Megademo by Red Sector Inc. [web] & The Clumsy Creepers | ||||||||||||||
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popularity : 77% |
alltime top: #214 |
added on the 2001-07-18 01:36:51 by undo ![]() |
popularity helper
I was really surprised that this famous megademo wasn't yet added to pouet. Now it is :)
rulez added on the 2001-07-18 01:38:17 by undo 

the first demo i ever saw. especially the loader music was quite impressive, and i also had a good laugh while reading those endless scrolltexts :)
Nice oldschool gfx+style
shit, one of the gfx-ians we kicked out of our team copied one of the pics out of that ani-gif screenshot, so it *must* rule =)
THE megademo.
one of the coolest demo ever
romeo knight ruuuullez
romeo knight ruuuullez
ZE megademo !!
Un pur bijou oldsk00l !
Ce fut la premiere démo que j'ai vu, et la premiere d'une longue passion !!
Nostalgia strikes back !!!
Just ROXXX !
Un pur bijou oldsk00l !
Ce fut la premiere démo que j'ai vu, et la premiere d'une longue passion !!
Nostalgia strikes back !!!
Just ROXXX !
My first demo also, and it's still entertaining.
But why doesn't this demo appear if you only search for "megademo"?
But why doesn't this demo appear if you only search for "megademo"?
Because only the first 20 are shown.
megademos rule!
It was the first Demo that i seen in my life
I realy love it !!! ;) think it was 1990 ?!?
It was the first Demo that i seen in my life
I realy love it !!! ;) think it was 1990 ?!?
Private Live : )
damn so few comments... this has to rule... as does romeo kight! also the scener questionare at the end is sooo funny... an all time classic from its day... follow me ;)
ja. ich habe es lieb.
a ttc desing
mEe GAA de MO !
mEe GAA de MO !
One of the first demos I ever saw, and still one of the best. This was lightyears ahead of most other products at the time..
it sure was
I love the loader music
sorry I mean RSI ;_;
for unfaithfullness i shall go on my knees and beg deservance
for unfaithfullness i shall go on my knees and beg deservance
Delta ownz
Bit Arts ownz
Romeo Knight is overrated
the graphics are quite average
overall still fantastique demo!
Bit Arts ownz
Romeo Knight is overrated
the graphics are quite average
overall still fantastique demo!
It was fabulous back in the late 80's and it's still fabulous! Time to watch it again.

This one rocks ...
Yes!!!!! Music is fantastic!... Red Sector is... Magic :)
I saw this, then I decided to buy an A500.
The starting point for the Amiga demoScene this was!! Love it!!
imho romeo knight isn't at all overrated, especially some of his later tunes kicked major ass
romeo knight is a hero. and this is probably one of the first demos I ever saw.
Same here, Dominei. Thumbs up for true classic.
definition of elite.
ahh, what a joy!
This one is great.
Ahh... the first Megademo I ever saw way back all those years ago. So impressive :-)
An indispensable part of history!!
And the hidden screen in the bobpart was worth a big grin! ;-)
And the hidden screen in the bobpart was worth a big grin! ;-)
See prod id 3024 ;)
the megademo from past

TEH Megademo - the first !!!
It created a major impact at that time (well at least in France should I say hehe)
Many, many people wanted to start doing demo after this
It created a major impact at that time (well at least in France should I say hehe)
Many, many people wanted to start doing demo after this
Influental, yes.. But I hope you're not claiming this was the first megademo ;)
the true elite...have a copy back from 1991 which
still works proper nowadays :D *the hidden juggler part*
still works proper nowadays :D *the hidden juggler part*
Top Baleze !
Great Megademo.
not one of the best amiga demos, but still good
This one was a ruler at its time ! It blasted me away with great sound & gfx !
This is an all time classic for sure !
This is an all time classic for sure !
this is one of the best megademo coz it was the first one, that was so so so long.
Sound rockZ and as far as i know, it was released on the tristar venlo party =)
Sound rockZ and as far as i know, it was released on the tristar venlo party =)
One of the firsts demos i saw! a classic.
The one and only...
Out of words here, i'll just thumb up :)
The mother of all Megademos!!!
how to get run it with winuae? :/
one of the greatest megademos every released .
ltk, and this one was even a bit earlier. touché.
reed, ok you got me ;) antitrax was first ;)
What!? No video of this classic yet?
Old, but i love it. :D
Not the best but the most spreaded one! Romeo Knight rocked!
Wow, I remember talking to Delta at the Commodore wall at some Cebit meeting. RSi were stars for me after this release!
The very first demo I ever saw...
Worth one thumb up, just for this single fact alone!
Worth one thumb up, just for this single fact alone!
The magic is still alive after all these years.
Love it!!! One of the first demos I saw on the Amiga... Great music, gfx and code. The Juggler rulez! Press fire button if you want to get a peek into The Jugglers private life!!!
Scrolls! Music! Effects! Best Amiga demo!
The reference. Has its place ine history! I was surprised by Amiga capabilities even in 1991. But I admit, this one is not my favourite.
Really funny, I love it.
This was the fist demo I ever seen when buying my amiga500. This is really a classic for all "amigaers"
I forgot... Thum up of course :)
A classic !
so fucking unfairly long.. but a great piece of history
my first demo, oldschool forever
The best demos ever. ;)
first demo I remember watching consciously back then - surely one of the few true classics...
this still rawks :)
WTF? I didn't thumb this up yet? Totally ownage back in the day and it still rocks.
-ly ;)
I just realized that the loader's tune is a cover of zoolook.
my favorite forever :)
Classic Awesomeness :)
Ah.... I can't do anything else.... ;-)
Heard Rise Up a million times yesterday when i suddenly noticed that i forgot to thumb this up. Great!
forgot to thumb! amiga classic, my first megademo watched on amiga500
thumb of duty
This was madness! RK ruled biiig time!
It's magic.
never saw the demo (*hides*), but the music is just so great.
Epic Megademo.
I dont like this one, cuz it looks like a crappy advertisement to me, logo and credits in each part as a main key. Sucks! Music is also quite
Why you thing this? That was one of the best demos in the demoscene man! Why you thumb it down megacz?
Anyway, I'll re-thumb it up, because this demo deserves a thumbs up!
Anyway, I'll re-thumb it up, because this demo deserves a thumbs up!
The fiirst demo I have ever seen :)
I couldn't run it from many version of WinUAE (1.4 to the latest) then I downloaded a very old one (0.8.23) and it work, jsyk ;p Also there's a HD version here
it's a very-very big hit !! :]
it's a very-very big hit !! :]
Buckethead: WTF are you talking about? This works very well with all newer WinUAE versions. Need help configuring your emulator or something? Free hint: it's an OCS demo from 1989.. Figure it out.
Did I claimed that the demo never worked on latest winuae version, or need your help ? no
Setting floppy drive emulation speed to 100% instead Turbo (mode I used with most if not every demos I run) made the hint. No more guru meditation after the first decrunch on the loader part.
Turbo mode on WinUAE 0.8 and this demo run well on my machine, weird.
Turbo mode on WinUAE 0.8 and this demo run well on my machine, weird.
Works perfectly here, except the last part. If I remember correctly, the last part includes lots of demoscene related questions.
Does this require two disk drives? This just hangs at the loader screen.
Please insert disk two XD Amazing demo, I really enjoyed every bit of it.
Cj: the last part stops working if too many scener entries are written to the disk, IIRC. There are versions going around in which the part works correctly.
THE demo. From the day I saw it the first time (around 1990) til today it gives me the shivers. Really ahead of it's times.
Thanks for the hint. Could you contribute a working version?
Thanks for the hint. Could you contribute a working version?
Heavy stuff :).
About 18 years I was waiting to hear the title music again. Great!
FUCK YEAH!!! Thankings to hornet crew for sticking this in mindcandy 2.
Classic. Many "pc-friends" were so jaw dropped with this at the time.
classic demo.
obvious thumb missing ! :/
watched it a thousand times and was together with Odyssey the major-demo why i got an Amiga eventually !
still in <3 ! :)
watched it a thousand times and was together with Odyssey the major-demo why i got an Amiga eventually !
still in <3 ! :)
Forgot to thumb this!
me 2
This was the demo that got me onto the Amiga in the first place, such an honour to have met and discussed this demo with Bit Arts and Romeo Knight in person in my hotel room at Evoke. Cant beleive I never commented on it before now hehe
The first real demo I've ever seen ! The demo that have change everything for me with Mental Hangover / Scoopex and made me stop copying game, and jump inside the demoscene underground world !
And well 1989... Wow last year it was the 20 years of that demos and it's always so fun to watch it ! (And I've needed about 5 years before releasing some demos that not even get that levels !).
I'm curious to know what young sceners can think about this demo if they see it nowadays... Hmm, if I heard one saying it's lame, it will probably got his ass kicked hard by a lot of old schooler !
And well 1989... Wow last year it was the 20 years of that demos and it's always so fun to watch it ! (And I've needed about 5 years before releasing some demos that not even get that levels !).
I'm curious to know what young sceners can think about this demo if they see it nowadays... Hmm, if I heard one saying it's lame, it will probably got his ass kicked hard by a lot of old schooler !
I watch this at least once every Christmas. Thanks RSI.
Superduper... lots of quality
I did not have an Amiga, but friends showed this one to me! Brilliant musics (Romeo Knight if i'm not mistaken?)!
Fun stuff. I played around with the RSI Demomaker about five years before I saw this though, which was a little odd...
thumb thumb 1000% this cult prod!!
Love the music in this one.
And holy crap I'm as old as this demo.
And holy crap I'm as old as this demo.
another vidoe here:
baah: tunes by Mark II, Romeo Knight, Bit Arts and SCS. From which BA ones are the best IMHO, too bad one of his songs is in the last part, which is usually corrupted...
awesome ;)
A night with classics, how awkward
Saw it first in 1990, thumbed it up in 2013 .. just WOAH :)
@Sunspire, never too late, bro! :)))
Cool! :)
09.09.2014 – 25th anniversary! Soon ...
Amazing oldskool classic. Run to the hills!
spent my childhood watching this one over and over again. amazing tunes from romeo knight.
My favorite megademo :) Great Sountrack!
It's magic!
This one was so cool for 1989. A milestone with its own magic!
way too tacky, too long. never liked it.
awful music also.
awful music also.
How exactly can a demo be "too long" if you can exit each part with a mouse click? Youtube != scene
i watched this in the 90s, smartass.
lol kimi kandler n00b ((=
Fucking cool classic demo!
Fucking cool classic demo!
oh yes - one of the best oldschool demos from german lower saxony!
of course :>
Megademo, megaclassic
oldskool megademo :)
First floppy ever that I put in my Amiga was this demo, so I'm unable to judge it objectively now. Watched it today as I do once in a year and still quite enjoyed it. The music aged really well. Loadertune, Rise up by RK or Ba1 by Bit Arts have the power and magic even today.
Can't believe I haven't thumbed this up yet. Love everything about it! :)
i don't even...
Sorry oldskoolers but I don't know what you see in this.
The vectorballs part was a somewhat amusing one though.
The vectorballs part was a somewhat amusing one though.
Megademos are a top nostalgia kick, and this is one of the best. :) Music still kicks!
Noby maybe get a feel for what they are? A medley of one-screeners done by all members as a short-term tour de force - showed the overall strength of the group. No common theme or style, and this was understood, even expected.
Noby maybe get a feel for what they are? A medley of one-screeners done by all members as a short-term tour de force - showed the overall strength of the group. No common theme or style, and this was understood, even expected.
Hello, this is 1989, raising a mountain-sized middle finger towards modern design and transitions.
Damn, havent thumbed it up yet, when i saw it back in the 80`s i was mesmerized.
Nothing to add, pure classic.
A must masterpiece...
Also great music!
Yeah ;)
A classic masterpiece. First AMIGA mega demo i saw
A classic masterpiece. First megademo i saw on the Amiga
the first demo I ever saw. I got two issues of zine at the same time so I was sold :D <3 gotta love it
Happy Birthday to my first demo ever.
Happy bday. 30 years! wow
a bit boring
This is hard to beat. The joy this gave back in the days is hard to match. It does "rule".
The first demo I ever saw. This (and Shadow of the Beast) was why I was desperate for an Amiga back then. I remember when this demo was played in the club, everyone rushed to leave their C64s and Spectrums just to see this prod.
Was super satisfied when I could watch it again on my own machine a year later. The drums, the guitar, the speech. We were mesmerized. Brings back so many sweet memories.
Was super satisfied when I could watch it again on my own machine a year later. The drums, the guitar, the speech. We were mesmerized. Brings back so many sweet memories.
Too long and boring for my taste
Can't get more classic than this!
Still got the best vectorballs.
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