MemBrain! by Moods Plateau [web] | ||||||||||||||
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popularity : 66% |
alltime top: #1511 |
added on the 2010-04-05 21:04:09 by moqui ![]() |
popularity helper
hmmmm no thanks...
added on the 2010-04-05 21:06:04 by Trauma Zero 

Well done.
fucking good shizzle, nice work guys really enjoyed this :)
Looked very pofessional. Liked it very much! Deserved winner!
this destroyed just about everything
Komma Komma Komma Komma Klar Klar Klar Klar
good job guys!
super cool on bigscreen, not quite so cool back home but still ... damn cool
Rules! \o/
wow wow wow! great stuff!
Very good job!
would've been pretty decent but that german rap or something completely ruined it for me, piggy for now...
technical question: was this filmed with a DSLR?
Not usually my kind of thing but it's surprisingly well done.
this one rocked the party hall!
Entertaining :)
Not my style at all, but great video.
looked professional and nice and all, but demoscene-wise it didnt do much so what's the point...
Sehr sehr geil!
Good direction, camera, sound. Other than that I'm a bit with Maali, but what the heck. Big thumb!
Good direction, camera, sound. Other than that I'm a bit with Maali, but what the heck. Big thumb!
Great music video!
good flow, cool music video, well executed and professionally made. less breakpoint-specific crowdpleasing stuff would have been fine though, and some effects could have been done better (peakmeter-like appearing/vanishing skyscrapers could have been masked with more consideration of perspective, for example). btw, what soft- and hardware did you use?
Out of place.
very coool
Excellent. :D Really well made and entertaining. Enjoyed it. =)
hauptsache ein bier
Out of place.
It is a video alright, isn't it?
That's why this "wild" compo was split up into Animation & Video and Wild Hardware/Console.
What's next ? Must it have a "scene related" content?!
I love it.
Yeah! I really liked the kind of dancing and the music is after hearing twice, earworming.
The dancestyle reminds me of Christopher Walken in "Weapon of choice / Fatboy Slim". Legendary! ;)
The dancestyle reminds me of Christopher Walken in "Weapon of choice / Fatboy Slim". Legendary! ;)
Saufen am Brechpunkt <3
skype and beer was a bit retarding :D
Novel and I had our fun listening to you guys yelling at each other the day before the party xD
very cool!
HAMMER ! ueber-track, great sense of humor, technically very advanced. absolutely deserved winner. was this leipzig ? - very nice city btw hope to see more of your productions in the future.
<3 <3 <3
but the second thing of interest beginning with "b"
Banana? :D Sorry, couldn't resist. =)
remove the quite forced demoscenish stuff like greetings and breakpoint references, drop the framerate to cinematic and this would've been pretty fucking awesome - as it is now, it's just really cool.
remove the quite forced demoscenish stuff like greetings
Greetings part was cool.
hooray... hd videos cutted with premiere and added some standard effects instead of cool looking depth of field scenes... :)
sry not my taste... ...even the music sucks for me...
sry not my taste... ...even the music sucks for me...
Nicht so mein Fall. Mag kein Hip-Hop, obwohl das Video in der Nähe gedreht wurde, wo mein Schatz wohnt. :-)
Well done.
Don't know what the hell I just watched, but it seemed funny and very, very German.
what thec said
very nice! totally rox =)
thec has leading.. rocked the bigscreen, but is more so-so when re-watching it .. but still entertaining.
funny, and fresh!
simply rules. nice ideas, good realization. the whole stuff looks very polished and very pro.
first part of the soundtrack remind me that 90s song :
The good man - give it up (seek to 1:50)
is it possible to download the song alone ?
first part of the soundtrack remind me that 90s song :
The good man - give it up (seek to 1:50)
is it possible to download the song alone ?
Great. Now please gimme soundtrack without overdubbed parts. Puhlease :)
The thumb is for some of the edits, which were cool, but i think it got a slightly higher place than it deserved
I want the same headset. And giant eggs too please.
Awesome. Me wants the headset too.
Deserves the Fake Neil Patrick Harris award for best dancing in a demoscene production well!
cool beans!
We lack time and knowledge.
Really? Didn't notice :)
Effects and presentation.
Bananen sind gesund!
I have no idea about german hip-hop, but there's an instant thumb up for postproduction. Far beyond demoscene average :) Clear compo winner prod.
cool in every aspect! a worthy winner!
So so
@kb i'd say its more like the Christopher Walken Award for dancing in a suit in a public location, but well ... :P
Funny and very entertaining - rulez!
Looks great and is somewhat funny.
Nice =)
cool, and in 50fps \o/
entertainting and well executed
God! This is awesome.
well.. well..
beats the crap out of ya! totally rocks! well deserved winner!
Find isch jut.
die Mischung machts!
What kaivalya_ said.
Entertaining and some brilliant post production.
this is really fun to watch
Fun and inventive !
very nice!
well done
Gimma n Bier !
einfach COOLNEZZ !
einfach COOLNEZZ !
Gargaj: Btw, you forgot to mention that you want interlacing artefacts so that it looks like on a real television. Cinematic frame rate. Sheesh. It's 2010, get over analog film and your porn addiction :D
come on, it's the cheapest way to fix bad camera motion! :)
Sountracks by Mong Blong w/o greetings vocals are available now.
main tune: "komma klar"
end tune: "bier feat. fischer"
or get the whole EP on the MdS release page
main tune: "komma klar"
end tune: "bier feat. fischer"
or get the whole EP on the MdS release page
Really well done; impressive work.
there's also a Making Of... available.
It's only in german and in no way to be taken dead seriously :)
It's only in german and in no way to be taken dead seriously :)
Damn.. how i could forget about that one.. Brilliant Musicvideo... Good integrated effects, very nice executed and quite a catcher tune.. with german lyrics :)
Thumb up for sure!
Thumb up for sure!
Nice and funny ideas in there, very good prod!
das ist ja wohl voll banane
Great one.
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