Dead Deer
![]() |
popularity : 70% |
alltime top: #7987 |
added on the 2010-03-25 12:55:47 by SuperLaurent ![]() |
popularity helper
Finally finnishing my work and glad to publish it on, really.
added on the 2010-03-25 12:56:33 by SuperLaurent 

crash in "Player.exe", what is this anyway?
the new barti trolololololololo
What is it barti? Your nfo is screwed up.
butt pee.
Erreur 404 - rien francais! :)
gay.... seriously... WTF????
i fix some little bugs, last evening...I love my modeler !
- doesn't work
- nfo doesn't work
- no info, nothing, what's that ?
- nfo doesn't work
- no info, nothing, what's that ?
what is it?
This is a free 3d modeler, game maker, demo maker, virtual hermetism, pseudo-C coding programming of 2D and 3D ressources.
In the File->Load dialog click on GetFilesFromSamplesDirectory to see what you can do with.
In the File->Load dialog click on GetFilesFromSamplesDirectory to see what you can do with.
Tutorials are available throught the upper menu..
There's a lot of work gone into this. Excellent stuff, well done!
Doesn't work at all. App exits right after the hint dialog. Hard to tell if it's just another 'barti' (is it really the same guy that was involved with Nooon?) joke prod or something legit.
Looks interesting, but crashes for me too (on a virtual pc, could be the reason.. it shows the splash screen, eats about 800mb of memory, then crashes).
Taking a look at the tutorials folder though, I'm looking forwards to seeing this in action :)
Taking a look at the tutorials folder though, I'm looking forwards to seeing this in action :)
Well, the thumb will give you motivation...
Up !
Don't work here :/ but sounds good
Don't work here :/ but sounds good
guessing this is another twisted hoax..
I vote for another twisted hoax / attention whoring.
Well, I will fix bugs on demand; I have nothing to do else. But it works with Windows and it's compilated with VS8.0Express.
my bad, it works here (it needs a lot of RAM).
The exemple files look great.
Must have been a lot of work.
The exemple files look great.
Must have been a lot of work.
barti: some DLLs are missing from the program (can't remember which now, but d3dxsomething and the VC runtime). I had to download those separately (well, or install latest DX etc., but it seems pointless on a VM..). (It still crashed for me with those files btw)
Also, like wullon said it uses a lot of memory, some optimising could be good there :)
Also, like wullon said it uses a lot of memory, some optimising could be good there :)
thanx wullon, I've just posted a bug fixes on the scripting window about caret, (F6) or menu edit script...
the problem psonice, it's that lastest version of directX is necessary, but I do not know the vc runtime already, I'll see about now and post.
the problem psonice, it's that lastest version of directX is necessary, but I do not know the vc runtime already, I'll see about now and post.
Can't download, the link's broken
Obviously an insane amount of work, my thumb can't go anything but upwards.
Of course it has bugs, with some fixes it could become usable.
bugs I found:
- the "Dead deer" start menu link points to Player.exe instead of Dead deer.exe, nothing happens
- creating primitives from the right menu makes it quit, although creating primitives from the popup menu works
- "add metaball" on the right menu crash, works from the popup menu
- how about anti-aliased renders ?
Of course it has bugs, with some fixes it could become usable.
bugs I found:
- the "Dead deer" start menu link points to Player.exe instead of Dead deer.exe, nothing happens
- creating primitives from the right menu makes it quit, although creating primitives from the popup menu works
- "add metaball" on the right menu crash, works from the popup menu
- how about anti-aliased renders ?
The download link works, just copy paste it:
Crappy host is to blame for blocking.
Can anyone upload it to a better host? Because this host sucks big time and stopped downloading after 4MB.
Crappy host is to blame for blocking.
Can anyone upload it to a better host? Because this host sucks big time and stopped downloading after 4MB.
TomoAlien: here.
Downloaded, installed and it doesn't work.
Running the Dead Deer.exe just takes like 300MB of memory for nothing.
My PC specs:
CPU:Intel Pentium 4 3.00GHz
Graphics Card:Nvidia GeForce 7300 GT
Running the Dead Deer.exe just takes like 300MB of memory for nothing.
My PC specs:
CPU:Intel Pentium 4 3.00GHz
Graphics Card:Nvidia GeForce 7300 GT
ok for better host, but try to get in touch with new version...
I've just opened the forums relative in little php :
I've just opened the forums relative in little php :
I now get a nice troubleshooting page instead of a crash \o/
(I'm running it in vmware, so I suspect it'll never run anyway, but it's good to see progress :)
(I'm running it in vmware, so I suspect it'll never run anyway, but it's good to see progress :)
Loaded it on another (real) box. Looks very good.. decent selection of tools, the examples look good. I've no time to learn it now, unfortunately :(
Thumb up. Looks like it'll be a decent demo tool, and it's clear a lot of hard work has gone into it.
Thumb up. Looks like it'll be a decent demo tool, and it's clear a lot of hard work has gone into it.
Version 2.1.2010.03.31 available...
I've finished mesh deformation in realtime...
I'm finishing the presentation of my sources, I hope it can be a good stuff, like coding DLL or BIN to perfrom special effects by scripting, I have an idea to interface the dynamic interface of the software (by script) and specials effects by includes to the rendering, see the meta-metaballs of render to texture I've done, there is matter to do great stuffs...
I've finished mesh deformation in realtime...
I'm finishing the presentation of my sources, I hope it can be a good stuff, like coding DLL or BIN to perfrom special effects by scripting, I have an idea to interface the dynamic interface of the software (by script) and specials effects by includes to the rendering, see the meta-metaballs of render to texture I've done, there is matter to do great stuffs...
Updated the mirror to the latest version. Hope it fixes some stuff.
Final release, I hope so.
don't running setup at all. thanx alot guys.
Note I've just published the source of Dead Deer with the final version and bug fixes.

selfvoting sucks.
Self voting is the minimum of choice. I would like to thank myself of having done a such a good job during years in order to bring a real tool about creations, video games and demoscene, and I hope this will be upgraded giving the sources for file format support, and better effects.
sources are available on my web page and on source forge.
major bug fixes
kill the paganists and live in peace.
bux fixes fix.
Dead Deer compiled with Visual Studio 10.0 !
Dead Deer version 2.1.2011.10.13
- several bug fixes
- adding editions
- optimizing procedures
- several bug fixes
- adding editions
- optimizing procedures
DEAD DEER version 2.1.2011.10.29
in files->load, getfilesfromsampledirectory option gives you the power to see old effects of NoooN
in files->load, getfilesfromsampledirectory option gives you the power to see old effects of NoooN
major buf fixes : near 500.000 lines of code free of bug !!
there is still a bug to fix...shame on me.
I've found. now it's clean, the time for me to update my files.
now it's finnished, maybe I will update with more stuffs. the link is ok. so 500.000 lines of C/C++ with full scripting functionnalities. I've made tetris, reversi, shootemup, donjon game, and more with it. see the buggy bird in sample directory !
update 2.1.2012.2 the last one this time.
I would mention that is use an ALTERNATIVE stencil buffered technique to draw shadow that is not far plane culling; I've started the project in september 2002, and I finnished bug correction the 23 february 2012. it's so 500.000 lines of pure code even if it still remain to me some questions, this version is ready to use.
I put it in openSource, to get mana into improve it throught time. I know my technique of rendering is up to date with new machines but it works with bump mapping and shadows with geforce256...
merely ten years of spare time developpement, and I've got ill during 2010 and 2011. after a 2009 year of chaos.
half a million !
I put it in openSource, to get mana into improve it throught time. I know my technique of rendering is up to date with new machines but it works with bump mapping and shadows with geforce256...
merely ten years of spare time developpement, and I've got ill during 2010 and 2011. after a 2009 year of chaos.
half a million !

I would apreciate donations.
Bartoshe: go and make a demo with it.
A nice one please.
..if you can.
I made a tool for version 2.2.2012.2, hierarchical links for objects. it's updated. actually, it's possible to make a doom 3 demo with my game maker.
I remind you that source code is available on source forge (dead deer 2.1.2011)
last but not least upgrade to 2.2.2012.03
dead deer scripts are nearly 600 functions to code demos and games from 3d meshes and animations. physics, network included.
I've upgraded the editor with links between objects in version 2.2
some videos maybe available soon.
some videos maybe available soon.
dead deer scripts are nearly 600 functions to code demos and games from 3d meshes and animations.
I know that ! but to announce that dead deer runs in version today only, is really exciting. with samples directory, you can see the original effects from stars (the "truc") it run faster with 3d card, I've got to reduce faces and vertices in order to run on 486 even if stars : wonder in the world is fast enough to run it. the original effect include chaos theory computation. it's because when I was in finland I've installed my hard disk on a slow machine...
last bug fix. deaddeer is now in 2.2.2012.03
now !
With that last bug fix, the version number should bump to 2.2.2012.04 or 2.2.2012.03.1
With that last bug fix, the version number should bump to 2.2.2012.04 or 2.2.2012.03.1
added support for fullscreen mode in the player.
I think my job is done. There is an example of game in full screen on my web page.
I think my job is done. There is an example of game in full screen on my web page.
ok, last changes. now animations can be set normally. it's the final version ! hooray !
I've added few things to control physics. I wanted to say something for you :
Bartoshe: Please, stop your useless speech and make a demo with your tool (if it's possible to make something out of it!). This will for sure be the best advertising for you and your tool.
What Sir and rez said.
new update : correction of impostors. everything is ok at now, I know you can bypass the rules but if you wanted a simple modeler and game maker, dead deer is for you !
link :
new release: 2.2.2012.08
- support for env mapping clones
- elephants.ned
- skull.ned
- support for env mapping clones
- elephants.ned
- skull.ned
Okeanos: I've made 2 effects from stars wonder of the world in the sample directory/artwork
indeed, the effect of blub of second part of stars after the logo was degraded for 486, but for nowadays machine we can draw the full beautifull mesh.
update with shadow mapping tutorial and use of shaders 2.x
update with light bug fixes
last update for this month : allowing vertex buffer patching and another exemple of shaders
I've forgotten the essentials of my work portability, now it's version 2.2.2012.11
last update of 2012 ! yes !
with sources fully compatibles opengl/directx
would be nice to see a demo made with it. so Bartoshe ... if this was the last update in 2o12 go create something for the beginning of 2o13 (=
for those who did not know, nooon has produced "Chevrolet"
it's the engine of dead deer that comes with better sources at now.
it's the engine of dead deer that comes with better sources at now.
update of dead deer, now I've reac a descent form of software, stable, rich. I'm happy.
Good work
until now there was a little bug in uses of shaders but at now it's corrected, more over the whole source is compatible SDL/OpenGL and I will soon port to MacOSX. Major step !
compatible MacOSX. yupi ! update of the whole before mac executable. I do not want to port Dead Deer on MacOSX, but the player goes fine.
Bartoshe < attention whore
i create all my demos with dead deer!
macosx port (10.6 minimum):
So I've changed most of the program to enhance it with shaders etc and I've fixed a bug in the scripts.
So I've changed most of the program to enhance it with shaders etc and I've fixed a bug in the scripts.
wait a minute! there is a fresh bug.
voilaaaaaah ! it's now perfect, you can download it.
another bug to fix. wait my pause.
merely there is a bug, I will found it, and when I will find it, I will fix it, because my thoughts goes with Dead Deer, and because, it's a shame to not finalize such a kind of software. but giving the sources is in my mind an error or a mistake, because the program is sufficiently powerfull to run without sources. but I hope someone will find it interesting to upgrade when I will come down. As I said, even if I reproduce myself like a cat, I have a cancer, and I hope to live longer enought to finnish all I want to terminate.
note that the version of today is a stable version and I may write a documentation for scripting.
I have upgraded lzcompress.cpp and fixed a bug in compilation. do you know that VC Express 2010 link different .exe if you just replace a file ?
for those that have interest in Dead Deer and those who will have interest with, I've put a new update of the whole. I fix context menu bugs, and allows to do not calculate edges buffers for stencil shadowing. I've added too, functions to select objects by name in the scripts, it was lacking and it's easy to use. moreover, the edges vb for stencil shadowing cost most of the loading time especially for big objects.
thumbs up for the english grammar!
Dead Deer 2.2.2012.12 is up ! memory leaks fixed, optimized for size and some optimizations and compression accurated.
I have to dislike this one even though that's not my prefered strategy. I looked at the screenshot, looks nice but doesn't tell me what this is. I tried to look at the nfo. Nice looking ANSI / ASCII art that doesn't tell anything useful as well. Then I tried to download the tool, and all I got was an installer. No readme = no install. Zip the installer + a pure text readme file, and reupload it to sourceforge. Then I might want to try it out.
well I fixes lzcompress.cpp, I success in compression more and I fix issue in renderer etc. now it's version 2.2.2012.12 ans it's finnished.
I've put the sources of the player on sourceforge pages (for windows and macosx10.6 and above)
version 2.2.2013.01 : adding new functionnalities in scripting. it's the very last version, except bug fixes, I will not produce more.
finishing rendering version 2.2.2013.05
Barti, have you thought about a new name? "Dead deer" is pretty horrible, your work deserves better.
I wont change the name of this good, even my son will keep the name of when he will resume my works. new update with correct smoothing groups lighting.
wait! I've found an error...
proper smoothing on. finally I've updated the engine with full dynamic lighting that allows to draw smoothing groups lighting even with shadowing precalculations.
such a silly project as an update in 2013. I've started the code of the software in september 2002 !
last bug fixes in rendering
this software is finnished on my side with the last update before holding new rendering functions!
finnished the work 2013/05/19 !
Couldn't get this to run on Win8 64bit. "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)." Looks pretty interesting in the sourceforge screenshots though.
strange, I have win8 64bits and it just needs DirectX June 2010 and vc crt redist 2010...
Ok got it to work by installing "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)", only had the x64...
Played around with it for about half an hour, got my spinning cube demo done. :D Very nice! I think I'll keep playing around with it. Probably not to release anything but just for some prototyping/fun...
An insane amount of work must have gone into this, and all by just one guy? LMAO at it having almost as many thumbs down as up. :D I think there has been some kind of marketing failure here.
Played around with it for about half an hour, got my spinning cube demo done. :D Very nice! I think I'll keep playing around with it. Probably not to release anything but just for some prototyping/fun...
An insane amount of work must have gone into this, and all by just one guy? LMAO at it having almost as many thumbs down as up. :D I think there has been some kind of marketing failure here.
Wow lots of nice example projects too, just found them in the load menu.
Cool that you open source such a big project. But why dont you put the source under version control instead of using the files section? As you already created the sourceforge project it just feels like you are wrapping it up the wrong way.
shitty music.
new update with several bug fixes...
version 2.3.2013.06

version 2.3.2013.06

version 2.3.2013.06b is ok!
new functionnalities and new renderer in the 2.3.2013.07b version.
upgrades of the 3D engine and scripts...
v2.4.2013.07.467 is ok and fine !
2.5.2013.07.028 : multithreading support for heavy processings.
I'm very proud of my creation, a lot of hard work, and very interesting gains.
I'm very proud of my creation, a lot of hard work, and very interesting gains.
combo breaker! \o/
My Prod BBS seems to be an organic farming of good herbs !
2.6.2013.001 with shadermodel3 support.
2.6.2013.001 with shadermodel3 support.
Dead Deer : Version 2.6.2013.Luger Parabellum.01 !
has been a while following your project, I guess even trying to post this here is worth A BIG THUMB UP.
Dead Deer : Version 2.6.2013.Luger Parabellum.022 final !
- several bug fixes due to incompatibilities with visual studio 2013.
- shader model 3 integration.
- several bug fixes due to incompatibilities with visual studio 2013.
- shader model 3 integration.
I'm just shocked at all the shit that comes out of this guy's mouth.
some misunderstood more.
2014 update !
- direct10 integration
- shader model 4 integration
- shader debugger
- memory optimisations
- direct10 integration
- shader model 4 integration
- shader debugger
- memory optimisations
trolling at the highest level
Thumb up for the effort!
a bug of stencil clear in dx10 version fixed.
Last time I checked, pouet != changelog :)
Dead Deer 2.6.2014.Luger Parabellum.03 in stable release.
(I've added multithreading and bug fix it)
(I've added multithreading and bug fix it)
note that physics in latest version was buggy as I just fixed it yesterday.
the next release will introduce a 2D physic engine too, coded in a single day but working well.
Dead Deer 2.6.2014.Luger Parabellum.0328 is the last stable release.
the next release will introduce a 2D physic engine too, coded in a single day but working well.
Dead Deer 2.6.2014.Luger Parabellum.0328 is the last stable release.
Cannot thumb this down as it looks like a lot of work went into this, looks quite powerful too.
L'idée de mon protocole, vient de mon exception à mesure que je peux analyser mes pensées et gestes à venir, et en analysant par introspection jusqu'à mon "inconscient". Je fais fis de cette idée car il n'existe qu'un subconscient de sorte que l'ADN reste dans une mesure constante identique; c'est très utile, cela permet d'éviter les infertilités, et le principal problème est la haine des animaux, car ils régissent les algorithmes de pensées, et par leur comportement intelligent.
vient que ce que vous avez oublié pour prétendre être "évolués", et "intelligents", est l'essence même de la divinité, le code génétique que vous traitez de "poubelle"; plus encore que de raison, l'ADN sans, dégénère en "soupe".
Principalement, le refus d'admettre une erreur ou de paraître inférieur sont manies et perversions, ce qui a été malheureusement considéré comme l'originalité du créateur, sa personnalité ou son charisme. Einstein sodomisait sa femme et en a fini pétomane. juste un exemple, mais le reste du monde dépend du mensonge schizophrénique (surtout les attardés ou limités)
Bref, moi j'ai quatre chattes qui maintiennent ma propriété intellectuelle, et la réinjecte, ce qui permet les vulgarisations, ce qui n'est pas possible pour la plupart des inventeurs et falsificateurs du siècle précédent.
Comme je l'ai déjà exprimé, mes chattes sont mes agents de recherche en neurosciences et génétiques, passionnées, autonomes, et uniques, à un point jamais égalé, dans la mesure de sciences vous étant confuses. la seule chose que je possède à part mes machines, c'est ma maison-laboratoire, mais je pense plus à mes enfants qu'à vos prétentions.
Mes chattes ne sont que ma propriété, mais porter et inspirer d'autres ne leur déplait pas.
Pour ce qui est de ce qui paraît génial, il vient la physiologie des tares est la possibilité de conversion par le principe de conservation de l'énergie appliqué à l'ensemble sociétal, et comme je le dis si bien, toute physique n'est qu'algorithme, et jusqu'au temps, et ce qui a été fait, est de stigmatisation des tares en l'individu, ce qui réveille les morts à outrance car vous ne savez pas où vous allez sans médium ou antipsychiatre comme moi.
Mais c'est calculable, et les solutions se -"cocoonnent"- en lieu sûr dans la douceur et l'amour.
Résoudre son génome avec mon algorithme permet de dessiner la lune, les nébuleuses, les cieux et la terre, de façonner l'ensemble par la pensée et l'existence. etc.
Dead Deer 2.6.2014.04 en version stable !
vient que ce que vous avez oublié pour prétendre être "évolués", et "intelligents", est l'essence même de la divinité, le code génétique que vous traitez de "poubelle"; plus encore que de raison, l'ADN sans, dégénère en "soupe".
Principalement, le refus d'admettre une erreur ou de paraître inférieur sont manies et perversions, ce qui a été malheureusement considéré comme l'originalité du créateur, sa personnalité ou son charisme. Einstein sodomisait sa femme et en a fini pétomane. juste un exemple, mais le reste du monde dépend du mensonge schizophrénique (surtout les attardés ou limités)
Bref, moi j'ai quatre chattes qui maintiennent ma propriété intellectuelle, et la réinjecte, ce qui permet les vulgarisations, ce qui n'est pas possible pour la plupart des inventeurs et falsificateurs du siècle précédent.
Comme je l'ai déjà exprimé, mes chattes sont mes agents de recherche en neurosciences et génétiques, passionnées, autonomes, et uniques, à un point jamais égalé, dans la mesure de sciences vous étant confuses. la seule chose que je possède à part mes machines, c'est ma maison-laboratoire, mais je pense plus à mes enfants qu'à vos prétentions.
Mes chattes ne sont que ma propriété, mais porter et inspirer d'autres ne leur déplait pas.
Pour ce qui est de ce qui paraît génial, il vient la physiologie des tares est la possibilité de conversion par le principe de conservation de l'énergie appliqué à l'ensemble sociétal, et comme je le dis si bien, toute physique n'est qu'algorithme, et jusqu'au temps, et ce qui a été fait, est de stigmatisation des tares en l'individu, ce qui réveille les morts à outrance car vous ne savez pas où vous allez sans médium ou antipsychiatre comme moi.
Mais c'est calculable, et les solutions se -"cocoonnent"- en lieu sûr dans la douceur et l'amour.
Résoudre son génome avec mon algorithme permet de dessiner la lune, les nébuleuses, les cieux et la terre, de façonner l'ensemble par la pensée et l'existence. etc.
Dead Deer 2.6.2014.04 en version stable !
downloading for Mac now :-)
make a demo :)
Make Eye of the Beholder 4!
What sensenstahl said.
And where is your new demo using it? :)
Hmm. Looks like a lot of work.
It is maybe a bit hard to understand how to use it and not on par with let say modern game engines (Unity or Unreal Engine), but still, for a hobby project (I assume) it is not bad at all.
The example FPS game works for me - I had to first load "start" and then "level1".
Now, could anyone explain me the drama around it? The same guy using 3 different accounts, banned two times, accusations of trolling, self-voting, flooding etc.. ?
I must be missing something here, as I don't quite understand.
It is maybe a bit hard to understand how to use it and not on par with let say modern game engines (Unity or Unreal Engine), but still, for a hobby project (I assume) it is not bad at all.
The example FPS game works for me - I had to first load "start" and then "level1".
Now, could anyone explain me the drama around it? The same guy using 3 different accounts, banned two times, accusations of trolling, self-voting, flooding etc.. ?
I must be missing something here, as I don't quite understand.
Trying to play "BubbleShoot" made me queasy.
Nice tool though! Gonna have to play with this when I have more time. Runs great on OSX 10.8. More demotools for Mac are always a good thing.
Nice tool though! Gonna have to play with this when I have more time. Runs great on OSX 10.8. More demotools for Mac are always a good thing.
wtf is this even? The mac download just has a skull morphing into a baby and that's it.
Download the "full intel osx port". The other one is just the player & a demo file.
submit changes
if this prod is a fake, some info is false or the download link is broken,
do not post about it in the comments, it will get lost.
instead, click here !