mescaline synesthesia by deMarche
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popularity : 76% |
alltime top: #165 |
added on the 2009-12-29 02:02:36 by diver ![]() |
popularity helper
rulez added on the 2009-12-29 02:03:26 by diver 

very cool!
1st place on TUM 2009! =)
very nice demo, good flow, good colors. grats!
Eye Ache 3 !!!!
awesome,,,, rocked the bigscreen :D
nice effects, neat soundtrack
way to go !
real demo-style :D
real demo-style :D
cool stuff
what premium said
gonna win the compo for sure - it was the only decent entry. (sigh)
extremely cool gfx, music and effects. rocked for shure!
awesome!!!!! and very fresh!
cool effects
totally sick things on the spectrum! me likes
very enjoyable with nice gfx and effects
Nice design!
Instant thumb for the effects, colors, design!
Frikkin awesome
This prod officially RULES! ZX Spectrum ruled tUM!
Holy scheisse, this was awesome.
Where did all those colors come from ;)
Where did all those colors come from ;)
really good, but could rule much more with some unreleased music.
hot damn that's good shit.
nice tune also. i am extremely surprised though to learn that the spectrum apparently has stereo sound.
nice tune also. i am extremely surprised though to learn that the spectrum apparently has stereo sound.
Had to see this in video because the emulator slows down for some reason (and the music stutters).
A lot of cool stuff here. Looks great from a distance. Great colors and graphics (is it some advanced version of the speccy?)
A lot of cool stuff here. Looks great from a distance. Great colors and graphics (is it some advanced version of the speccy?)
Optimus Knight no. This is normal unexpanded ZX128. Special colors are come from using of 2 screens - closer to IFLI on C64.
what tFt said.
Rules :D
Just awesome
yea! Very good! stuff with emulator and with the 'bat" starting file! Superb!
good idea too.
Well...about demo...
Thanks to creators for very good emotions
demo! It was а very nice!
Freshing realization! Good! Very nice again!
deMarche! Thanks!
music by lovely star - mmcm !
Gfx and code - Superb! Thanks!
good idea too.
Well...about demo...
Thanks to creators for very good emotions
demo! It was а very nice!
Freshing realization! Good! Very nice again!
deMarche! Thanks!
music by lovely star - mmcm !
Gfx and code - Superb! Thanks!
One of the best Spectrum demos i have ever seen!
Really nice demo, but the video (and included emu-setup) is a bit misleading as it does hide the interlace-flickering. Won't give any thumbs until I've seen the 128k-version
Wow, wow!! This rules so much.
Check this links for .TAP version (link in header are without .TAP - should fix it lat8r)
I've never been into ZX Spectrum stuff, but this blew my mind - roxx!
Very very very good. Such demo will rocks even if it was made for modern PC ! :)
Well this I didn't except! Excellent use of colors and very cool effects and a theme I enjoyed ;) Music was okay.
And here's my thumb.
I don't know much about spectrum, but this is a cool demo anyway.
Holy shit!
nuff said
nuff said
godlike euphoria!
Ace Spectrum prod.
very nice graphics, but most effects are 8x8. thats quite lame i think. and it needs 128kb.
Watching the video I was first going "WTF? Where are those colors coming from - I thought the Spectrum only had those full-saturated RGB-combination colors!?!"
Now I see that it is flickering between two screens, but that the emulator disables this and creates the "perfect" inbetween-color. This is somewhat misleading. If you edit the INI-file in the emul-directory and change the NoFlic=1 setting to NoFlic=0, you'll see that it flickers quite a lot.
However, it might look much better on a 50Hz CRT, so I won't judge it either way until I can see it on real HW.
Now I see that it is flickering between two screens, but that the emulator disables this and creates the "perfect" inbetween-color. This is somewhat misleading. If you edit the INI-file in the emul-directory and change the NoFlic=1 setting to NoFlic=0, you'll see that it flickers quite a lot.
However, it might look much better on a 50Hz CRT, so I won't judge it either way until I can see it on real HW.
i'm not a fan of chunky fx, but this looks solid. and what an awesome track!
let's all take some mescaline!
Great release, congratulations! :)
kick ass! Great track
Chaos you are wrong! All FX are 64*30 pix in color chanks 4*4 and gigascreen pallet of 64 colors.
At the party (during stream) they show us ZOOMED picture - only center of the screen :-(
At the party (during stream) they show us ZOOMED picture - only center of the screen :-(
gfx and muza are great, fx normal, but only chunky is boring....
Mostly for the graphics and music, the effects are a bit too blocky for my taste.
Really nice!
wow! The best spectrum demo I've ever seen and some of the coolest 8-bit effects ever!
I saw no greets to Mayhem, so piggy
nice effects, nice music, not so keen on the logos
yeah! its 4x4. that makes it 4 times more awesome! nothing sucking left. spectrum demos are shown without border, unlike c64
Awesome Speccy demo! And an excellent flow! Though, I would have liked to see more bitmapped effects, heh ;) (nitpicking.. the youtube clip is kinda misleading, because on a real +3 hardware the demo flickers quite a lot and therefore does not look nearly as cool as the emulator capture looks..)
mr_spiv flicker is depends on TV. I check it on +2Grey and LCD - flicker is present but not so hard. Wanna check it on CRT
deMarche 4ever!!! Kewl ZX-demo!
Flicker or not - great fast-paced demo with mean effects
Sorry guys. Thumb down for the flickering. Gigascreen is really a not standard thing. And who wants to watch demos in emulator, is not a real spectrumist. Next time, make a demo for ZX Spectrum, not for some fucking non standard russian clone. And the music is ripped from some old demo. Scandalous!
The music is ripped?
nice but I won't watch this twice
Hey Factor6! Grab your shinny ass and download full archive with .TAP
Unpack, transfer and run on your (not 48k) Speccy. And check results!!!
Gigascreen is the name for 2scr FX - nothing new - unexpeded Speccy forever!
Unpack, transfer and run on your (not 48k) Speccy. And check results!!!
Gigascreen is the name for 2scr FX - nothing new - unexpeded Speccy forever!
Steel - check for answers
I like Mescaline.
Thumb up for new demo
In the archive there is some idiotic PC stuff. Sorry guys. The TRD is only in Pentagon directory. No TAP version, no normal Sperctrum 128K version (yet), and those gigascreen flickers fx simply SUCK BIG TIME. Well, it could be called rather Eye Ache III. 8 colours + bright is not enough for you?
This demo runs normally on regular "demo-scene" standard which is ZX Spectrum 128.
I've checked it out.
However making a demo in 2009 with music RIPPED FROM ANOTHER DEMO is highly lame, considering so many great AY musicians still beeing active. I'm very suprised. It doesn't matter if it was with the agreement from the musician or without. The music is ripped (although it's cool itself).
It's not 1989, it's 2009, guys.
Anyway the demo is fantastic. Should be "rulez" but it's only "OK" because of ripping music in 2009.
I will try to find the original demo later.
I've checked it out.
However making a demo in 2009 with music RIPPED FROM ANOTHER DEMO is highly lame, considering so many great AY musicians still beeing active. I'm very suprised. It doesn't matter if it was with the agreement from the musician or without. The music is ripped (although it's cool itself).
It's not 1989, it's 2009, guys.
Anyway the demo is fantastic. Should be "rulez" but it's only "OK" because of ripping music in 2009.
I will try to find the original demo later.
Ok, I watched this on a real speccy 128k, and it gets a very very weak thumb from me, because that terrible flicker really burned my eyes...
mega! great graphics especially, uncredited music ripping sucks though.
johny! "if it was with the agreement from the musician or without." this track was used under permission of the author, more then - this is an author remix of original track. Yes it was released before but it is not a RIP - MMCM is here in the house and he knows about this becose he is a part of the team - just check last 5 second of demo
britelite - what kind of TV - coz i test it only on LCD. Yep fliker but it is not so horrible as RGB flicker (3 screens - 1 per 50/3 fps)
*brain explodes*
The music: Almost same like in this demo... :(
@BITL: Thanks fot he link. Didn't know about it and in the [download] is just the stuff with TRD. Anyway, the music could have been original, not a remix of well known song... hmmm :/
This is music ripped from "Jaundice" demo by Screamer, released for Chaos Constructions 2001 party (fantastic Speccy demo by the way).
Still the music is very good but...
Like I said, it doesn't matter if the author agreed or not.
They ripped the music and it's simply lame.
It's a shame because "Mescaline synesthesia" is great. It's a pity it has no original music.
Still the music is very good but...
Like I said, it doesn't matter if the author agreed or not.
They ripped the music and it's simply lame.
It's a shame because "Mescaline synesthesia" is great. It's a pity it has no original music.
Ok it is the same but remixed - there is no secret. But "Jaundice" is zero thumbs up and this one is in the top of the month! Give deMarche a chance - it is not so easy to find good AY track for a demo within 2 weeks right now :-(
OK, I give the "rulez". It does after all.
But groups like AY-RIDERS aren't inactive...
But groups like AY-RIDERS aren't inactive...
ok, thanks for the clarification, here's the thumb!
Yeaah! I love deMarche! Good work.
yeah, great demo
HUGE if on an inexpanded speccy!
unbeliever: a standard 1084 crt-monitor, the best there is :)
Ripped or not, who cares ! MMCM music always rock as hell. Great speccy demo even in emulator (I used RealSpeccy)
d/l file changed with TRD/TAP version included archive
Factor 6,
1. music isn't ripped, it's a remix with author's permission.
2. demo doesn't use hardware gigascreen, it runs on normal spectrum 128k.
but i have agreed that original music is always better and noflic mode is a bit unfair to use in compo.
about the demo: good code! keep the zx demoscene alive!
1. music isn't ripped, it's a remix with author's permission.
2. demo doesn't use hardware gigascreen, it runs on normal spectrum 128k.
but i have agreed that original music is always better and noflic mode is a bit unfair to use in compo.
about the demo: good code! keep the zx demoscene alive!
Pixel art really pops, music is ok, code is solid (like the metaballs and the gooey scroller) especially for unexpanded 128.
Flickering, slow 8x8 effects. I think you can do better! I knew from the first tones the music is from the CC00 invitro(i think i was even showing it on mekka symposium?)
......soooooo Factor6 always complained that he does music for nothing. C-Jeff Is also lurking somewhere and Yerzmyey is always in for a tune (And Vodka).
(get the hint)
You can pay respect to musicians in a better way than using their known musics...
At least the pace was good and the gfx dont look ripped. Piggie for saving the compo. ;-)
......soooooo Factor6 always complained that he does music for nothing. C-Jeff Is also lurking somewhere and Yerzmyey is always in for a tune (And Vodka).
(get the hint)
You can pay respect to musicians in a better way than using their known musics...
At least the pace was good and the gfx dont look ripped. Piggie for saving the compo. ;-)
What Exin said. The music could have been different. Not a remix of well known demo music. About code, yes, it's probably on the very high level. Gigascreen FX - why not, but not in whole demo (WTF!). Again, next time, do a demo for ZX Spectrum. Like C64 people do demos for C64s. Nobody is curious about stuff which runs correctly only in some fucking emulator (not this case, of course, it works on firm Spectrum). But, yes, if it saved TUM compo, that's fine.
good stuff
Looks nice. What about some 8bit computer with a 4096 color palette next time ? :)

very nice good
very nice good
I would try running it on my Speccy if it wasn't for the 10 minutes loading :)
I would try running it on my Speccy if it wasn't for the 10 minutes loading :)
Hot Shit!
Holy fucking shit! This demo ROCKS! ;-)
great stuff mates
sooo sweet ! congrats ! greetings from Atari scene !
very nice stuff
cool. enjoyed watching it at the party.
very nice
Very cool in most aspects (and fuckings to bitchers)
For the graphics.
Cool and props for being quite atypical spectrum prod.
i dont like the graphics and the effects are not that impressive considering the block trick. but the demo does have lots of work put into it and was puzzled together in a very smart way. even if its damn ugly most of the time. thumbs up for pushing the speccy scene. hope your next demo aint so "mainstream" as this one though.
i like this very much
Didn't like the music all that much, but the rest was pretty darn nice.
good good
Very enjoyable demo, I like the effects/graphics and the tune is awesome, no matter if remixed or not.
Great graphics!
This _IS_ extremely impressive.
amazing stuff ! the best on that system so far i think !!!

Amazing, and personally I do like the music. But like many have stated already, would be nice to see it on the real machine first, to judge how bad that interlace trick is. :D
Can't believe this is a humble Speccy - excellent release.
mescaline in your anus
Not bad, but not the best. scene was choppy for me with my ATI Radeon 4870 HD video card (512 MB of RAM), Intel quad-core 8200 system, etc. scene was choppy for me with my ATI Radeon 4870 HD video card (512 MB of RAM), Intel quad-core 8200 system, etc.
Oops, ignore my last comment. That was for another demo. Heh.
Still gets a pig though.
Still gets a pig though.
text font
colorfull title graphic
concentric transparent circles, moving around
tunnel mapping
colorfull pictures
colorfull scroll with lense
spiral tunnel
bump mapping with light
vertical rubber band
RBGY 3D balls, rotating
tunnel with blue metaballs
"the end" graffiti graphic
techno/acid music
colorfull title graphic
concentric transparent circles, moving around
tunnel mapping
colorfull pictures
colorfull scroll with lense
spiral tunnel
bump mapping with light
vertical rubber band
RBGY 3D balls, rotating
tunnel with blue metaballs
"the end" graffiti graphic
techno/acid music
Spectrum powa!
Holy crap.
I'm guessing the extra colours are from swapping between two colours?
Is that a 4x4 mode with no attribute clashes, or are the clashes just well hidden?
I'm guessing the extra colours are from swapping between two colours?
Is that a 4x4 mode with no attribute clashes, or are the clashes just well hidden?
xeron, yes. if to be honest, video was done in artificial "noflic" emulator mode. in real it flickers with 2 screens.
4x4 done using multicolor - it is no flick on real machine. GFX yes, it is 2 screens and it is 50Hz flicker
that was really a great show!
even with flicker it rocks! (but why do you use ccc invitation tune for this cool demo? Was it melange's track? I think it was) Still rocks!
Music recycling due to lack of ACTIVE ay-composers. Yes, there is a THOUSAND OF THEM on the scene but when you need a track everyone dissapear. Music is remixed by MMCM (author) and used under full permisson. Sorry...
Ripping music is lame, nuff' said.
I asked several very _active_ composers and even nobody bothered to ask them.
You'd be honest enough to admit you prefer techno music (that sounds crappy on ay chip, like this one music) but to lie like this is simply pityful.
I asked several very _active_ composers and even nobody bothered to ask them.
You'd be honest enough to admit you prefer techno music (that sounds crappy on ay chip, like this one music) but to lie like this is simply pityful.
Style reminds me of PeeCee textmode demos.
Style reminds me of PeeCee textmode demos.
abscess , asshole, this is not ripping music
frickin cool stuff!
even tho the tune in here being a remix is a bit of a downer, i completely love this demo. best zx-prod of 2009 i'd say!
I did'nt even know that this is possible at ZX, wow!
Spectrum was my first computer. I would love to see this demo back then LOL
wow... stunning ! :)
+ what PauloFalcao said
+ what PauloFalcao said
bitl: wot smotritie, molodiec! skazal chto znal. idi na huj, towarisc.
All: ripping music is LAME. allowed or not.
All: ripping music is LAME. allowed or not.
very nice demo
Geez! I DO NOt belive my eyez!!! You guyz squeezed the Speccy to the bone!!!
Spasiba malciki!
Waiting for other stuff from you, fellows!
Spasiba malciki!
Waiting for other stuff from you, fellows!
fucken nice!
nice. great. wordless.
Priceless !
rulez ??
excellent stuff
no word will explain good enough!
It's of course excellent (especially code and colors), but I still prefer fewer but longer effects. Yet big thumb up !
blinking picture blew my mind
P.S.: try see it with real machine or with emulator without gigascreen crutch-feature
P.S.: try see it with real machine or with emulator without gigascreen crutch-feature
Speccy - Rulez 4ever!!!
definitely rules. thank you.
hell yes!
Yeah it worked. :)
awesome! made me be back at code!
This is sooo impressive that I guess there are a few tricks in this demo ;-)
And the music is simply perfect... how the YM can generate those acid sounds ???? Another trick ?
And the music is simply perfect... how the YM can generate those acid sounds ???? Another trick ?
actually these "acid" sounds are most typical for YM. most zx sceners are rather bored with them already.
Great use of flicker (:
unbelieveable graphics for that shit computer
haha, the only error occurred in your fucked brain.
and the only shit computer is shitty commodore64. hahah. With colors brown like shit.
and the only shit computer is shitty commodore64. hahah. With colors brown like shit.
First speccy-prod I've ever seen and I like it! I suppose the interlace graphics would have looked better on real hardware but still rulage.
Great graphics, good music and good effects. I was very pleased to see a demo with more than just 1 fullscreen gfx or logo. Thats getting more and more rare.
Incredible! Great work dudes!
Music, gfx and effects are just wonderful!
Looked at this on an emu, fucking ce,but how long does it take to load from tape on a real machine? I think I m doing something wrong because it never ends loading. Or am I just not used to tape loading? :P
Or am I just not used to tape loading?
If you've waited more than 10 minutes you're probably doing it wrong. If not then wait at least 10 minutes.
2Akira: what emulator you are using?
"error occurred" has changed his shitty nickname into a twice more shitty nickname - "scene legends". pathetic indeed. even more than we expected.
This rocks so hard, it's just superb.
Kokoro, you're a dick regardless what nick you took today.
Awesome effects! Love the interlaced screenmode.
Visually awesome... but the loading was very boring. I felt like I was loading for 10 minutes to watch a few seconds or so... My guess is you're loading animations? surely the speccy can't shade blobs in realtime. Plus that god-damn flickering!
Anyway, thumbs up for the visuals.
Anyway, thumbs up for the visuals.
Loading was long, ok, but this demo was really good to see! Was worth the waiting.
Oh my!
me likes.
great prod! <3
great prod! <3
pretty perfect.
It's emulator show on party with unblinking option, not real spectrum for vote.
Multicolor 4*4? - Before crying about it, look 2000/2001 year, demos from BrainWave:
Tryptomine Dream
and Stellar Contour
Ok for keep zx demodesign alive and show zx power to people.
Multicolor 4*4? - Before crying about it, look 2000/2001 year, demos from BrainWave:
Tryptomine Dream
and Stellar Contour
Ok for keep zx demodesign alive and show zx power to people.
Just saw this on the Uppsala hack here :), awesome
This is what ZX Spectrum hardware should be capable to display not in 2009, but in 1986 when the model 128 was brought into production. Great work!
Well done.
Authors really knows what is mescaline :)
Authors really knows what is mescaline :)
How do you get this running properly on real HW?
I have a +2A, loading the correct .TAP using a tape-adapter, and K7ZX with the non-accelerated standard, slow-loading mode.
Demo seems to load, but when it starts, the .wav file has not finished playing!
If I stop the tape once the demo starts, it runs fine until a picture that says something about bump.
If I leave it running I can barely hear the music, but just tape-loading noise, and after the bump-pic it seems to go into "loading mode" again, but nothing happens when it has finished loading.
I have a +2A, loading the correct .TAP using a tape-adapter, and K7ZX with the non-accelerated standard, slow-loading mode.
Demo seems to load, but when it starts, the .wav file has not finished playing!
If I stop the tape once the demo starts, it runs fine until a picture that says something about bump.
If I leave it running I can barely hear the music, but just tape-loading noise, and after the bump-pic it seems to go into "loading mode" again, but nothing happens when it has finished loading.
w00t! awesome!!
Sdw: Hmmm. Do You use "usr 0" mode for loading? I can't remember at the moment if it uses "usr 0" or does it use the main menu... Hm.
PS: Also it _might_ be the case of a prog not working on +2A/+2B/+3...
PS: Also it _might_ be the case of a prog not working on +2A/+2B/+3...
I have the same experience with a +2 and a cable. The demo kinda works, but the loading sound kicks in after a while. Works properly with a divIDE only.
Sdw / Marq: It's a multi-loading demo, so if you're loading from tape you need to stop and start the tape at the relevant points. The demo isn't really intended to be run from tape, though - it's presented as a continuous sequence (which is why there are no "start/stop tape" prompts) and the 5-minute wait between parts probably ruins the effect, but it works in principle... :-) For best results it should be run from disk, or something that can flash-load TAP files (such as the DivIDE).
nice & fresh on a saturday morning, thanks for giving me a good start to my day, great deno :)
Very cool. Just a pity it's a flickerfest all the way through.
Still enjoyable though.
Still enjoyable though.
how i never voted for this before? :O
aw hells yeah
Alright, finally got my DivIDE, so now I could watch this demo properly!
Still, I think my initial comment from way WAY back still stands - it just flickers too much, and this is on a proper setup, real hardware and CRT TV.
Some of the pictures handles this better where it seems to interlace on a per-line basis or something (maybe every 2/4 lines?), then the effect is more acceptable. The initial picture though (seen in the topleftmost screenshot) and many of the effects flicker like crazy however.
Still, I think my initial comment from way WAY back still stands - it just flickers too much, and this is on a proper setup, real hardware and CRT TV.
Some of the pictures handles this better where it seems to interlace on a per-line basis or something (maybe every 2/4 lines?), then the effect is more acceptable. The initial picture though (seen in the topleftmost screenshot) and many of the effects flicker like crazy however.
Holy shit, this is impressive.
Woah. Will watch this on +2a tomorrow.
I like spheres.
Wow. Nice :)
having happy hangover now
worth it's prize!
Great effort with a lot of realtime effects. Using old music is not good by all standards but this demo seems to be one man prod (TmK made the code and gfx and there are a lot).
great platform-popularization demo! ;)
forgotten thumb for one of my favourite zx demos!
Watched on a ZX +2A by the tape ^_^ and Amstrad CTM-644 monitor, still a very crazy. The flickering isn't that bad on fx's or graphics, the big logo flickered the most the background.
i like
Nice static GFX! I like spheres ;)
that was a blast
love the effects, love the metaballs at the end 😍
love the effects, love the metaballs at the end 😍
Great gfx, effects! Music so so. I enjoy watching it but rather muted
If you view this demo on real HW and a CRT and have too much flicker: try turning the brightness down. It really improves the effect a lot if you find the right brightness level.
Hell yeah, I got the point =)
Nice demo. The flickering is something that is slightly annoying; and the fact that its one big chunkyfest and not keeps it from being the top rated ZX demo amazes me! All in all, good stuff tho!
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