Dream Equation by Floppy
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popularity : 69% |
alltime top: #1997 |
added on the 2002-10-22 10:13:21 by maqflp ![]() |
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Hey, this is actually really cool :)
nice... but it will be impressive if it was in an intro...
yep, very very cool!
Next time try and compress music in ogg vorbis to decrease the filesize. Compress those bitmaps too while you're at it...
Next time try and compress music in ogg vorbis to decrease the filesize. Compress those bitmaps too while you're at it...
and don't upvote your own prods.
why not?
i hate physics.
pretty nice code, but the graphics are really quite poor. still, thumbs up for that weird polish dancemusic in the second part.
wow, perhaps the most interesting demo in the last months. even this bibligraphy remarks - great idea. a demo as a scientific work.
btw the song in 2nd part is a breakbeat remix of a song by russian popgroup "tatoo".
btw the song in 2nd part is a breakbeat remix of a song by russian popgroup "tatoo".
I like it so much I wanna thumb up again, is that possible?
same here =)
Hey, it's one of my fav prods!
Yeah, applying physics in scene productions is awesome, I don't know if you are the first one to do it, but, congratulations. The best prod in the last months, as dipswitch said.
Yeah, here goes my thumb up and my votation... cool!
Yeah, applying physics in scene productions is awesome, I don't know if you are the first one to do it, but, congratulations. The best prod in the last months, as dipswitch said.
Yeah, here goes my thumb up and my votation... cool!
btw, music was kool, too.
i like this. a lot. some good ideas to do physics stuff in realtime. Looking forward to your next production very much!
It's not like it's new to use physics while coding demos/intros but still, this was really nice!!
some of the formulas are impressive... and those polish guys put a lot of work in this for sure. i certainly enjoyed watching it. minor criticism: a real graphics artist could have made everything look prettier. and the timing is a little flawed IMO... most scenes are start fading out as soon as they appear. you barely realize what you see and it's already being taken away. this is especially true for the explanation screens in the end - I can't read a full screen of physical descriptions and a literature list in less than ten seconds.
Yeah, okay. Nice effects and design and all that.
Most of the second part just seemed pointless. Explanation of the formulas would've been best left to a "readme.txt" file. Besides, they flash on the screen far too quickly to be read completely.
What's with the file sizes?? Most of the final mp3 is just for an end-scroller. What a waste of several megabytes!!
And all those .bmp files have got to go.
Most of the second part just seemed pointless. Explanation of the formulas would've been best left to a "readme.txt" file. Besides, they flash on the screen far too quickly to be read completely.
What's with the file sizes?? Most of the final mp3 is just for an end-scroller. What a waste of several megabytes!!
And all those .bmp files have got to go.
Liked it, despite the size still rulez :)
Ahh yes..very nice indeed :)
Good idea! I liked the bibliography endpart. The 3d vectors was a great idea! Original and interesting..
Technically (the physics part) very impressive.
Technically (the other part, especially BMP!!) very unimpressive...
Although the visual style is not very appealing to me i guess i give it a rulez for the physics stuff...
Technically (the other part, especially BMP!!) very unimpressive...
Although the visual style is not very appealing to me i guess i give it a rulez for the physics stuff...
uh-oh. none of the physics is anywhere near impressive. writing down complicated looking equations that are actually quite trivial. besides the design is ugly :)
pigface as i think it's a newbie prod.. at least the .bmps say so :)
pigface as i think it's a newbie prod.. at least the .bmps say so :)
good stuff. physics in motion.
you might consider to do some improvements in the visuals, but i like it...
(but the end of the scroller sucks. it should either restart or quit...)
you might consider to do some improvements in the visuals, but i like it...
(but the end of the scroller sucks. it should either restart or quit...)
interesting demo... but that's true the filesize is too big :/
and there were timing problems for me as well... some screens were only displayed a couple of seconds...
The second music is not a remix at all... it's a pure rip from the original tune by Tatu... I always knew the scene will like that duo of pseudo-lesbian russian teenage girls ;)
and there were timing problems for me as well... some screens were only displayed a couple of seconds...
The second music is not a remix at all... it's a pure rip from the original tune by Tatu... I always knew the scene will like that duo of pseudo-lesbian russian teenage girls ;)
very phat production... make me believe in the demo scene without thousend of polygons and tons of bump mapping =).
sound is great. design is good. 2 thumps up
sound is great. design is good. 2 thumps up
and the second one =)
this was quite bad.
the physics were quite basic too.
the physics were quite basic too.
Hey... the second tune rox, this prod rox, floppy rox!!!
ok. this tries to be a bit different. that's a good thing. doesn't turn out too well though, in fact it's pretty ugly. The only thing I like about this are the vocals in the second track, but those are ripped/sampled whatever.
Ugly GFX, slow code and ripped music. Please make kewl Amigaprods instead, this sucks :)
If it werent for the ripped music, this would get an "ok", but ripping music is _lame_! :)
If it werent for the ripped music, this would get an "ok", but ripping music is _lame_! :)
mhmm, a working link/some mirrors would be fine
I liked it. It does have some timing issues, but I liked the music alot (especially the first part), the colors and the wireframes. It looks wonderfull with anti-aliasing btw. Oh, and physics rulez :-)
The music in the first part is cool.
The physics engine is neat.
It actually has design.
The physics engine is neat.
It actually has design.
All the things she said all the things she said running thru my head running thru my heaaaad!
warp: tatu actually have a huge hit here in sweden. the one I quoted above :)
jesus F. christ.. tatu track in a demo.. they've beaten us!.. we had a chiptune remix of tatu's 'robot, robot, I want you' ready for use in some prod..
I like physics!
Floppys first demo on PC was not so good, but this one had a nice design and its refreshing. Physics rules.....though its kinda heavy in bytes....thumbs up anyway
if it wasn't so damn ugly and boring (from a graphicians view :) ...
cd: i hate you !
Wow, very nice. The explanations went by waaay to fast, I only got to read the first line of each! Nice site too.
I'm not really a fan of physics stuff either (probably because I don't know much about it), but I somewhat enjoyed this one. As redwyre already pointed out, the text lines are floating away before you have the chance to take a closer look at them, but it looks cool. It gives the whole thing a serious-pseudo-scientific feeling, which is interesting. What I really don't like is the music. All in all: Pigface.
Great code! Luv Physics :D
And the music in the endpart is unbelieveable great! nas ne dogonjat! prawda!
And the music in the endpart is unbelieveable great! nas ne dogonjat! prawda!
I agree on Virgill that that last music part made big impression, what a voice. I didn't like the looks tho... Prolly just a matter of taste but I found it kinda boring after while.
stefancrs: Yeah. I just discovered they have that hit here in .nl too, I rarely keep up with `hits'. Still, I prefer that Nas Ne Dogonyat track which the evil floppy members ripped for their demo.
MAQ (Coder of Dream Equation here):
I thought that everybody know Taty, my message is: second part music of that demo is commercial tune from Taty Russian Group!!!
I thought that everybody know Taty, my message is: second part music of that demo is commercial tune from Taty Russian Group!!!
And something more from maq: "Dream Equation" was ranked as 1st on Abstract 2002. Here above is my fault, i missed it.
maybe i should watch it again, it seemed ok - liked the chicks's voice
Some things were ugly, but some ideas and design things were nice and fresh. The music in the first part first reminded me of Kraftwerk, but I hated the music in the credit part since I truly hate the voice of T.a.t.u's singer.
I love the T.A.T.U. Song!!! :D Plus one Thumb Up because it's a "Floppy" Release. +_~
Tatu is known very well in greece too, as I suspect in most european countries. I personaly prefer when they sing in Russian ;-)
whoah ... Truely amazing work, best demo I saw for this year ... Just a bit a pity that the effects are removed so fast, would like to see them a bit longer ;-)
If I could, I would raise 5 thumbs, at least :-)
If I could, I would raise 5 thumbs, at least :-)
tatu-teen-pop sucks donkey dick, but otherwise.. the muzik even fits here :)
physics DOESN´T look as impressive indeed, i dont know if they are more "real" than physics in other demos but i seen better looking and smoother bouncing balls on speccy and c64. however, demo manages to carry me thru and its quite original and all in all nicely done. deserves a thumb-up althought dont think i will watch it again..
I like it, but it could be a lot better with improved design
great demo.
Thumbs up for the physics code, but next time:
- Watch the size (OGG? lower bitrate?)
- Use a frickin jpgloader
- Don't rip a music if you don't need to
- Sync? What sync?
- Making a prod look worse than our intro is not a good omen.
Little more work would make this a cool prod.
- Watch the size (OGG? lower bitrate?)
- Use a frickin jpgloader
- Don't rip a music if you don't need to
- Sync? What sync?
- Making a prod look worse than our intro is not a good omen.
Little more work would make this a cool prod.
Cool,cool CODE! code,code code! great work!...
One comment, trust : find a designer, a graphician, a musician and a Lead demo coder, and you'll get GREAT demoscene group!
One comment, trust : find a designer, a graphician, a musician and a Lead demo coder, and you'll get GREAT demoscene group!
This seemed somehow unfinished to me. I think the idea was nice althought physics may not be the most interesting idea... Thumb down 'coz of the ripped t.A.T.u music.
"Thumbs up for the physics code"
hahawheawpeapehaaeaheahea pffffff :)
hahawheawpeapehaaeaheahea pffffff :)
Code, Music and Design sum up to a flawless presentation.
It was actually very nice to see a 3D demo that did not just feature a scene-player and read some text which has not been painted on a texture.
It was actually very nice to see a 3D demo that did not just feature a scene-player and read some text which has not been painted on a texture.
TATU (Russia Music) equ Rulezzz
CODE (physics) equ New & Cool
CODE (physics) equ New & Cool
The link was painfully slow from where I am sitting. Try mirrors and scene.org for a faster mirror.
Yepp, liked it. More style wouldn't hurt though.
Totally different and well done demo, but comparing the size of gfx and effects with the big mp3 download is definitly some kind of letdown. Some nice XM's or whatever would have fit better here...
ugly and simple
RuleZ !!
I love this 2D/3D mixing style
I love this 2D/3D mixing style
The effects were nice, but not mind-blowing I'd say. (Unfortunately I don't know what the difficulties in solving Schrodinger's equation numerically are, though.) Still, the way it was put (lots of different views from single effects, nice synchronization) was absolutely great for a coderprod. All in all it showed very good taste.
The screens in the "explaining section" were shown for too little times, it's really quite impossible to read the texts completely.
The screens in the "explaining section" were shown for too little times, it's really quite impossible to read the texts completely.
Brilliant, finaly an inovative PC demo, and one of the few PC demos I've seen that I actually like. This is the way to use the computing power given with a PC when doing demos. As I'm into math and nummerical analysis one can say that I might be biased.
Thumbs for the code. I'd have liked to have a bit more design though... but then again, it's refreshing to see demos that don't look like haujobb or farbrausch
yeah.. enjoyed this one in 2k2!
the tune was nice at some places. but the last part, seriously, it sucked so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pky music-man! the visuals, were nice and simpel, but looked like hell itself ! design: a joke??? pky pky pky
A classic science-demo.
Very well done by Floppy.
Superb !
Very well done by Floppy.
Superb !
A little bit strange but very nice demo!
A dream of a demo.
the science geek in me likes it but it isn't much of a demo.
Not bad, I like the screenshots of 'em lovely floppy amiga productions. The credits part is too boring but the rest was pretty cool. But the TOTALLY FUCKED UP "music" in the endpart deserves more than one thumb down! As soon as the chick started to "sing" I pressed escape, one of the worst soundtracks EVER!
Nice physics (for 2002). The long scroller was very impressive. ;)
thumb up
pretty cool. Not your normal looking demo :)
Liked the music.
Liked the music.
Great demo. Tatoo in the endpart is lame
I enjoyed it.
really ugly!
that was bad
I remember it received some praise back in the days, mostly because physics was new and not so many ppl in PL investigated itr beside MAQ. but after years script kiddies make better physics in shaders and this demo just looks ugly "jak twoja stara". there is a reason why there is still love for some 20yo prods and re4ason that some should be forgotten. i see some other winners from that party
I love this Demo. Has an amazing atmosphere.
Nice )
a well designed physics-centric demo, with quite solid design
but damn i almost choked at the end part :D
but damn i almost choked at the end part :D
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maq / floppy