
the Dream by CoolPHat [web] & Razor 1911 [web]
screenshot added by nystep on 2002-08-25 17:17:33
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release date : august 2002
  • 0
  • 14
  • 11
popularity : 62%
  • -0.44
alltime top: #50378
added on the 2002-08-25 16:56:54 by cxczevik cxczevik

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la la another one by us < and razor1911 > well as we always do them...the intros...hmm all are made for pure fun and not only or not for compos i think :D

CoaXCable/CoolPHat :D
cheers stv/Razor1911
added on the 2002-08-25 17:09:23 by cxczevik cxczevik
sorry, but this was really disappointing. ugly background pic, ugly colors, horrible music. the only nice thing was this yellow wobble thingie, so i guess Stv was the only one who did proper work on this one. the rest of this intro is definetely not release-worthy, sorry.

and, last not least, it crashed my pc (amd duron 1ghz, win2k, geforce 4).
added on the 2002-08-25 17:15:48 by dipswitch dipswitch
la la another one by us < and razor1911 > well as we always do them...the intros...hmm all are made for pure fun and not only or not for compos i think :D

CoaXCable/CoolPHat :D
cheers stv/Razor1911
added on the 2002-08-25 17:19:53 by cxczevik cxczevik
sucks added on the 2002-08-25 17:23:30 by superplek superplek
cool a new lullaby :-)
added on the 2002-08-25 17:31:50 by nystep nystep
what a delightfull piece of shit
sucks added on the 2002-08-25 17:33:52 by ileaardbei ileaardbei
uh, horrible music =)
yeah yeah the gfx might be fucked up somehow..hey come on ...it happends.. ;/
gfx sometimes fucks up..damn it

the original one was fucked and blah
added on the 2002-08-25 17:49:33 by cxczevik cxczevik
thank you and good night.
sucks added on the 2002-08-25 18:07:19 by robotriot robotriot
doesnt even init here.. how cool :-)
added on the 2002-08-25 18:17:18 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
stefan and all check new drivers for the video adapter..and hey stefan u stii my babe dude :D..and AGAIN IT WAS A PURE FUN FAST INTRO...:D hehe
added on the 2002-08-25 18:25:41 by cxczevik cxczevik
i have latest drivers, but then again, i dont run nvidia crap..

you should LEARN how to write d3d code :)
added on the 2002-08-25 18:34:07 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
stefan u nerd :D hey u could help a bit..all u say and do is is say this and that why wont u help a bit :D btw how were the world charts..we both got bad scores <or were we the ones to be scored?? :)) muhahaa>

cya dude
added on the 2002-08-25 18:45:38 by cxczevik cxczevik
Imho creators of this were too drunken when they've made it.

Nice music, nice synchro... Music make you understand the text in this intro... (bad joke)

PS By the way 68096 is a little bit bigger than 64k...
sucks added on the 2002-08-25 18:56:49 by mr_false mr_false
okey, its not even d3d.. how cool... failing an init with opengl.. thats not bad.. i havent seen anyone doing that before ;-D
added on the 2002-08-25 19:19:18 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
'fast' maybe, 'fun' it ain't.
sucks added on the 2002-08-25 19:24:27 by Shifter Shifter
once upon a time, the razor1911 name was associated withquality products.
so would you please stop kicking it in the face while dragging it in the mud :)
sucks added on the 2002-08-25 19:52:59 by saffron saffron
you're right saffron. It's better to let the Razor 1911 label die on the demoscene then. ;-]
added on the 2002-08-25 20:11:26 by nystep nystep
i agree
added on the 2002-08-25 20:14:33 by superplek superplek
maybe it's time for me to leave razor...
as they can rest in peace :/
added on the 2002-08-25 20:17:21 by Stv Stv
for some reason everything coax touches looks ugly ;)
added on the 2002-08-25 20:19:12 by superplek superplek
kjell snodde min cykel
Kjell kriminell
added on the 2002-08-25 21:48:23 by DiJ DiJ
sucks added on the 2002-08-25 21:57:43 by got got
sucks added on the 2002-08-26 02:50:26 by Igoronimo Igoronimo
No fun.
sucks added on the 2002-08-26 10:35:43 by pan pan
super pleak..i did not touch it..the intro but i did throw some ideas :D plek..hehe u funny..and hey this was a fast made..to test something but we do know..some other will be better and btw plek..as isee u always come and vote/say abd against cph :D so to be honest i dont care any more..u could be more hmm...constructive and also stefan the nerd :D whom i love...well yeah w8..w8 it is a nice one <after it will be fixed??????> :D bla lala plek...love u too but u got mad..the heat and lack of water made go that way :D

cxc/cph..btw not all of our prods are real bad to be honest and even the bad or as u see them that way..can be better if we have more time and aint going to a vacation
added on the 2002-08-26 12:56:13 by cxczevik cxczevik
I don't get it. How can one use the english language for so long without getting _any_ better at it?
And heck, nokia sucks was made at assembly on a friends computer, and atleast it looks partly good anyway :)
added on the 2002-08-26 13:12:47 by steffo steffo
i'm not trying to be funny coax, i'm just trying to point out that this almost makes my eyeballs pop out.

to be more constructive:

- the "particle system" (which doesnt seem to have any coherent motion) uses sprites in random RGB colors, which hurts my eyes.

- the wobbling sphere (or at least that's what it looks like) is YELLOW featuring black wires. not only is a wobbling sphere cheesy and completely out of it's place regarding the 'design', the color once again makes me want to cry.

- there is no clear motion, the "effects" just bounce around the screen.

- the font used for the scroller is aliased as hell.

- the scrolltext makes no sense at all.

- the background picture is filtered to smithereens, not to mention that it's a damn ugly background picture.

want more?

added on the 2002-08-26 13:20:30 by superplek superplek
and yes....
particles have random colors with random velocity with no gravity as the blob motion
and the background is 256x256 resized to 640x480 (aheum....)
plek this one is constructive ! ;)
added on the 2002-08-26 14:01:31 by Stv Stv
this is one ugly motherfucker.
sucks added on the 2002-08-26 14:09:12 by bruce bruce
Plek forgot to mention that it's also very slow... :)
added on the 2002-08-26 14:12:27 by tomaes tomaes
pelkie at least this time u explained what u did not like in a serious way..but man...that is betetr than joking around..help S.o.S :D
i mean ideas and opinions are very cool and great to have..is not it true STV :D we lvoe them espcially me...!
added on the 2002-08-26 17:40:48 by cxczevik cxczevik
good code but absolutely ugly
added on the 2002-08-26 22:58:57 by RaS RaS
if it was made in few hours, anyways design isnt really good :/
added on the 2002-09-11 17:30:46 by jered jered
looks like i got out of cph in time
sucks added on the 2003-04-28 18:53:54 by krayz krayz
oh great, looks like dungi's server is down... AGAIN...
added on the 2003-08-15 11:57:57 by red red
added on the 2012-01-11 21:14:22 by rez rez
added on the 2014-03-12 22:20:43 by maracuja maracuja

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