fr-052: platinum by Farbrausch [web]
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popularity : 76% |
alltime top: #264 |
added on the 2006-12-29 12:10:53 by ryg ![]() |
popularity helper
added on the 2006-12-29 12:13:44 by elkmoose 

PCB ? :)
there was a time when something like this would have been released as a fr-minus productions, i guess the code is brilliant, the music is groovy, but the 3D??? and the colors??? plz!!!
Above average... the greed section was cool!
Haw about a new Replayer for WinAmp kb?
Haw about a new Replayer for WinAmp kb?
+1 excellent music =)
dead? no way! we are still waiting for the successor of the popular demo! finnish that one :P
this prod rulez
Farbrausch seems to be death
pretty cool stuff. :) one of the neatest greetings-writers i've seen in a while!
not spectacular, but entertaining none-the-less. :)
Boring stuff.
Very cool!
fr == dead,
scene == dead.
fr == scene!!!!!11
scene == dead.
fr == scene!!!!!11
neat greeting writer, but the rest..
Hey Ryg,
That was love at first sight, Excellent idea with the font writer and the credits.
That was love at first sight, Excellent idea with the font writer and the credits.
Some parts are really nice (the greetings part is brilliant), others are not... Music is okay.
Still thumb up, but I expected more...
Still thumb up, but I expected more...
The textwriter is the coolest thing i've seen in a while, that alone deserves a thumb :)
Soundtrack is nice but the visuals are so so and the whole composition feels short on ideas, probably because of the time invested.
Fuckings to those expecting the popular demo or a new .the .product.
Soundtrack is nice but the visuals are so so and the whole composition feels short on ideas, probably because of the time invested.
Fuckings to those expecting the popular demo or a new .the .product.
the popular demo 2, that is.
some neat stuff(circuit drawing) and some design-wise stuff i wouldn't agree. felt a bit bloated but yeah, a nice intro
I really dig this \o/
I'm hot for spatial reverb and sexy filters on music
gfx works for me
I'm hot for spatial reverb and sexy filters on music
gfx works for me
what ithaqua said
Generated circuits in a 64k intro ? What a good idea. ;D
it deserve the first place ... im sad to say
what ithaqua said.
Generally visually appealing although I was quite skeptical at first. And yes. The greetings part rocks! However music was not my cup of tea. Anyway... thumb!
it was ok!
"Err no, I'm not bored. It was really interesting. Carry on, I just need to rest my eyes."

(Recycled comment for a recycled demo)

(Recycled comment for a recycled demo)
-too much contrast (glow is overdone)
-too much contrast (glow is overdone)
It needs a bit more kick to tie the visuals to the music, but still very appealing :)
pretty decent
"solide arbeit"
Looked cool at Demoscene.TV
But now I'm gettting a black screen after the bar :|
But now I'm gettting a black screen after the bar :|
Nice greetings
very nice!
cant run in 16:10 or 2:1 aspect: blackness after loading.
how long has it been since fr put "everyone we forgot" in a demo?
how long has it been since fr put "everyone we forgot" in a demo?
indeed a good one but erm music was a little bit unharmonized
mir gefaellt's.
Really nice routing code... however a more fitting color scheme could have been found.
nice music
A bit hard for human eyes (you aliens).
Nice demo though, and nice colors. Because farb-rausch is what it is..
Nice demo though, and nice colors. Because farb-rausch is what it is..
i was gong to thumb this down after the compo but it looks much better on my own computer :) but seriously. skip the black and blue/purple/violet color cominations next time... it's butt ugly.
Nice colors and design but the music is bit boring!
Don't like this one too much. Nice greetings scene, but otherwise a tad too boring for my taste.
very nice
Circuitry effect rules.
Way to go! The music is awesome and it gives energ for the eye. Love the dominant colors! :) Fresh, but now we want something more different?
actually it's pretty perfect for a dead group !
greetings scene was t3h bestest! other than that, it was only slightly above average imho.
well done!
The music is awesome and it gives energ for the eye.
Good one.
Minor critique: some scenes are shown to repetative..
Nice music.. fresh colours..
Sometimes a little slow btw.
Hope to see a new FR demo soon instead of intro! ;)
Minor critique: some scenes are shown to repetative..
Nice music.. fresh colours..
Sometimes a little slow btw.
Hope to see a new FR demo soon instead of intro! ;)
hmmm... I think FR is past its peak now..
does not run on my broken amiga 1200!!!!!!1111
better than i first thought, once again great synth and very nice filters.
greetings part rocks.
the color scheme doesn't.
the color scheme doesn't.
nothing special - bis auf greetings.
big up for the tune - der hat was und gefällt :o)
big up for the tune - der hat was und gefällt :o)
Simply awesome!
there can't be second zeitmaschine. never. not possible.
it's a nice try, but too much blur, too much bloom, too much we-have-already-seen-it
sorry folks
it's a nice try, but too much blur, too much bloom, too much we-have-already-seen-it
sorry folks
farbrausch are back :D
with überkewl effects for a zeitmaschine zwei!
with überkewl effects for a zeitmaschine zwei!
ugly colors. bad direction.
i like the music and...and farbrausch is no dead,if not,this must have been produced by their souls:)
better to add a soudtrack download:)
yeah, good idea!
Very nice with ok/good music (though i hate that one house'ish sound).
quite nice.
"boring" my ass! this is lovely and not boring at all. especially the greeting part is great.
nice visuals, nice music, but something is missing here stylewise
Got to love shiny wireframes.
Great stuff. Excellent music!!!! I think I may have to make some changes to my votesheet.txt file ;)
ah nice feature, way.
just downloaded the track:-)
tasty one!
just downloaded the track:-)
tasty one!
expectations are pretty high when reading "fr" - and not all of them were met. i enjoyed the simple fractal concept. but music as well action-duration-ratio were rather boring.
Very good.
teh rulez!
Great stuff, and I even liked the colors :) Could've perhaps been a bit shorter, though.
Nice one. I really liked the greeting part :)
rocked bigtime at the bigscreen! at home the eperience is quite less..
Enjoyed the cubes!
good one
loved the pcb effect and the music
loved the pcb effect and the music
Rocking Production with great Music
FR back in business.
Weird but cool
Hm, the greetinx si teh r0xx0r, but the rest is rather uninspired sawn-too-often stuff
pretty cool for a bunch of dead guys. loved especially some of the abrupt cuts and the greetings part was nice.
me likes... and to all the downvoters: think about if you just downvote it for the name, namedownvoting also sucks!
Nice greetings part.
Dat ding rollt! Cool soundtrack btw... and the greetings part is very nice, yep!
This was damn unbelievably cool on the bigscreen.
Now at home, it is good, but by far not that impressive.
Anyway, cool to see Farbrausch d34d. Like Futare Krü. (hah4h4hh4)
Now at home, it is good, but by far not that impressive.
Anyway, cool to see Farbrausch d34d. Like Futare Krü. (hah4h4hh4)
it was good, typical farbrausch quality.. however, i'm dead bored with typical farbrausch quality. do something new.. only the greetings part was cool.
Realy nice greeting part, but I have seen this typical Farbrausch too much now... But well deserved 1 place

Again a greetings part was the best effect.
Music was fitting, but not my cup of tea.
Pretty decent prod overall.
Music was fitting, but not my cup of tea.
Pretty decent prod overall.
Not stunning but good.
Greetings part in a farbrausch intro ...
I didn't ever expect to see one.
I didn't ever expect to see one.
WOW! this rocks! been a long time, but worth the wait!!
love the colors, the speed, the evolving meshes, attention-attractor greetings, contrast...and offcourse the soundtrack!
love the colors, the speed, the evolving meshes, attention-attractor greetings, contrast...and offcourse the soundtrack!
sound track rulez so much!
what earx said
Me like. One of the nicest 64s I've seen in a while. Great music and great atmosphere.
(But for some reason it runs in 1024x768 even if I pick 1280x1024.)
(But for some reason it runs in 1024x768 even if I pick 1280x1024.)
Some nice ideas but made too generic and I don't like the music.
I just love prods like Basso Continuo and Zeitmaschine, so you bet I love this one. Great work.
Excellent colors and lighting and with the music it builds up a great atmosphere.
Somehow relaxing and calming, reminds me of MTV chill-out zone...
Somehow relaxing and calming, reminds me of MTV chill-out zone...
Hey Ryg!! This is not what you promised me! This didn't even have ONE discoball! :(
Deserved to win. Just all-around nice.
farbrausch goes to traction lines
oooh i like it!
the credits part
cool credit part but otherwise not my cup of tea...
I like it and enjoyed it. It's not the best though.
yeah, credits part rulez...
that's about the best piece of musick i've heard coming out of v2 yet, quality-wise.
while others mention the greetings-part, did that pass me before, or is this actually the first time since eons that greets are being embedded in pc-prods again? =)
while others mention the greetings-part, did that pass me before, or is this actually the first time since eons that greets are being embedded in pc-prods again? =)
credz are cool, but the rest is kinda boring :\ i was expecting more from fr, as usual.
Beautiful. =)
there was a time when something like this would have been released as a fr-minus productions, i guess the code is brilliant, the music is groovy, but the 3D??? and the colors??? plz!!!
tmb, fr is dead and the dead have no standards to keep!
Farbrausch seems to be death
Seriously, nothing personal guys but Farbrausch is certainly less "death" scenewise than people producing nothing but negative comments on Pouet...
Farbrausch seems to be death
Farbrausch _is_ death - be very afraid!
nice one...
i liked it
very goodish
a bit different of others fb productions... nice music, nice ambient
Despite a few minor flaws:
- the intro seems to only work (i.e. draw something else than a black screen) when I select the 4/3 aspect ratio (mobility x1600)
- lack of sync between the kind of linear music and the visuals;
I can't really disrespect the work behind. Nice and clean (especially for a dead group). :)
- the intro seems to only work (i.e. draw something else than a black screen) when I select the 4/3 aspect ratio (mobility x1600)
- lack of sync between the kind of linear music and the visuals;
I can't really disrespect the work behind. Nice and clean (especially for a dead group). :)
Still rulez !
FR is still one of my favorite Groups on pc, but it would be n1 to see something shocking like fr_25 again !
FR is still one of my favorite Groups on pc, but it would be n1 to see something shocking like fr_25 again !
Who could say anything bad about this prod? It's by farbrausch!
I liked it !
hm didn't work for me... it has nothing interesting. but i'm acknowledging the overall quality of the production. technically very solid. but, to be unfair, that's not enough for a group like farbrausch :)
I liked it very much. Good work
music - cool! ) tries are very cool too:D
Really nice and awesome sounding music. A step on.
nice greetings part :)
I love the music!
Ill sure mp3 it
Ill sure mp3 it
It was pretty to look at but not all that interesting.
music is cool, rest is ok.
Nice greetings
Sorry, I have changed my mind after watching it a couple of times. It's still worth for a thumb up.
I think most of the best productions of farbrausch are in their 64kb intros :)
awesome work - especially wayfinder did a great job again :)
boring muzaks.
Very nice.
I'm surprised this wasn't nominated in awards :/
Good work!
Not my cup of coffee.
Brilliant demo :) Really enjoyed the music and visuals were pretty slick
that\'s cool
average according to farbrausch, but appearantly (and objectively) the best among competitive intros. i liked the advancing circuits and am about to give a thumb up but it seems to me it's like a "another screw from factory" (the farbrausch factory, of course), so that's why the piggy.
this time you honoured the 1st place, but i'm looking forward someone would beat you some day ;*)
this time you honoured the 1st place, but i'm looking forward someone would beat you some day ;*)
after the rush of debris, i now realize this was the forerunner of awesomeness.
all hail FR!
all hail FR!
Plays the music but displays only black screen on Radeon HD 2600 / WinXP / Catalyst 7.7. Just so you know :)
Some lovely stuff here, but I don't like the direction.
That was great =)
okay, and here you get my 2nd cdc. i love this prod.
Solid. 6.5/10, if you will. :)
Cozy ;)
Wow! Nice Progressive music! :D
And the graphics are awesome!
Deserves a thumbs up!
Miiii... Che paura! (brrrr... I'm very scared)
And the graphics are awesome!
Deserves a thumbs up!
Farbrausch _is_ death - be very afraid!
Miiii... Che paura! (brrrr... I'm very scared)
I liked the easy to follow graphics and music here. My preferences so far are: fr-08:the.product > fr-019:Poem to a Horse > fr-052:platinum > fr0-55.
*yyaaaaaaaaaawwwwnnn• ..... no.
pretty cool
Music was nice, but especially the end was really incoherent and 'ruined' experience
great 64k
I liked it :)
I really loved this demo. The music was like WOW! But i cant run it anymore. Im running nVidia GT 210 on Windows 7 32 bit and Radeon 4850 on Windows 7 64 bit and neither work. Please help!! Hope i dont have to go back to XP lol.
tune and visuals <3
Excellent colours
Does not work on Win7 x64! Too bad :(...
smooth tech house
a demoscene prod with a small hint of frutiger aero
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