Virtual Vodka by Fairlight [web]
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popularity : 69% |
alltime top: #2654 |
added on the 2001-12-03 03:52:42 by oldaccount ![]() |
popularity helper
this demo is freakin' amazing! good work guys!
rulez added on the 2001-12-03 03:53:31 by oldaccount 

At the moment the demo can only be found here ->
quite nice, but DAMMIT be coherent! There are a few nice effects in here and some random 3d-scenes (nice bones-animation).
macaw, u biased butmunkey!
where is fireblade?!:)
good work fellas.
where is fireblade?!:)
good work fellas.
no coherency indeed..
no coherency indeed..
there are some very good effects there. the 3d scenes are very nicely made with bone animation. the forest reminded me a bit of the scenes in purple by orion. plus there are some realy cool environemted objects and a blurred zoomer effect. the music was very cool indeed. and the text is kinda pushing you more into fairyland.. lack of design yeah, but overall its a very nice production.
Hmm.. Good effects, but I enjoy them less than previous Pantaloon's releases..
it doesn't run (win2k, geforce2mx, XP drivers et al)
If the screenshot is something to go by: I'm freaked out by the trees being decapitated.
If the screenshot is something to go by: I'm freaked out by the trees being decapitated.
some cool fx, but mostly boring 3d. Music could be bether..
The demo had some nice parts and coding, but absolutely no continuity between scenes. It was just a random assortment of stuff and nothing more.
some pretty damn nice effects in here
cant run it ;[ wi98-p3-radeon. black screen for a while, then it exits.
some pretty damn nice effects in here
nice fx, cool scenes, if only it had some theme (and a more reasonable name perhaps? 8))
anyway, my group is greeted, so whataheck 8))
anyway, my group is greeted, so whataheck 8))
design/gfx/pics/textures are horrible. everything else is OK.
after reading ile's comment i decided to watch this piece. i totally dislike the design but indeed, there are a few pretty cool effects included (alltho most of them are based on the same concept..),
but anyhow, very nice to see since neat effects are getting kind of rare in demos nowadays..
next time hire another designer please..
but anyhow, very nice to see since neat effects are getting kind of rare in demos nowadays..
next time hire another designer please..
horrible. extremly ugly, no concept at all. and cool effects? was there any fx that was not std 3 years ago? (and how did you get it so slow? one of the last very simple 3d wobbling parts actually is <12fps on my gef3)
OMG, This R0x! Macaw, you r0x!
Sagacity can shut up and fuck your ass!
Sagacity can shut up and fuck your ass!
Um, excuse me?
Team Fairlight 0wnz ALL j00
lam3r's a55!
Fairlight for3ver!!
lam3r's a55!
Fairlight for3ver!!
Nice one this! Cool 3D landscape, and nice effects!
r00le =D
r00le =D
well.. some words to shiva:
It's nothing wrong with pantaloons code. the demo is not slow, its your geforce3 card that is slow! I have a geforce2mx and its running perfectly nice here, and i have a P2 300mhz, 92 megz RAM (nothing to brag about right), and still its running fast here. must be something wrong with your 3dcard-drivers or that you have a fucked up machine!. no offence man.
It's nothing wrong with pantaloons code. the demo is not slow, its your geforce3 card that is slow! I have a geforce2mx and its running perfectly nice here, and i have a P2 300mhz, 92 megz RAM (nothing to brag about right), and still its running fast here. must be something wrong with your 3dcard-drivers or that you have a fucked up machine!. no offence man.
the effect shiva was refering to is very slow with me too. but everything else work nice and smoothly.
and it has been slow on every fucking machine ive watched it on.. including compomachine at dreamhack and with my geforce2gts
the music is imo the best part.. i honestly cant say i like the bones scene.. first of all bones aint something new .. and second of all the lightning of that scene really needs work..
but the music does it :)
the music is imo the best part.. i honestly cant say i like the bones scene.. first of all bones aint something new .. and second of all the lightning of that scene really needs work..
but the music does it :)
good work... nice quality
i like the music :)
i like the music :)
How many of you got busted (not counting fireblade) ?
i liked this demo. haven't seen any flt+vd prodz in ages.
the music sounded really phat, i liked that track alot, nice one. the demo itself was also a nice one.
i liked the design, the way they showed the effect names etc .. i don't know what all those others are complaining about.. it's a good one!
the music sounded really phat, i liked that track alot, nice one. the demo itself was also a nice one.
i liked the design, the way they showed the effect names etc .. i don't know what all those others are complaining about.. it's a good one!
Finally saw it, very nice! Those who only like abstract flashy nonsense should avoid it. The part that others referred to runs slow here too (Ath1.4/GF2Pro+22.50), but the rest runs fine.
Well, nice release by fairloght...the music rules! Fits very cool
to the show!
Although the demo is no mind-killer in effectx it's simply well
made and nice to watch for sure!
You shouldn't miss that one... Fairlight simply still rules! ;-)
phoenix: try using the v12.xx drivers from nvidia and the last
part effect should run smoothly!! It's just a change in the
later nvidia drivers after v12.xx :-(( Hope they will fix
that in future driver releases again...!? (or better FLT!? ;-) )
to the show!
Although the demo is no mind-killer in effectx it's simply well
made and nice to watch for sure!
You shouldn't miss that one... Fairlight simply still rules! ;-)
phoenix: try using the v12.xx drivers from nvidia and the last
part effect should run smoothly!! It's just a change in the
later nvidia drivers after v12.xx :-(( Hope they will fix
that in future driver releases again...!? (or better FLT!? ;-) )
yes good music too
it doesn't run (win2k, geforce2mx, XP drivers et al)
added on the 2001-12-03 by shifter
Then why does it run smoothly on my computer?(geforce2mx,XP) ;P
anyway... this prod. rlz... i could watch it for days and still i wouldnt be fed up with it =) good job
added on the 2001-12-03 by shifter
Then why does it run smoothly on my computer?(geforce2mx,XP) ;P
anyway... this prod. rlz... i could watch it for days and still i wouldnt be fed up with it =) good job
Another piece of glorious Fairlight design.
It's so great to see a group forming a unique style and an identity in their releases.
Keep up the good work!
It's so great to see a group forming a unique style and an identity in their releases.
Keep up the good work!
Very good design and code at parts -- very boring design in others (like the 3D flyby monks/ghouls/whatever walking scene). Still a very good production :-)
yuck. too much 3d
nice 2d effects,sweet music
Transitions rock, all prods should have them
love it that's why i'm giving everyone teh script for it
## Virtual Vodka / Fairlight
## Dreamhack 2001 Booze Demo
## Version 1.08
## I lost my inspiration again, all good effects saved for our Fairlight+VirtualDreams demo, think that is a good
## strategic move at the moment, i have no inspiration whatsoever =)
## Anyway, lets all take a 1-2 month break, and then get back and kick some ass at Mecka Symposium.
## /pantalooooon
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## Intro Part
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## Title part, 2nd part...
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## Forest scene with explosion
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## rot ball part
## gonna add a cool effect on this env sphere.
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## Shiny twister part
## Background picture only ??? its kinda fps demanding... hmm... fillrate...
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## Arena scene
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## Fireball of Light
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## Blobb thing
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## Radial stuff i hate doing demos right now
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## 3D Wobbler
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## The End
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</demo> the pass for the archive is getfan
## Virtual Vodka / Fairlight
## Dreamhack 2001 Booze Demo
## Version 1.08
## I lost my inspiration again, all good effects saved for our Fairlight+VirtualDreams demo, think that is a good
## strategic move at the moment, i have no inspiration whatsoever =)
## Anyway, lets all take a 1-2 month break, and then get back and kick some ass at Mecka Symposium.
## /pantalooooon
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<!-- fade music in -->
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## Logo intro
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## Intro Part
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## Title part, 2nd part...
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## Forest scene with explosion
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## rot ball part
## gonna add a cool effect on this env sphere.
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## Shiny twister part
## Background picture only ??? its kinda fps demanding... hmm... fillrate...
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## Arena scene
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## Fireball of Light
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## Blobb thing
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## Radial stuff i hate doing demos right now
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## 3D Wobbler
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## The End
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</demo> the pass for the archive is getfan
hmm... lots of spam
anyway, i have never seen such a good demo than this is!
anyway, i have never seen such a good demo than this is!
littelm: that post really sucked
littelm: you're not elite before you repack it half the size and stick a selfmade cracktro to it :)
want me to cuz i can
Entertaining demo with really good music.
It's been a while since I saw this one, but I remeber it being worth of a thumb
i really really dig the music.
nice. but the last effect was about 3fps :(
3fps ?
What do you own, a pocket calculator ? :)
On my old P3/1000 it runs in full frame.
What i would like to say: Amazing production.
The monk movement is really impressive and near to reality.
Some coloureffects were beautiful as....naked chicks i.e.
Geilo, thumb up.
What do you own, a pocket calculator ? :)
On my old P3/1000 it runs in full frame.
What i would like to say: Amazing production.
The monk movement is really impressive and near to reality.
Some coloureffects were beautiful as....naked chicks i.e.
Geilo, thumb up.
i bet : blala have a p2 333 with tnt 2 m64 :)))))
great demo.
great demo.
Yup some really nice effects, great music. Narrowly misses a thumbs up, but a superb release nonetheless.
nice music and the diviners captured me. great demo overall.
yes, something is wrong with the last effect.
yes, something is wrong with the last effect.
Really nice stuff here!
the monks were pretty cool animated.
nice panta-demo ;)
Great music.
For the music.
i loved everything <3 Bliss <3 made.
Nice demo aswell :)
Nice demo aswell :)
Nice enough.
Now, 7 years from there and with hardware a few times faster, the scene before the credits is still unbelievably slow. :/ And one with a wobblething in a translucent box in a stone room isn't exactly smooth either.
But otherwise nice.
But otherwise nice.
All the sceners run smooth in my dual core laptop, ATI X1400, XP SP2, a gig of RAM.
The music rocks hard, but the sceners are a bit incoherent O_o
The music rocks hard, but the sceners are a bit incoherent O_o
Classic Fairlight demo =)
reminds me of some one of old rpg games
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