Toxical Overdose by Fairlight [web] & The Silents [web]
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popularity : 66% |
alltime top: #2475 |
added on the 2002-09-01 17:37:28 by barock ![]() |
popularity helper
yeah ! rather good!
rulez added on the 2002-09-01 17:39:22 by boxow 

sure, nice effects :)
Very nice. I dislike the design a lil bit, tho but thats only my taste... very nice anyway...
a good little short one ;)
beautiful effects, good music, nice design...
beautiful effects, good music, nice design...
good to see something from barock and the other guys again! overall nice demo!
Demolition player:
Athlon XP 1800, Windows XP, GF4MX440 with Detonator 29.17
Athlon XP 1800, Windows XP, GF4MX440 with Detonator 29.17
now, this is good. nice design, and looks cool. (well, sometimes the design is just too heavy for me, but hey still rulez big time!)
nothing very memorable and AGAIN with the radial blurred effects... the loading sequence was actually quite nice though :)
oh, and it crashes after the end-scroller (xp/gf1/29.42)
oh, and it crashes after the end-scroller (xp/gf1/29.42)
Ran fine after closing a couple of programs :)
I expected a bit more but at least it featured a nice variety of effects.
I expected a bit more but at least it featured a nice variety of effects.
oh, and I don't think 'toxical' is actually a word.
cool fx.
good design.
good music.
and cooler code!!
good design.
good music.
and cooler code!!
toxical = poisonous.
An ok demo, good for a 3 day production.
An ok demo, good for a 3 day production.
Everything pretty good, but doesn't last very long for such a large download.
wow, I loved this :)
Wain: You can find quite a lot of words in Oxfords; Toxic, toxicity, toxicology, toxicologist and even toxin, but 'toxical' is not one of them :) Nice demo though.
quits after i click 'run' :\
then dont click 'run' !
works perfectly here exept for the 'scanning' thingy, on a g400 and 700MHz .. (very good framerate to) wich is cool :-)
the demo itself is ok, not bad but not a killer imo (and everybody knows my words are THE law.. so:)
works perfectly here exept for the 'scanning' thingy, on a g400 and 700MHz .. (very good framerate to) wich is cool :-)
the demo itself is ok, not bad but not a killer imo (and everybody knows my words are THE law.. so:)
gaia: Screw Oxford :) Toxical is a WORD.
hi panta and barock always nice to see you in full effect ..
hi hi hi ... damn I am out in the desert .. have to find the lizard king ..
hi hi hi ... damn I am out in the desert .. have to find the lizard king ..
this demo rulez:)
pretty great, deserved rank #2 imho ..
Yup, nice transisions, and the music rulez! :-)
I always enjoy the Pantaloon-style-demos, and this one is no exception. Good work1
no need to say why and how huh???
nice muisc, nice gfx...
blabla it just rox, simply rox...
nice muisc, nice gfx...
blabla it just rox, simply rox...
Fuck yeah...TSL kiks h0le..awesome transitions..(heh 1 reminded me of Hardwired)..
gaia: actually, toxical is a word:
Toxic \Tox"ic\, Toxical \Tox"ic*al\, a. [L. toxicum poison, originally, a poison in which arrows were dipped, Gr. toxiko`n (sc. ?) poison for smearing arrows with, fr. toxiko`s of or for the bow, from to`xon bow, arrow. Cf. Intoxicate.] Of or pertaining to poison; poisonous; as, toxic medicines.
Toxic \Tox"ic\, Toxical \Tox"ic*al\, a. [L. toxicum poison, originally, a poison in which arrows were dipped, Gr. toxiko`n (sc. ?) poison for smearing arrows with, fr. toxiko`s of or for the bow, from to`xon bow, arrow. Cf. Intoxicate.] Of or pertaining to poison; poisonous; as, toxic medicines.
uh nice :)
Wery nice work!
One of the kewlest things I ever seen!
it simply roxx!
it simply roxx!
Looked very nice on the bigscreen. Imo a bit underrated
hmm most tsl friends were too drunk to vote ;)
Cool, a great demo, some really catchy parts... nice tune too...
great demo ! technically perhaps nothing really spectacular, but it somehow totally gave me the "hardwired" feeling... it deserved a much much higher ranking imho.
didn't like this one at all. quite horrid music, bad design and generally ugly. Some ok effects tho.
and that should be a thumb down. you lucky bastards:)
I'll thumb that down for ya... :D
Comparing this to hardwired is almost blasphemy. ;)
hehe tha demo no...but the transition reminded me straight away of the 'blackboard duster' :)
some really nice parts in here.
though after all a bit too "standard demoish"
though after all a bit too "standard demoish"
correct tricks, i don't like the so standard music, and the demo seems to lose the interest for the last minutes...I expect more from a FairLight release thought
i liked this demo. nice code, nice gfx and excellent music.
jak... in my opinion "finally a demo that doesnt have IDM stylish music" because THATS Standard nowdays...
jak... in my opinion "finally a demo that doesnt have IDM stylish music" because THATS Standard nowdays...
Now that i used my thumb for u-x's benefit, i just have to settle for a comment that this is just bunch of horrible 3d fly-bys (read: shit)
killacommieforyourmommie ;-)
wow! it's a killer-demo! it really rox!
Great work (loved the SID music ;), really cool visuals and all, but it's too short for its 6MB imho.
Music is nice and graphics are o.k. I kind of liked the atmosphere but enjoyed those of the previous fairlight and the silents product a little more! Good one however so don't forget to take a look @ it!
Doesn't especially rock, but it's ok and thus had deserved the first place way more than Haujobb
nice one ;p
Looks too recycled from Pantaloon's earlier demos, but it's ok anyway
I prolly speak for everyone i know when i say that this little piece of work r0x0rs! :)....
Now i have a new favourite demo from Fairlight :)
Now i have a new favourite demo from Fairlight :)
whops, from Fairlight and The Silents i mean :)
music for screen selector ownz :)
scenes have no interest, it's too flybye
music is basic, medium JMJarre style oldfashioned
this grey door witch open each effects is sooo bad and ugly
scenes have no interest, it's too flybye
music is basic, medium JMJarre style oldfashioned
this grey door witch open each effects is sooo bad and ugly
I enjoyed Fairlight prods. Cause they have many well designed 3d and 2d scenes, good textures, graphics and music with the more oldschool feeling, lot's of visuals, well done.. and they produced a lot I wasn't that aware..
very nice prod, guys ...!
yeh, cool, very nice tune as well, but barock, couldnt you have used another font instead of battlefield? this font SUXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
some nice moments but overall, all in all ::> nooo, not for me (:
Very nice indeed ! But at the end it crashed my Win XP with a black screen...that was the first crash since 3 months ;o) !
AMD 1,4 GHz, GeForce III, 512 MB DDR, latest Detonator driver and final DirectX 9.0...
AMD 1,4 GHz, GeForce III, 512 MB DDR, latest Detonator driver and final DirectX 9.0...
good textures and effects.
rather enjoyable.
rather enjoyable.
very good work, it could be a bit longer ;-)
Cool Sound & Design...
Cool Sound & Design...
For the blur twister effect. And the writer is rather neat.
quite enjoyable
mostly quite cool! the green uglyness on the screenshot is a big mistake, however...
cool halflife-like 3d. nice music.
nice demo
still not overdosed i feel.
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