Baby Steps by Booze Design
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popularity : 69% |
alltime top: #1272 |
added on the 2017-07-01 22:41:35 by JackAsser ![]() |
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Looked really decent on the stream, keep it up JackAsser, you can only improve from here :). Gonna have to try it on a real A500 tomorrow :).
rulez added on the 2017-07-01 22:49:31 by 4pLaY 

Great cube! Althou the logo BOOZE could have been diffferent. The gfx is really cool. Great Alcatraz bars, I really dig them. Hey, even a glenz vector \o/. Hahaha, one can easly see where do you come from than ;);).
We can also feel you got rootz from the mighty c64 as well =).
The one tiny flaw is the music... Too SID'ish.. I imagine, perhaps it was on purpose, but not matching the Amiga style, for me...
Cool job Jack!! Please continue the m68k exploration!
We can also feel you got rootz from the mighty c64 as well =).
The one tiny flaw is the music... Too SID'ish.. I imagine, perhaps it was on purpose, but not matching the Amiga style, for me...
Cool job Jack!! Please continue the m68k exploration!
super cute hires art in the end of the demo :)
(oh, wait, this is not hires)
Good stuff!
Louis Cole goes 4ch. Fantastic music. Mean it!
This is good, but they confused me at gubbdata by first showing a Commodore 16/+4 start screen, so I thought it was that platform and of course my socks were blown off

Very nice, please more :D
@Steel: Hahaha... cool =).
What sort of amiga do I need for this? I can hear the music, but unfortunatly the screen is just full of yellow and red static. (amiga a500, KS1.2, 512chip+512slow)
I tried on my 1.3 too and got same error, so I went to winuae and found the same issue there, so at least it's consistent :-) I've now got it running by changing the memory config to 1mb chip instead of the split 512+512. Great first amiga demo, but would be even greater if it ran on the one true config :-P
ah yes, I should have thought of that seeing as I had the same problem with my last dos based release :P It looks great on the real thing, so have my thumb! ^_^
Pretty nice!
c64 demo effects on Amiga - very, very nice first steps on Amiga :)
The effects were cool, that big rotating box, colorful bars, cool music and final picture too.
Really no fan of the music but otherwise this is neat!
Very nice, love the GFX.
Quite liked the music on this one. Suspect the chippy-ness of it is either intentional or by (memory) design. Nice effects, although the alcatraz bars we're screwed on the WinUAE A1200 config I was using.
One small step for a baby, one giant leap for Booze Design :)
djH0ffman: this is an OCS/ECS release, not AGA. The bars uses an illegal HAM6-mode not compatible with AGA. Please use the indended HW.
Wow, yeah that looks much better!
Really good for this groups first A500 demo
A really good prod, congratz! Actually, I really like all the things here - the code, gfx/colour schemes and also the SIDish msx. Knowing the roots of Booze squad, IMO it all fits well. I'm really excited to see your another prod for Amiga =)
Welcome to Amiga - Jackasser - Well done - Slash Approves!
Such a pleasant demo. Well done!
Quite lovely!
Pretty nice!
Well done, welcome!
Haha Boozebars > Alcatrazbars ;)
Not going say firstie bla bla, you're already off and running :)
Not going say firstie bla bla, you're already off and running :)
Very nice effects especially loved the rotating cube. Does it use 102 trick ?
The music isn't for me.
The music isn't for me.
I like everything in it, very nice one.
great mood, nice stuffje!
Great first attempt, better than most of existing stuff. The roto-illuminated-cube is great and the subdivisions too. About the fractal zoomer, it deserves more contrasted colors IMHO. Keep up the good work!!!
Sweet effects!
Very nice amiga start, i am looking forward to more.
Nice debut! Some good tech already. Next release I'll expect to be at least on par with the top productions on the platform. :-)
Nice one, good music. Keep up the good work.
Nice Dolores pic! :) the effects are more of the same old, and the music sounds a bit stuffy to be honest
not bad at all! looking forward to more Booze on amiga
Good job Jacky! That x-rotator turned out really hot. Also great music. I like the C64 vibes, that swing with this.
If these are baby steps, then my Amiga-coding is barely the equivalent of crawling...
Great debut, look forward to seeing more from you, and it was nice discussing some Amiga coding at Gubbdata!
Great debut, look forward to seeing more from you, and it was nice discussing some Amiga coding at Gubbdata!
yes =)
I assume you refer to zooming by manipulating x-scroll, then yes ofcourse. I re-invented the wheel and had Axis/Oxy and Toni Wilen to confirm my approach and help me with depleting shift-registers.
Yip. What did you change to re-invent the wheel ?
I hope you are continuing with Amiga.
The entry bar's so high on amiga, it's intimidating as hell. You've bloody pole-vaulted it though!
This is absolutely awesome for a first time Amiga release. Keep up the good work!
This should be a nice bit of inspiration for people who've done Amiga prods for years without achieving similar levels of quality. ;)
Really nice firstie!
Korvkiosken: don't be so hard on yourself, your prods are nice too ;)
Korvkiosken: don't be so hard on yourself, your prods are nice too ;)
:DKorvkiosken: don't be so hard on yourself, your prods are nice too ;)
@JackAsser it's possible 6bpl 102 effect might be a first.
The effect was made popular in 91 by Chaos of Sanity but I'm not sure who discovered it first.
I'm impressed you found it how did you think to try that ? Is there a similar effect on C64 ?
The effect was made popular in 91 by Chaos of Sanity but I'm not sure who discovered it first.
I'm impressed you found it how did you think to try that ? Is there a similar effect on C64 ?
Don't like the music quality (composition was okay), but the effects are really nice!
Amazing production! A lot of interesting content for a first time prod. Not too huge a fan of the music. The composition is really nice and sweet, but the intentional use of SID'ish drums kinda ruins it a bit for me. It's a personal taste-thing, though ;-)
Still plenty of material for a huge thumb up!
PS: Does anyone know of _the_ production for a 2017 demoparty that doesn't feature Virgill's music? Amazing amount of high quality tracks from your hand, mate! :D
Still plenty of material for a huge thumb up!
PS: Does anyone know of _the_ production for a 2017 demoparty that doesn't feature Virgill's music? Amazing amount of high quality tracks from your hand, mate! :D
What do you mean by _the_? It is a quite subjective.
Yes, I know.
What do you mean by _the_? It is a quite subjective.
Yes, I know.
well done.
time to do a firstie, too... ;)
time to do a firstie, too... ;)
EOD on Amiga! \o/
Thumbs Up JackAsser! But please do s/where/were/ ;]
Very nice! Especially for a first prod. Great work!
@sim By _the_, I meant to make a joke about there only being a single prod in entire 2017 without a magic touch of Virgill :p
About Grahams inspiration, from the note to Parts/Oxyron:
yes!!! this is a true masterpiece of code! a fullscreen x-y-flexer which runs in 1 frame. it distorts pictures of 32 by 20 characters but is calculated fullscreen so the pictures can be zoomed and flexed to fullscreen!!! this is the fucking best effect ever on the cbm 64! but now for some history: in the beginning of this year (1995) i coded a distorter based on a very nice trick. it worked on a 16 by 16 screen and ran in two frames. some day when i and some other oxyron members (tts,axis...) were at one of the "scala" meetings i talked to chaos/sanity(amiga) about this effect (he rather liked it). while we were talking an idea rised from his head and he explained it to me. due to the fact that he didn't know about the possibilities of the cbm 64's rasterroutines it took us some time to come to the conclusion that the distorter you can see in this demo is possible. (he first talked about x-flex only!) later, when i was at home again i started to code it at once and guess what the result was...
Effects are cool, the transitions are pretty awesome and smooth as well, the music is kinda mediocre; the melody/composition is nice but the instruments leave a lot to be desired.
It's OK.
What Knoeki said
Excellent Amiga firstie! :) Nice effects, excellent transitions and OK music.
Nice, ok music. Thought I got little sad because HCL wasn't involved. It's like post-Steve Apple. :'(
@Punqtured: =)
Very nice effects
Good stuff.
Rulez for the effects although not into the visual style really (I mean those fonts...) or the music.
what britelite said!
Nice one, especially the Vertical bar! :-D
nice demo with nice music.. pity, not working on my A1200 :(
very promising (even with nostalgia glasses off) design and copper effects!
I'm being nice (in the comments on Pouët).
Nice for a firstie! Not sure how many bytes Virgill had memory left to work on the tune, but the drums are "drums" :D
I like it. Nice effects and good music. Smooth colorful bars!
Good thing... the vertical bars look awesome..
You say please be nice since first demo!!!
Are you kidding me!! One of the better A500 I seen.
Are you kidding me!! One of the better A500 I seen.
Demonstrates ample coding skills, but I'm not sold on the ceesixtyfourisms in demomaking here - noisy tune, ugly colors, questionable kind of semi-trackmo, my pet peeve kind of screen layout changes that are both unaesthetic and pointless on this platform.
Lo fi baby, nice!
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