. It's not just a matter of clockspeed, different cycletimings apply as well. And let's not forget the beforementioned barrelshifter, and the conditional execution doohicky arm processors have. The GBA is capable of running doom at 120x160 (double-pixeled to 240x160) at 30fps for instance, not likely to see that on amiga.

btw, it's easier to do this intro on gba than it is to do it with directx, believe me
added on the 2003-02-11 15:58:00 by Inopia Inopia
Inopia: I just played doom on gba today, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't 30fps. Sometimes it slowns down like hell when there are many enemies on the screen.
But ok, that wasn't the point :) ...continuing the discussion from irc...I agree that gba is quite powerful machine and you can make some impressive 3d and other similiar hightech stuff with it...but I just don't understand why everyone should. You might just as well start dissing almost every new pc demo, because they could have been done in amiga if properly optimized, or because they aren't pushing the limits. But anyway, I understand and even know, that it doesn't require madskills to make an intro like this. I 100% agree with dipswitch that it's nice if you start thinking what it was made for, nothing more, nothing less.
added on the 2003-02-11 16:57:14 by dairos dairos
doom COULD run on a GBA, that doesn't mean the official version does. There are other engines that do run at 30fps and have even more complex level geometry/more sprites dan the original pc doom.

anyways, we're disgressing :)
added on the 2003-02-11 19:00:08 by Inopia Inopia
Niceish music, but that's about it. Though I have to admit the "3d feeling" created by the movement of the logos was kewl.
added on the 2003-02-11 19:10:04 by DiamonDie DiamonDie
... and don't forget the length of the scrolltext. longest scroller i read since years ...
added on the 2003-02-11 20:08:25 by RaS RaS
a thumb down for this prod does not mean i'm thumbing down TRSi in general. the group has a great history and i'd be the last one to disrespect that.

but let's turn things around: what's the value of a thumb up if it's only made because you know the people behind the prod?
added on the 2003-02-11 22:56:46 by havoc havoc
16Mhz only? How did I though wrongly about 50? Wrong informations perhaps..
I should search the inet for specs of GBA and check it out myself
added on the 2003-02-11 23:17:55 by Optimus Optimus
..for a long time I thought that GBA was equipped with a 32bit Risc at something around 50Mhz ;PPP
..perhaps a friend told me so and I beleived him without searching for specs..
..still it's powerfull enough, by seeing what's happening with demos and Doom..
Hmm,. Gamepark is much much more powerfull than GBA..
added on the 2003-02-11 23:25:15 by Optimus Optimus
gp32 was long rumoured to have a 50mhz ARM, perhaps you where confused with that. The gp32 turned out with a 20-133mhz ARM920t (software selectable clockspeed), so it's a tad more powerful than the GBA, yes :)
added on the 2003-02-12 10:36:23 by Inopia Inopia
bah. waste of time.
sucks added on the 2003-02-12 20:23:09 by teel teel
Hmmmm it's pretty phun to read this topic, and to see how the real different of the real oldschool scene and all tese new kids on the block ... Is it some kind of a new rule that the new scene kids must have to tell all other groups that they are morons, or is it just something that the youngsters learn today, that they need to speak in a fuck language ?

And to say that we only say thumbs up since we know the coder and TRSI since ages is the sadest excuse i ever seen ... diden't ever get mad on your mom and dad 'coz you thought they diden't agree with you ??? ... so yes i can also bitch the old schoolers if they do something i think is a poor rls and i still do.

So i can only say, STOP BITCHING and get a life, 'coz in our eyes you are like lower than dirt if you had a computer for like 4 years and think you own the scene ... YOU DONT.

Turtle / Online since 1977
added on the 2003-02-13 05:53:02 by Turtle Turtle
Well, first of all i tought there is no need to give a comment about all that crap i can read upstairs.... But know its enough. First of all DUKE is a professional Coder. If anybody out there is able to top his skills - SO JUST SHOW IT. Mainly the Intro wasnt released to please anybody. Most of you are not able to understand the scrolltext. Irata where talking to people wich the most even dont know.... Not the them was the point - just the scrolly. I was a Part of Ministry (Amiga) - we where the #1 Cracking Group for more then 6 Months.... Believe me it wasnt really funny to get 5 releases a day out..... most of you guys never reached the point of success. Thats the reason why they dont know the diffrence between OLDSKOOL and NEWSKOOL. We in TRSI even dont need any FTP-Slot to surrive. We even dont need to pay members for ther work and we even dont need to be Nr. 1.... Our main point is to have fun.... Right now - Right here - Watch out for the new Releases by TRSI. Maybe a bit more NEWSKOOL but done by the real OLDSKOOL....
added on the 2003-02-13 17:22:21 by Michael Michael

ofcourse, this is a whole different kind of production but as about topping duke's skills - no need to show, there are loads of technically and artistically more impressive demos on gba. this is just what it is - a nice oldskool-styled intro..

added on the 2003-02-13 17:36:42 by raver raver
michael, your point is intersting, but you're forgetting that you're NOT talking to the illegal scene here. nowadays wares and demoscene go (mostly) separated, though cracktros are added to pouet for interest purposes. so your ftp slot blahblah makes no sense at this place !

eternal recpect to trsi and all old cracking groups anyway.
added on the 2003-02-13 17:50:38 by dipswitch dipswitch
what are you all bitching about ? whats wrong with this prod?
its the first intro from duke or trsi on the gba so stop yellin. and if you expect newskool elements in an intro named "oldskool memories" youre just as lame as your comments...
i think people just stated the obviousfact: trsi sucks, coding oldschool on gba could be done by a 10 years old with some gnu basic utility.

sucks added on the 2003-02-14 10:12:48 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
stefan fuck you, you give pouet a bad name. you have no respect for the elders, go hide in a hole..
added on the 2003-02-14 13:26:37 by dipswitch dipswitch
hmm... people should vote for production, not for group...

this wouldn't be that popular, if it were made by minimalanimal :] (hope you got the idea).
added on the 2003-02-14 13:34:45 by shadez shadez
you'd expect that a group who has been around for so long actually is capable of doing something impressive... but if you spend so much time in the scene and THIS is the only thing you're able to come up with...
added on the 2003-02-14 14:43:45 by sagacity sagacity
Pouet isnt worth to waste my time.... Simply Pouet sucks !
sucks added on the 2003-02-14 23:03:11 by Michael Michael
"First of all DUKE is a professional Coder. If anybody out there is able to top his skills - SO JUST SHOW IT"

so many people, including me, are "pro's".
that doesn't mean that we can't diss him because this shit sucks ass.

i'd say go fuck yourself to all these "we're old and the scene is ours". who gives a shit about that stupid thing called 'scene' anyway. i gave up all that long ago. face it, you're a fucking loser, and the ones with the biggest mouths are often the biggest nitwits.
added on the 2003-02-14 23:22:44 by superplek superplek
"stefan fuck you, you give pouet a bad name. you have no respect for the elders, go hide in a hole.. "

and you dipswitch, should keep your mouth shut too. i haven't seen you stating ONE SINGLE FUCKING VALID POINT except for "because they're old" that would enforce us to respect them. and who the hell are you? some halfway musician? oh please get lost.
added on the 2003-02-14 23:24:33 by superplek superplek
what the heck you call me, punk ? i'm no "halfway musician" but a bbs trader and ascii artist from way back. used to trade stuff before you even knew the meaning of scene. so shut up, halfway coder.
added on the 2003-02-15 03:18:17 by dipswitch dipswitch
"bbs trader and ascii artist"
sounds useful, prolly makes a good living

"used to trade stuff before you even knew the meaning of scene"

so basically, what you're saying is: i was born quite a number of years before it was your turn, which is your fault because if you were born earlier you could've started wasting your time 'less late', and besides that, i've exchanged old stuff in the old days (probably a very hard and skill-requiring task), before you even had the chance to.
so i'm better.

sounds fair ;)
added on the 2003-02-15 03:30:56 by superplek superplek
dipswitch: so you're a trader? maybe you should shut the fuck up then because without active coders like plek you wouldn't even have a single thing to trade, bitch :)
added on the 2003-02-15 16:49:29 by Inopia Inopia
dipswitch: Birthdate : 15/12/1981
plek: Birthdate : 31/12/1983

dipswitch is also born in 80's dadaa! who is
here to judge what is oldskool and in my
opinion dipswitch is not.

and traders and trading sucks (nolife hobby)
i agree with lator, this sucks...

sucks added on the 2003-02-15 18:19:10 by uns3en_ uns3en_
so what, i'm 21 and with scene since 14... is that "newschool" for you ? i think not...
added on the 2003-02-15 19:05:52 by dipswitch dipswitch
2003 - 7 = 1995-1996. and if you have been
trading in some some boards doesnt make
you demoscener imo.
added on the 2003-02-15 19:16:44 by uns3en_ uns3en_
and many dudes started in mid 90 and they
dont claim themselves as oldschool dudes.
added on the 2003-02-15 19:18:57 by uns3en_ uns3en_
dipswitch: if you've been in the scene for this long, I'd expect you to have progressed a little.
added on the 2003-02-15 19:32:41 by sagacity sagacity
so dipswitch; what you're saying is that you started being creative in the demoscene at age 7? :-D
I hate you guys
added on the 2003-02-16 12:21:21 by Inopia Inopia
haha, dipswitch is a newbie :D
added on the 2003-02-16 16:57:20 by Shifter Shifter
haha! this discussion is awesome! but i must agree with the 'newbies' (since i'm a newbie aswell, i joined the scene in 92, which is the ninetees, and the real sceners are online since 1977!!!)

But this just sucks, shame it's trsi, do something proper!
sucks added on the 2003-02-16 17:15:46 by okkie okkie
Plek: I love you homo.
Inopia: I love you too.

Dips: I must say, you made me laugh for quite some time, but that's not because you're trying to be funny.
added on the 2003-02-16 19:52:16 by leijaa leijaa
I learned the scene at 1998, so what? :)
Hardcore till the end of times! =)
CPC will never ever die!
And PCs suxx anyways..
added on the 2003-02-16 20:09:52 by Optimus Optimus
ima newbie.
rulez added on the 2003-03-24 22:00:18 by krash/acme krash/acme
OMG TRSI on Gba :/\
U made my Amiga times mates
added on the 2003-04-04 15:39:02 by onickz onickz
aweosme stuff!
the chiptune was dope, the gfx kewl and what not? (-_-')
added on the 2003-10-24 07:07:17 by djmaniac djmaniac
I like it
rulez added on the 2005-01-31 21:58:15 by EviL EviL
Good job!
rulez added on the 2005-07-07 22:04:43 by ALiEN^bf ALiEN^bf
TRSI or not, this is just average. Nice music though. But reading the comments here was funny. :)
added on the 2005-12-12 03:56:31 by StingRay StingRay
What Alien and Stingray said...
rulez added on the 2007-11-20 23:40:28 by chromag chromag
amazing, i didn't thumb this down yet? you got 16 million cycles per second and this is what you do with it. bravo.
sucks added on the 2007-11-21 09:16:59 by earx earx
I would rather loop Crescent Moon for half an hour than I would loop this, if I had to watch it Clockwork Orange style.
Truly arsé indeed...
sucks added on the 2007-11-21 10:56:57 by britelite britelite
arse :)
sucks added on the 2007-11-21 11:51:33 by ilmarque ilmarque
Sinuses, and that is all about it.
added on the 2008-09-28 22:31:48 by stage7 stage7
Really simple but very slow :(

Hopefully the music save it...
added on the 2012-01-28 01:02:17 by rez rez
hmm I'm surprised by the amount of thumb downs
at least the music is engaging!
Simple but nice.
rulez added on the 2020-05-01 16:27:08 by sim sim

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