911 by anadune [web]
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popularity : 63% |
alltime top: #49598 |
added on the 2007-08-27 01:48:11 by wie8 ![]() |
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hm, myszle, ze mialo by wiecej sensu pisac tutaj po agielsku.. :P
niestety mój pc nie ma dosyc mocnosci, zeby zobaczyc ten demo... :/
niestety mój pc nie ma dosyc mocnosci, zeby zobaczyc ten demo... :/
Absolutely not my cup of tea. I don't like politics in demos and this is a demo w/o any real effects and it's also incredibly ugly. Sorry, thumb goes down!
What Stingray said... and I got a feeling that this demo tries to be "pro-9/11-victim" and "anti-american-imperialism" at the same time, which is definitely not a good idea. Music was really good, but visually it's a mess... sorry.
quite good format
This one didn't give me anything, which is unusual for an Anadune prod. Where's the beauty of your past demos? Especially the scyscraper textures are so ugly.
To many scanned pictures in this one.
I like the scene with bombers flying over the map. Soundtrack is good as well.
As I assume, politics in the demos may take a right place in case the demo trying to save the audience from politics, showing that love, life, art, etc. is more important and we should do anything possible to save such things from political maniacs who destroy everything for his family business.
...Anyway, I like Anadune's Baba Yaga more :)
As I assume, politics in the demos may take a right place in case the demo trying to save the audience from politics, showing that love, life, art, etc. is more important and we should do anything possible to save such things from political maniacs who destroy everything for his family business.
...Anyway, I like Anadune's Baba Yaga more :)
thumb up for the music
To be honest I've quite mixed feelings after watching this demo. Things I like: Nice 2D pictures, "dirty" elements, great music and overall concept (although I generally don't like politics in demos). What I don't like: The colors are just ugly, scenes that don't fit one to another, unnatural models without proper texturing and overall scene composition.
Would have been piggy but since it got released on the only one polish demoparty I'm giving it my thumb.
Would have been piggy but since it got released on the only one polish demoparty I'm giving it my thumb.
A wgniecionym w ambitna, kilka minusów także. Dodatkowo wyższym ciężkiego zapomniał. Chris Waddle.
politics all alone suck!
its ok to talk/discuss about politics, its even good, when you care whats going on.
but this demo is redicolous :P
but this demo is redicolous :P
not very consistent visually but at least follows some scenario or common thought (not a bunch of flying 3d potatos). i don't know if scene production should avoid such topics... this demo clearly shows why politics suck, whats wrong with that?
if you commute to job via car you use gasoline... and why not ev1? etc. also, many of us work in corporations doing the dirty work, often used in military companies... asking questions is not a crime...
if you commute to job via car you use gasoline... and why not ev1? etc. also, many of us work in corporations doing the dirty work, often used in military companies... asking questions is not a crime...
I have mixed feelings about this. 911 is gone past since a long, never expected a demo still with it's theme, though it's not bad still.
some ok scenes, but theres too much mix of visual styles
political demos sucks and the visuals are a big mess
I liked the black and white silhouette part. But this is not enough to save it from a thumb down.
Nothing should ever be forgotten!
thumb down for title, gibberish in comments and the demo itself
seriously... and the singing sucks.
its ok to talk/discuss about politics, its even good, when you care whats going on.
I agree with that.
I'd love to rate this demo, but considering that I never saw the scene on the screenshot, because everything else apart from the globe turned into a huge soup of polygons, I think I'll wait for the final version.
Nice lighting :)
im fine with political statements in demos - im even all for it - if it's done well. this isnt done well at all.
I'd like to see more political statements in demos. But not like this.
not too bad. a quite difficult subject - taken seriusly (in opposite to "iraq-demo" on amiga ;) ).
so many good ideas flushed into the river again. maybe next time guys.
no.bad execution
that was bad
Fuck No
Seriously. No. Just NO.
I like it.
A mi nie dzialaaaaaa :(
i don't know... so piggy
the middle parts sort of confused me, ok being a memorial, sucks being a statement
Yes, yes, yes. F.ck the USA & blody politics of G.W.B.
I don't mind the politics and I liked the radar-part. After that, the downhill started and I almost pressed esc when the singing started.
fishy decision to go into this subject in this format. With all respect to authors, not buying this particular prod either.
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Acryl przysiedział nad swoim silnikiem, dodał co nieco i wszystko ładnie z ubikiem poskładał...
Podoba mi się także motyw z fotografiami, ładnie dodany postprocess... Temat dość poważny.
Jednakże jest kilka minusów także, kolory wołają o pomstę do nieba... Zwłaszcza scena z błękitnymi budynkami i bordowo/czerwonawym tłem... W dodatku tło to jednolity poprostu kolor. To samo chwilę później z granatowo/błękitnym tłem. Nic tak nie rujnuje sceny jak jednolite tło. Dodatkowo obroty SHPRT niezbyt się spisują na budynkach czy lecącym samolocie, całość wygląda dość dziwnie
niestety... Model człowieka z globem fajniutki... ładny glow. Dodatkowo fajny motyw z obracającym się czołgiem... Lecące samoloty, które są niewykrywalne dla radarów wyglądają ultra płasko (poprostu na jednego quada z mapą diffuse i normal mapą)... I nie pytajcie mnie jak się nazywa ten samolot bo nie wiem ;)
Razi także niekonsekwencja... mam na myśli tutaj sceny - raz są one czyste, a raz cholernie brudne.
Ogólnie demo nierówne... podobne do MFX - Ultimatum to the world - ale nie jest to wadą
(poprostu w obu demach występują czołgi i apacze oraz flagi ameryki)... Choć osobiście mnie
bardziej się podoba produkcja MFX. A w scenie z wgniecionym w budynek samolotem dodałbym jakieś particle...
Muzyka Chasera zdecydowanie ambitna, jednakże nie mój gatunek... Tak czy inaczej słychać poprostu że dużo pracy go to kosztowało i narzekać na brzmienie/mastering i inne takie nie można. Reasumując - bardzo mnie cieszy że wydaliście demo, to raz, dwa - zajebiście że Acryl eksperymentujesz, A trzy - cholernie wyjebiście ciężko tworzyć dema polityczne więc szacunek.
I byłbym zapomniał - zajebista pierwsza scena, widzę Artur że ulepszyłeś mocno toola.
Ubik & Acryl & Chaser & wolf & Krystian - good job.
All in All, thumb up !