Solskool - TRSAC 09 Invitation by Loonies [web]
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popularity : 64% |
alltime top: #2620 |
added on the 2009-07-19 17:39:40 by Blueberry ![]() |
popularity helper
I especially like the mentorization in this 4k :)
rulez added on the 2009-07-19 17:41:54 by magic 

p.s. any (rubber) ducks to win this year? :)
Cool !
Very nice !
(win7 : run as admin or else no video, only sound...)
(win7 : run as admin or else no video, only sound...)
not bad
Cool invite
pure Amiga Spirit :)
pure Amiga Spirit :)
Superb little invite :-)
I especially love that twister.
I especially love that twister.
Goodlooking 4k with cool effects and nice music.
havent been able to watch the intro yet but, ups for another trsac! i'm going to try hard to come!
i don't understand the infofile's comment about the "only real danish scene-party left" though, with farmfest being organised and all. embrace other guys' attempts instead of fighting them, and stuff, you know!
i don't understand the infofile's comment about the "only real danish scene-party left" though, with farmfest being organised and all. embrace other guys' attempts instead of fighting them, and stuff, you know!
cool invite
Loved it! Cool music, superb design and a whole lot of character.
thanxalot again...stylish amiga-tro :D
absolutely my taste !
absolutely my taste !
what ppl said
jeg kommer, jeg kommer!! JEG KOMMER <3
Cutesy ;).
Jeg kommer ikke ;)
But I loved this :D
But I loved this :D
skrebbel: you're right of course, no offense intended to malodix/farmfest in any way - we (the trsac compo crew) plan to attend farmfest and are extremely happy that someone is organizing a new party :) sorry, we were a. it drunk when we wrote this, so again: no offense intended :) now come to trsac too and enjoy yourself as much as we did at outline :)
Right, so the dig was at me not being Danish?
Good one, nice music!
I found it pretty dull as an intro, but the message was successfully delivered :)
Great, first 4k i've found that even runs ok on win7 x64.
doesn´t work (w2k sp4, gf8800)
better than the screenshot...
I wrote the text that skrebbel points out above - I take full resposibility for that. As farfar states, this is in _no_ way meant to be disrespectful towards Farmfest, which I actually intend to visit myself.
I really hope that we could leave out such a discussion here, since
1) this is a 4k production thread, and the guys who did the intro does not have anything to do with the mentioned text text.
2) It would be really tiring to have this discussion, since we did not intend to provoke it at all.
I hope that you understand - and if you do not, please contact me directly.
I really hope that we could leave out such a discussion here, since
1) this is a 4k production thread, and the guys who did the intro does not have anything to do with the mentioned text text.
2) It would be really tiring to have this discussion, since we did not intend to provoke it at all.
I hope that you understand - and if you do not, please contact me directly.
This was a 4k?
Does not run under WINE (big surprise), but I recall it as quite enjoyable from the party...
Does not run under WINE (big surprise), but I recall it as quite enjoyable from the party...
thumb up for the style & oldschool :-)
malodix: as Puryx says, there *is* no dig at you, but of course we understand how you can see it as such, and i/we can only say that we apologize wholeheartedly and that we look forward to farmfest! Personally, I think the comment was pretty much just a reflection on the Danish parties that used to be but are no more (SE, The Meltdown, The Party, Scene Meeting and more) . Please don't make anything out this, it's nothing but a misunderstanding, and again: we have nothing but respect for the fact that you're starting a new party!
Very cool!
puryx: sorry, you're right. let's try to keep this discussion away from the prod thread. in any case, i'll edit the offending text on tomorrow and add a link to farmfest. Also: (this for Malodix) we are working on a danish demo scene portal to have an overview of parties and other scene-related stuff, and we would of course love to pimp farmfest on there! drope an email if you're interested ([email protected])
farfar: Don't worry about it. I have no doubt that you and puryx would mean anything bad by it. It's just that when I originally read it, I took it like it was meant to offend me because I'm not Danish, as if to say that I was somewhere where I shouldn't be. Anyway, no hard feelings. It IS the only TRUE Danish party in that sense, so that's perfectly OK. Christian came and smoothed things out with me. He's a top guy and I know it wasn't meant the way it came across. :) Thanks for being understanding.
Feel free to leave the text on the site. I just read in to it a little too much and read originally thought you meant something else. I haven't had the best of days today, so it's my misundrestanding.
It's be great to see some of TBC/Loonies pop along to farmfest if possible. The more the merrier, of course. I plan to attend TRSAC. I've been looking forward to it since coming here.
I'll drop you an email when I get the chance (it's 4am now, ouch!). Thanks for the link on the site. Much appreciated.
Anyway, on with the prod comments.
Feel free to leave the text on the site. I just read in to it a little too much and read originally thought you meant something else. I haven't had the best of days today, so it's my misundrestanding.
It's be great to see some of TBC/Loonies pop along to farmfest if possible. The more the merrier, of course. I plan to attend TRSAC. I've been looking forward to it since coming here.
I'll drop you an email when I get the chance (it's 4am now, ouch!). Thanks for the link on the site. Much appreciated.
Anyway, on with the prod comments.
I was up late as well, couldn't sleep :o) - anyway, I'm glad you accept our apology, and let me just say that if the tables were turned, I would've been offended too, so I understand where you're coming from (which just makes it even more "d'oh!!").
Anyways - bygones, now it's onward ho and to glory!!! :O)
Anyways - bygones, now it's onward ho and to glory!!! :O)
win7 <3 Thanks blueberry! Nice intro, but cubes are really starting to get stale ;) The wingdings smiley makes up for them, though!
nice demo
Very enjoyable invitation with nice music. The "bob" part doesn't really fit though I think. Cubes and twister look great. :)
For some reason, this intro really annoys me. I don't know why. The cubes are the twister are pretty, the colourscheme is nice and the music is catchy, but in the end, I just want to press esc.
does its job very well
A nice oldschoolish invitro.
Very enjoyable, perhaps my second favourite prod of the year from Solskogen.
I loved it. Damn catchy tune too :)
Ill certainly try to attend with as many Darklite & TUFSeses as possible.
Ill certainly try to attend with as many Darklite & TUFSeses as possible.
I dig the sine-cubes and the catchy tune! Also the asterisk-twister is pretty cool :)
soothing colours, not sure about the oldskool section
oh they're having TRSAC this year? How awesome is that, I must surely go to this great party!1
Awesome! High chance of me being there :)
Great stuff as always by Loonies... Like it again ;)
awesome indeed.
Totally forgot to thumb this up!
Nice effects - and what could be more obvious, than a 4k intro as invite for a danish party? ;)
Thank you yet again for making this in time for Solskogen!
Nice effects - and what could be more obvious, than a 4k intro as invite for a danish party? ;)
Thank you yet again for making this in time for Solskogen!
New standard for 4k invitations! (Hi Gopher! ;P)
The bobs are a bit meh, rest is luvly!
The bobs are a bit meh, rest is luvly!
what skan said... (Hi skan! :p )
You had me at starfield, and clinched the deal with raster bars ;)
Love the crazy mix of oldschool/newschool stuff.
Love the crazy mix of oldschool/newschool stuff.
not working on my HD4770 :(
Lots of content and good synth.
Not bad.
Works great on my 3years young scrap.
beyond expectations!
eladamri said it! Plus the twister is sweeet.
Nice invitro =)
Finally got around to seeing this today (thanks to bstrr's YouTube vid). I originally tried to run it under wine, but it was a no-go, so I had to wait patiently for a video.
Nice to see some bobs in there, as well as the rasterbars, starfield and a really nice looking twister. Really looking forward to going now!
Nice to see some bobs in there, as well as the rasterbars, starfield and a really nice looking twister. Really looking forward to going now!
I would rather have seen boobs!
Nice indeed.
What's with the rasterbars and smileys btw? :D
What's with the rasterbars and smileys btw? :D
Nice little 4k
I second eladamri.
Very good music, Heine!
Very nice! Framesync always impresses me. Nice tune too.
Starfield! \o/
Well designed, very pleasant to watch!
I love the visual style in this, it's very distinctive. Not totally sold on the bobs bit, but I assume that's a bit tongue in cheek.
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