real pixel coding by Rgba [web] | ||||||||
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popularity : 70% |
alltime top: #1107 |
added on the 2011-04-09 10:13:08 by iq ![]() |
popularity helper
IQ is back o_O yeay!
nice one.. why not entered it at some wildcompo though ? :)
nice one.. why not entered it at some wildcompo though ? :)
Nice concept - now go for a 4k ;)
Could be done in 4k.
ace! well done mate that's so nice
Hydrogen, Datura, Endo and I planned to do the exact thing more than 10 years ago on Commodore 64. If you are too lazy to do something, in 10 years someone will make it of course. :) Good work pal.
Okay, now do it without a palette ;)
nice.. how the hell are you switching color? I see the mouse pointer moving to the color mixer and disappear, then the color magically changes..
Hoover: he could be eyedropping colours from another .COM loaded as RAW... ;)
Cool concept!
Cool concept!
I had exactly the same question as hoover.
Well, the real code hero would be if one could think the code colors in realtime :)
Well, the real code hero would be if one could think the code colors in realtime :)
Okay, now do it without a palette ;)
The real purpose of using palettes is to hide 256b intros.
What do you think that "coder colors" means?
Got to love that mouse moves.
And to think of all the years I wasted coding Apple-II, Microbee and MSX with the hex editor... ;)
Real color coders use coder colors \o/
Real color coders use coder colors \o/
Amusing, is your Photoshop legit ?
Add to pouet the intro rather.
//download doesn't work, asks about login
//download doesn't work, asks about login
fucking nice (=
no music :(
hitchhikr, strange that you should care since you've made intros for warez groups last year
$ ncftp
NcFTP 3.2.4 (Apr 07, 2010) by Mike Gleason (
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Local time is now 18:17. Server port: 21.
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You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
This is a private system - No anonymous login
NcFTP 3.2.4 (Apr 07, 2010) by Mike Gleason (
Connecting to
--------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
You are user number 1 of 100 allowed.
Local time is now 18:17. Server port: 21.
This is a private system - No anonymous login
IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
This is a private system - No anonymous login
Hahaha !
I saw the YouTube video. It was interesting.
corrected download link
corrected download link
hitchhikr, strange that you should care since you've made intros for warez groups last year
That's great, but seriously is that Photoshop legit ?
How is that your business in any way?
Saisissez le nom et le mot de passe pour
That's great, but seriously is that Photoshop legit ?
I am pretty sure that IQ definitely has access to a legit version of this program, at least at work.
And why should you care, you should first assume that it's legit. What about "presumption of innocence"? popcorn!
Btw. IQ we are still waiting for the mail or whatever you wanted to do with all our email addrs ;)
nice port :D
Color colors rule hard! ... though I steem from the ZX 81 generation which learned, that real coders code binary - 'cause ZX 81 only had 2 colors.
And still today it remains the most effective way of development.

And still today it remains the most effective way of development.

Hahah, brilliant!
Lol!!!! XD
yep nice
what s the point ?
should be a piggie, beause iq didin't say whether his copy of windows was legit or not
This has to go meta! Somebody go and code PhotoShop with coder colors ;)
nice one (=
that was supposed to get an thumb up but strange thing there is no thumb/piggy selection here O_O
@sensenstahl: this is why you already thumbed up earlier. :)
damn i thought i did not. how embarassing. well, that's life. and so i learned something new ;)
Nice! :)
next do a 64k with that technique :P
Link isn't working here, it's asking a pwd
asks for pw, demo for the elites or what?
panic, your question has been answered in the comments already.
hugi did this years ago!
@las: because being ethical matters.
If he used Paint.NET we wouldn't have this issue.....
If he used Paint.NET we wouldn't have this issue.....
and thumb for nice concept. even if hyde said hugi did it a while back.
panic, your question has been answered in the comments already.
no shit ... -_-
asks for pw, demo for the elites or what?
Haha. Yeah, lets copy protect all the demos and start a new era of cracking and hacking. Imagine a cracktro for a cracktro - of course done in CMD.EXE using "ECHO >".
1337! :D
Okay, but as long as you don't write your shader code with impulse tracker i'm not impressed. ;o)
fixed link
IQ is the master.
That's one expensive code editor! But how do we know the screen grab software was legally purchased? And does this violate any patents?
Pft. Stupid questions aside, considering he works at Pixar, it's very likely that his Photoshop is legal (maybe from an Enterprise Volume License programme).
omg lol !! amazing !!
some notes in .mod and .xm are just uncapable of doing some opcodes. and of course one have to strip headers and shit like that.. i just tried it. that's why .raw is best for this kind of thing. and its not as impressive as it looks. anyway, ill give a thumb up for the tunnel-effect!
thx for fixing the link. excellent prod :p
this is insane...
This made me say WTF repeatedly at my screen.
1337 :)
just heavenly
huhu :)
haha :)
Haha, clever/funny.
Effing awesome! :)
lol cool
What is really funny is how many people are not getting it...
I did such a thing quite some years ago, I had found some dos opcodes that bluescreened my windows box, and i phoned my brother in another town who had the same type of motherboard.
We had no internet, he had no hex editor.
I had my .com file with a few opcodes in it.
I had the idea of allowing my brother to produce the same binary by plotting pixels in mspaint, and I told him what to draw by phone. I think I used bmp.
He probably got the same binary but it didnt crash his box though.
We had no internet, he had no hex editor.
I had my .com file with a few opcodes in it.
I had the idea of allowing my brother to produce the same binary by plotting pixels in mspaint, and I told him what to draw by phone. I think I used bmp.
He probably got the same binary but it didnt crash his box though.
By the way iq, you don't state nowhere that you are really coding by plotting the pixels?
Are you merely copying all of them from the already assembled result, viewed as an image, or are you really viewing and creating the thing by viewing the colors as opcodes and registers and calculating values and jumps in your head?
Are you merely copying all of them from the already assembled result, viewed as an image, or are you really viewing and creating the thing by viewing the colors as opcodes and registers and calculating values and jumps in your head?
And, nice, but only wussies think in hex ; real men think in binary thus use 1bpp bitmaps on a b/w monitor! :)
They also carefully design their bitmap so that it triggers a buffer/stack overflow when saving the file, starting a chain of event that ends up executing their "picture".
That is, getting to Ring zero in the process.
HeLLoWorld: Nah, picking the right colour is probably a lot more hassle than encoding bit patterns. ;)
Saga Musix, good point.
Well, you should not be that ironic :)
On some forums you realize there _are_ people that can _think_ in hex for opcodes and registers. For the nonlinearity, you could be writing routines in advance at obvious offsets and then be jumping to them, and you could have predefined colors and use only simple opcodes. Of course, getting it right in one go seems next to impossible. BUT, experience has told me that on the internet, you should always consider the possibility that some seemingly impossible skill is real. There are semigod with long experience in their domain, and because in your village you're the best doesnt mean somewhere on the whole earth, there isnt a russian genius that owns everybody else!
Then you'll just be sorry to have called him a liar.
Anyway nice concept and execution!
On some forums you realize there _are_ people that can _think_ in hex for opcodes and registers. For the nonlinearity, you could be writing routines in advance at obvious offsets and then be jumping to them, and you could have predefined colors and use only simple opcodes. Of course, getting it right in one go seems next to impossible. BUT, experience has told me that on the internet, you should always consider the possibility that some seemingly impossible skill is real. There are semigod with long experience in their domain, and because in your village you're the best doesnt mean somewhere on the whole earth, there isnt a russian genius that owns everybody else!
Then you'll just be sorry to have called him a liar.
Anyway nice concept and execution!
wtf! thats crazy
Fucking crazy!
You really have to work on your palette skills ;)
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i HAD to do it, after having watched this one: