Hybrid'Elic by CoolPHat [web]
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popularity : 68% |
alltime top: #2328 |
added on the 2002-12-09 21:58:11 by cxczevik ![]() |
popularity helper
I like this one, the gfx are mainly mediocre, some bits are nice though, and it works visually surprisingly well together.. but most importantly, I like the tunes in this musicdisk.
rulez added on the 2002-12-09 22:00:35 by zeroic 

hmm, its ok
Cool music m8, tho some of the tracks could be better. ;)
I could not find the "close" button! Is there any!? hihi ;P
It is ok anyway ;) (no flaming this time) :P
It is ok anyway ;) (no flaming this time) :P
ballistique, josSs and garlic :)
yo guys again...coolphat music disks rock :D i know..thanks for those whom helpped and do support us for doing this kind of music..chip-oldskool tunes..thanks guys...again we love u all teams and people and reviewers..for bad abd for good..all reviews are good for next releases..disks..intros and what ever :D
cy CoaXCable/CoolPHar founder & Organiser
ps - stefo/cryonis..this time i made a bit of the design but did not add my nick..so dont cry about it now..OKAY? :D
cy CoaXCable/CoolPHar founder & Organiser
ps - stefo/cryonis..this time i made a bit of the design but did not add my nick..so dont cry about it now..OKAY? :D
btw: guys read the nfo file
i said there: play with the mouse around the disk to find nice buttons :D
i said there: play with the mouse around the disk to find nice buttons :D
some good tunes, others oh well. the logopart on the interface is nice.
Nice one, the tunes really rocked ;)
cool interface, quite nice songs
ROXX!!! ereet Logo Design!!!
Kudos to Gargaji, Coax, Alien, Asphyx and Krayz!
Kudos to Gargaji, Coax, Alien, Asphyx and Krayz!
yeah it rocks guys...thanks again...
cool release!
i give 10 fingers up for coax's excellent english talents
nice gfx, some nice tunes!.
keep it up homies.
10 fingers down for Razmuz picking on coaxs excellent english talents
keep it up homies.
10 fingers down for Razmuz picking on coaxs excellent english talents
izm hey there kif halek man...well yeahmy english might suck here and there but this disk is a cool one..as u see :D and hear.. and run
never mind just be a fucking kind man
never mind just be a fucking kind man
the music is good, the interface in "alien chill farm" was better.... but nevertheless a good production =)
hm. more blip-blip.
nice... if i had time to take my fingers from the keyboard you'd get a thumbs up :)
logo is quite nice, overall i would have preferred the interface to be smaller, but thats just personal taste =]
some nice fun tunes, keep on chippin' ;D
some nice fun tunes, keep on chippin' ;D
nice 1!
It's ok, the quality of the chips was so-so, the thing that disturbed me the most was that some tunes are really loud and some are impossible to hear, so you have to turn the volume up and down all the time. And yeah, the interface could have been a tad smaller as well. Keep up the good work tho.
Some nice chips there! I didn't like the gfx that much, except the bottom 10 pixels of the interface and Alien's info logo.
gfx owns, though alittlebit to much gaymultichannel, I dont like that to be called chip, but disc owns overall, thanks coolphat,
but please, try to be more, chippy, next time, =) good work
but please, try to be more, chippy, next time, =) good work
I like this trend of nice little interfaces with own gfx windows and chip tunes!
again guys..thanks and keep having fun..thanks for the emails..we got over than 91 emails after this release..not the we dont get alot of them...but wow from getting 30-40 for every release...hmm yeah this time 91 or something were cool and i think i will find more...i am happy to hear u did love it guys..wait for music disk 5....there will be a nice change by us but hmm...it ought to be also cool
CoaXCable/CoolPHat & Hugi Core DiskMag
CoaXCable/CoolPHat & Hugi Core DiskMag
nice interface, liked some of the chips too .. keep up with the tradition of chiptune disks, as it seemed to become quite silent around this part lately ..
a lot of good songs, some bad... interface could be better...
nice interface but a little too "big" for me :)
buttons are a little bit too small and lost in the interface. The songs are good. I'm waiting for the next one.
buttons are a little bit too small and lost in the interface. The songs are good. I'm waiting for the next one.
well done! First time a took a look at this things and i think this is one is really good!
co0l gfx :)
but no gold tunes :( Liked CPH disk #1 and #2 better :)
but no gold tunes :( Liked CPH disk #1 and #2 better :)
Well done! First time I took a look at this things but i think it's a nice interface and i really like it!
nice prod... asx and alien gfxs are realy cool
and tunes rox too
good job :)
and tunes rox too
good job :)
but i agree with nagz, asx... can you make button bigger next time ? :)
That seems to be fine. But why making so big gfx and so little little control button.
Good chiptunes but nothing exceptional.
Good chiptunes but nothing exceptional.
HOHO! Alien posting here!
something gonna happend :)
something gonna happend :)
Nice! Very very nice chip tunes, really enjoyed listening to them. Yeah, this one rulz!
Nice to see a new chippack from CPH.. It would of been awful if Alien Chill Farm was the last one.. as a lot of people didn't like the music.. I'm glad to say the music in this one is good. Although the interface is lacking, too small buttons etc.. but nothing major. Keep up the good work.
nice disk.
(i love josss! :D)
(i love josss! :D)
so, uh. why are the modfiles packed in some wacko fashion? Just ship the xm, etc. files raw. Not all of us are running windows, nor will we all be in 10 years.
well again thanks for the nice reviiews..we love them...we always improve our selves...
btw gargaj..u were true..nothing was to hide..and who says we need a hidden part..sometimes all u need is a small EXE to auto run the files and that's all..asalien said: i like hearing it and bla bla :D
controls..well yeah.a bit small..cuz the main issue here is playing the music without any "Stop" or so..hear the tunes and let them and let the mind set free :D
this time as always with us..music rocksand makes u feel good..so why playing with it..btw..yeah the gfx by cph guys rocked..i do agree..and also tunes and also our guest releases WERE COOL..vhiiula..raina..skeema..mrdeath...
anyway...we hope u guys will love music disk 5..:D and if u do want to guest contact us at [email protected]
nick...group..music <4chan-oldskool..or multi channel modules> and we will see what and how it is all going on
byeSsssss guyssss
Let the chip set you free
btw gargaj..u were true..nothing was to hide..and who says we need a hidden part..sometimes all u need is a small EXE to auto run the files and that's all..asalien said: i like hearing it and bla bla :D
controls..well yeah.a bit small..cuz the main issue here is playing the music without any "Stop" or so..hear the tunes and let them and let the mind set free :D
this time as always with us..music rocksand makes u feel good..so why playing with it..btw..yeah the gfx by cph guys rocked..i do agree..and also tunes and also our guest releases WERE COOL..vhiiula..raina..skeema..mrdeath...
anyway...we hope u guys will love music disk 5..:D and if u do want to guest contact us at [email protected]
nick...group..music <4chan-oldskool..or multi channel modules> and we will see what and how it is all going on
byeSsssss guyssss
Let the chip set you free
Not bad,actually very good. Great gfx, great tunes.. great job! :) /me likes.
btw: dont ask the authors..we and they all wont give u the tunes..that's why we packed them in a EXE..after josss's tunes werer ipped
I love this one :D Great tunes! thumbs up..
Good musicdisk that contains some nice tunes. 'fraid im gonna have to jump on the bandwagon and whinge about the small buttons, but that is only cuz my mouse is buggered and the pointer keeps jumping about so the small buttons don't help :) Other than that its a nice disk!, good music and gfx.
yeah josss...those rippers..damn them at least if u do a mistakew..say :yeah i done a mistake but dont say i dont/am not sure about ripping tunes...if u used a tune by a mistake say sorry and so on..BUT DONT SAY: I DID NOT RIP..that's why some of our or most of the tunes aint being released..cuz some efnet people and some undernet people rip them off...and they suck arse....anyway
josss..garlick...and other cph musicians be prepared..music disk 5 is on its way and we got a few tunes already+guests..and EVEN ANOTHER COOL INTERFACE...AND THE NAME..YEAH EVEN THE NEW NAME IS SO FUNKY :)..YEAH AND we might get my own gfx in it..after a long time :) lala <well a co-op with....guess who?>
cya dudes and dudets
josss..garlick...and other cph musicians be prepared..music disk 5 is on its way and we got a few tunes already+guests..and EVEN ANOTHER COOL INTERFACE...AND THE NAME..YEAH EVEN THE NEW NAME IS SO FUNKY :)..YEAH AND we might get my own gfx in it..after a long time :) lala <well a co-op with....guess who?>
cya dudes and dudets
when will you shut up?
(for the good order and peace of mind: i am placing this thumb because of the endless whining ;-))
josss, i have ripped 'Fuck Da Ripper', i'm am holding it hostage, all your xm's are belonging to us
nice music disk by the way ;)
nice music disk by the way ;)
i like this better then any other cph prod.
marisa :D and i still love you, you know thatare not you ;/?
we're family yeah cuz we're family ya baby
*wheeee i like it*
only 1 or 2 songs that I like
Both thumbs up !! and more:)
i like the design.
the tunes are cool too ;-)
good work my bros :)
the tunes are cool too ;-)
good work my bros :)
btw the circle top left is the exit button ;-)
some of the songs are pretty cool
Yes Yes Yes!!!! Keep on chippin!
NICE sound guys :D
hehe who linked me ovah?
Nice mix of old and new stylish chips. Special praise to avalanche, shudder and skeema. Great work!
coax coax coax...
i told u NOT to use that logo.. i told u it was too old and it sucks.. i told u if u wanted a logo lemme know and i'd do a fresh one.. i told u not to be gay and yet u still disobey me!
i told u NOT to use that logo.. i told u it was too old and it sucks.. i told u if u wanted a logo lemme know and i'd do a fresh one.. i told u not to be gay and yet u still disobey me!
But dude! Once gay, always gay.. you cannot change who you are! accept coax into your heart! don't let his sexuality trouble you.. embrace his gayness.. and tenderness! he is a beautiful man lover! let all gay men be like coax.. for he is a truely compassionate gay lord!
good gfxs, ok musics, miss an equalizer
Buulshit krayz :D you handed it to me to be used it as it is, how come now you say you dont want it to be used and that';s old? strange or was it asx's co-op on it and/or adding more? and sulph, u came in the team because krazy asked to bring you in, dont talk dirts, a 1disk is not much work as i see from it :D
I thought this was a Titan production
alien :D where do u see dates?
and alien..u tEH demo man :D
now that' u hand here..it is cool. u can enjoy the demo making more than the packs as u told me something about them
and alien..u tEH demo man :D
now that' u hand here..it is cool. u can enjoy the demo making more than the packs as u told me something about them
alien :D where do u see dates?
and alien..u tEH demo man :D
now that' u hand here..it is cool. u can enjoy the demo making more than the packs as u told me something about them
and alien..u tEH demo man :D
now that' u hand here..it is cool. u can enjoy the demo making more than the packs as u told me something about them
and i came to check a link to a release..viola..aline u dig the pouet.net too much bro, not good and i thought u were only smoking weeds that much
fucks your head, and you are dead
coolphat is death!
coolphat is death!
tmb scoopex is dead :<, is not it?
we not yet..:D
we not yet..:D
coax you mongoose! I'd hate to have a proper conversation with you if it takes you 4 years to come up with a reply ;]
Seriously though.. at the time I told you I didn't want you using that "logo graphic" because I did it like a year earlier or something, so in my eyes it was OLD and unfinished which is why I offered to do a new logo graphic but you never told me any details about the production. So NO! It wasn't because of the coop with asx (isn't a coop something where 2 or more people interact to produce an end result?? I can't recall ever speaking to asx let alone a "coop" with him).. his logo was quite cool but my graphic just didn't / doesn't fit in!
This is why your group sucked... because there was no communication so everyone was left guessing what they had to do (or was I the only one?!).. plus like with this production, you used older unfinished graphics (without my permission).
I'll set my alarm to go off in 2011 so I can check your reply.
Seriously though.. at the time I told you I didn't want you using that "logo graphic" because I did it like a year earlier or something, so in my eyes it was OLD and unfinished which is why I offered to do a new logo graphic but you never told me any details about the production. So NO! It wasn't because of the coop with asx (isn't a coop something where 2 or more people interact to produce an end result?? I can't recall ever speaking to asx let alone a "coop" with him).. his logo was quite cool but my graphic just didn't / doesn't fit in!
This is why your group sucked... because there was no communication so everyone was left guessing what they had to do (or was I the only one?!).. plus like with this production, you used older unfinished graphics (without my permission).
I'll set my alarm to go off in 2011 so I can check your reply.
huh huh ;)
krayz :D ok we talked about it already over irc :D you geekie hehe..hope we satlled this issue or issues.
Much better then all that overrated chip disks! Not only blip-blops and arpeggios, but the music!
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