
Overflow's Backtro by Logon System
screenshot added by Overflow (cpc) on 2001-11-04 23:00:51
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release date : november 2001
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popularity : 66%
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alltime top: #2749
added on the 2001-11-04 23:00:51 by Overflow (cpc) Overflow (cpc)

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I have just seen it on my CPC. It's amazing! Both technically and effectswise!

The first part is some amazing fullscreen (overscan!) 50hz software tunnels and wormholes with 1byte width and 4lines height pixel blocks (And actually the lines are repeated 4 times with hardware way) and some cool optimized to the bone softcode all these making it possible to display big tunnel effects at fullscreen (All my CPC monitor is filled like hell to the borders ;)
The music? YM (A nice Atari tune I have first heared while downloading Leonard's Stsound) Overflow is the first to use converted digidrums in YM as he told me..

The 2nd part? Some cooler wormholes with normal resolution in Mode0, combining page flipping + color cycling at the same time but looks really cool! The wormholes rotate too (Due to pageflipping) and at the first time I couldn't think of colorcycling in the rotated ones! This parts plays also SID for the first time on CPC!

It's a long time to see a so innovative demo smashing the CPC! Overflow, the old coder of Shadow of the beast parallax scroller and S&Koh and other hardware demos, is back! And he brought us at once some really new and innovative stuff to the sleepy CPC scene! And it's only a small backtro ;)

A funny thing,.. I have more to write, cause I was obsessed with that demo! =)

It's the first time someone has thought and applied the idea to find a way to write big pixels and beeing able to update at 50hz, by copying 4 times the lines with hardware way! Perhaps we will start seeing C64like blocky demos in the future??? Lot's of innovations here!

Another final funny thing is that I have so many years to see such a technically extreme demo, so extreme that it fucks a lot with emuls! Even the loading fucks? (The second part is loaded while playing YM music!) Is to so technically advanced to rip emulators??? I suggest you Caprice32 or any oter emulator to run the second part,. Arnold could run the 1st? Hmm,.. anyways, I can enjoy it on my CPC, so it doesn't matter me ;)

Overflow,. the fact that I wrote so big review here in Pouet, means that I really liked it! It is something really new and technical advanced for the CPC scene (I will catch you through email :)
rulez added on the 2001-11-06 10:38:48 by Optimus Optimus
1) A funny thing is that the blocky effects looks much pretier with the cool CPC color pallete, than on C64 demos with the shitty pallete. CPC could make pretier demos than C64 in the future if there was an active CPC scene..

2) I hope I didn't do any mistake with the technical shit here... I am just newbie and I am just guessing or mentioning what I have heard from others..
added on the 2001-11-06 11:36:35 by Optimus Optimus
Especially to Optimus, about your 2) :
you're right about all technics :) good job! you just forgot the SID logo, whose colors are real-time changed each frame, in order to cancel the color-cyling.

Thanks a lot about the good comments! :)
i LoooOOve you overFlow !!!!
rulez added on the 2001-11-10 23:48:37 by med med
You are a genius! I am still speechless...
rulez added on the 2001-11-11 16:29:08 by sice sice
Absolutely enormous :)
rulez added on the 2001-11-12 04:18:20 by Buckethead Buckethead
WinAPE32 Version 2.0a run that pure stuff (1st & 2nd part)
very good technically but boring tunnels with colors moves in fact, not good design but great code
funny to see what a CPC can do in fact, if you say this was possible when i was on CPC scene i said you you are crazy ;]
I saw it on WinAPE32, and damn it's great :) (a bit boring though)
rulez added on the 2001-12-10 16:24:17 by MooZ MooZ
To Zone or MooZ: I totally agree :) boring, no design...
For techies only(?) to show what a CPC could do.
On purpose: only 2 smashing effects to put shame on nowadays CPC lamers, by a so old and old-school guy! ;)
By the way: there's a far more simple demo coming, design-only demo, similar to the old Melon Dezign's demos from 1992...
I looOove you Overflow.
Your stuff's are the best...
Continues tes prods. J'adore :) Toutes elles roxx ;) ENORME.
Bonne année 2002 !!!


Overflow the Great!
rulez added on the 2002-03-07 16:35:57 by _tal_ _tal_
Merci mr 'OVF' pour ce 'ROYAL' moment de pur bonheur :)
Tronic (GPA)

rulez added on the 2002-03-30 01:22:01 by zton zton
I love to see that CPC scene is still alive!
rulez added on the 2002-04-15 20:38:29 by ham ham
Yes ! A new school demo on CPC ! Or a kind of new school demo ! Thanks to an old school coder for this piece of art ! :-D
rulez added on the 2002-08-19 23:16:36 by ramlaid ramlaid
I just seen it on my CPC, what a good and great coding !!! I'm still surprised about CPC capacity ! Shall we have a new one early ?
added on the 2003-01-22 22:32:57 by Kris Kris
rulez added on the 2006-01-14 18:47:03 by p01 p01
Video found here : http://cpcrulez.free.fr/Scene_Videos/Backtro__DIVX511.avi
Worse direction ever!!!
I love it! :D
rulez added on the 2006-12-01 03:08:51 by xernobyl xernobyl
Great gear!
rulez added on the 2006-12-01 22:40:59 by ALiEN^bf ALiEN^bf
tunnels, digidrums, sid... This one rules!
rulez added on the 2007-01-30 18:59:37 by ASiC ASiC
added on the 2007-04-15 02:25:16 by p01 p01
Overflow impressed everybody at the Croco Chanel 3 with his Backtro. Try the true version (called Parasites) with graphics of Beb...
rulez added on the 2007-05-19 09:33:49 by toms toms
wow! this is almost like AtariF030 effect!! respect!
now CPC looks more powerfull than C64 :P almost like Atai 800XL :D
rulez added on the 2007-07-18 10:44:05 by calimero calimero
Very impressive !!
rulez added on the 2007-08-27 22:50:48 by micdune micdune
Overouf' IS God :)
rulez added on the 2007-11-04 00:24:59 by Hicks Hicks
rulez added on the 2009-05-30 23:13:40 by MuffinHop MuffinHop
Great effects, want more :)
rulez added on the 2009-05-31 00:02:40 by Dbug Dbug
rulez added on the 2009-07-17 05:41:01 by comankh comankh
One effect for 6 minutes... Technically impressive, I guess.
added on the 2009-07-17 15:23:07 by blala blala
Awesome demo with a very clever demomaking approach imo.
rulez added on the 2011-08-20 13:16:05 by Rhino/BG Rhino/BG
Always impressive in 2011
rulez added on the 2011-08-27 00:37:42 by krusty krusty
one of the best ever CPC demos for sure!

OVF we expect more :)
rulez added on the 2011-08-27 02:12:54 by voxy voxy
Really love the music in this one!
rulez added on the 2011-11-12 13:00:47 by anni anni
great :D
rulez added on the 2011-12-09 22:36:47 by rez rez
rulez added on the 2013-06-09 13:18:51 by Eldrik Eldrik
:) :)
rulez added on the 2014-11-18 06:50:32 by sensenstahl sensenstahl
I am a long-standing fan of this demo. Love your work with the sound, very cool animations too. Very inspiring technology-wise.
rulez added on the 2015-07-18 10:38:36 by introspec introspec
so great
rulez added on the 2017-01-06 00:38:10 by MacDeath MacDeath
I have never said that I love it?! :)
rulez added on the 2018-04-13 13:00:58 by TotO TotO
Nice tune, but the effects dont display on my Schneider Amstrad with CRTC0.
rulez added on the 2019-12-30 13:58:54 by spkr spkr
Could do with more variation, but sure.
rulez added on the 2020-05-23 14:25:46 by Nosferatu Nosferatu
Could do with more variation, but sure.

rulez added on the 2020-05-23 14:34:15 by sim sim
Wonderful come-back!
rulezcdc added on the 2021-05-29 16:41:49 by EliotBenediction EliotBenediction
Wonderful come-back!

Oh! CDC. Late CDC is CDC. I'm not so proud about this one : coming back as if nothing has changed - rushing the release, not trying enough the trackloader, approximative beats and SID-voices, too long! crtc2 incompatibility despites there were ways to be compatible,... Proud 10 years later YAP! to announce "the new Overflow" - the one who polish releases, does not need much KB, use simple HW tricks and code to achieve big FX. Well... Thanks @Eliot. I appreciate you take care of the Elders. ;)
added on the 2024-01-30 12:04:31 by Overflow Overflow
Late thumb for me :)
rulez added on the 2024-05-03 14:37:00 by roudoudou roudoudou
Wow! A "software" effect fullscreen at 50.o8Hz. That's unprecedented and barely replicated since! Clever as always.
Plus first SID voice! What a treat.
Love it despite the flaws. Please come back with big demos. Backbacktro.
rulez added on the 2025-03-10 06:46:24 by m_dr_m m_dr_m

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