Offworld by Attempt of Suicide
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popularity : 67% |
alltime top: #1388 |
added on the 2006-08-30 16:13:00 by bhead ![]() |
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yes! real killer-intro on a bigscreen!
rulez added on the 2006-08-30 16:15:28 by _xiod_ 

yeah, I agree that somehow it looks less impressive on the monitor... but still it's a very professional intro. only the green heart seems out of place... unc and preston sure were busy working for cc06...
Damn good!!
nice, and nice ending texts :)
hehe, nice one.... thx for greets....
This is what I like, but hey that hi-hat just screamed for strobe :).
Impressive visuals. Cool intro.
It misses some highpoint imo, but otherwise great stuff.
silly credits both in the intro as the nfo :P
nice visuals here and there tho.
nice visuals here and there tho.
Some nice scenes. Too boring though.
the cinemascope-like screenratio really hindered the actual experience. 50% of my display's vertical range being plain black is not funny!
nevertheless, what i was able to see through that narrow stripe was plain beauty.
nevertheless, what i was able to see through that narrow stripe was plain beauty.
nice looking.
never change anything from any others toolz...
this is done with WZ but you have changed loader...
this is done with WZ but you have changed loader...
great visuals, so so music, funny end scroller
best prod of the cc06
unc+preston are saving the russian scene =)
unc+preston are saving the russian scene =)
too clean. too unentertaining.
werkkzeug but still fucking good.
this was pretty cool.. even for trance and all..
too bad it was werkzeug, but still, nice work..
too bad it was werkzeug, but still, nice work..
wow. this had some cool tension. all the particle impostors make this look special.
Damn great!
I have seen best wekkz release demo so far.
last scene was good!!
last scene was good!!
bloody marvelous!
First half is better than second half with those bloodcell thingies.
beautifull work! and i don't care about werkkzeug or anything else.
Great! This actually lived up to the quality set by fr with their tool.
blackMission: they gave more than enough credit for the coding so I dont see any problem with that
blackMission: they gave more than enough credit for the coding so I dont see any problem with that
Quite good ;)
But boring music.
But boring music.
nothing special in this one but it's ok
one thing the credit part , just the scroller is awfull
one thing the credit part , just the scroller is awfull
great intro ...
thanx for the greetz
thanx for the greetz
respect! UNC, Preston(skotina) - zzhote!
Werkzeug or not this intro is one of my favourite intro's of 2006! Very nice Atmosphere!! Thump up!!
Werkkzeug misuse. The thumb down is for the endscroller.
There is something pleasant about it, I just can't say what. Certainly not the fact that it's (nicely) done with an introtool ;)
Great work anyway.
Great work anyway.
liked it
me too .)
best notFR's work in werkkzeug!!!! 100%
once again!
cool prods!
cool prods!
some quite different visuals. and hell i like them.
but mind you, the way you give credits sucks. because of a few reasons, i guess you know them themselves, dont you.
but mind you, the way you give credits sucks. because of a few reasons, i guess you know them themselves, dont you.
liked it
great dark visuals and sound. it's impressive on bigscreen -- i used a video capture as vj content at a drum-and-bass party and it worked out really well.
the credits part joke feels somewhat out of place after keeping a dark atmosphere throughout the prod.
the credits part joke feels somewhat out of place after keeping a dark atmosphere throughout the prod.
Boring .. oh yeah, and the music is crap too.
Perhaps the best WZ intro so far? Extra kudos for taking care and hiding all the usual WZ-errors.
some nice scenes but werkkzeug and bad music...
Wow..very good.
link's dead.
Bestest un-FR intro done in werkkzeug1!!!!
Shake da Hand! :)))
Shake da Hand! :)))
WZ crap
some okay parts, but zero invention and not particulary interesting
not so bad i suppose.
is attemptofsuicide squeezed from fr or else it's a reminder haunting people back their beloved dying scenegroups:)
anyway..the visuals are quite ofworld looklike.
anyway..the visuals are quite ofworld looklike.
Very nice stuff
Get a musician and learn some dramaturgy, but apart from that very, very nice visuals. Yep.
Nice! Loved the ending credits.
Mmm,. strange feelings about this. Energetic music, good start, kinda boring scenes at times and ended a bit too early while I was expecting more. Funny endscroller.
nice gfx but booring music
werkkzeug but still very sweet visuals. Not so keenon music.
Sucks for trying to disguise that WZ was used and the stupid credits.
Intro is ok otherwise.
Intro is ok otherwise.
wow, bloody cool :)
ok prod !
music is very boring, but the rest is O.K.
Very slow on my machine, and extremely deep music, but nice.
The end scroller was funny, especially towards the end.
The end scroller was funny, especially towards the end.
you have put me in such a gorgeous mood
nice one =)
little bored sometimes. nice scroller, nice bassdrum
Massive performance, without many groundbreaking ideas. Thumb up even if the credit font was a complete pain in the eyes...
strange (and wrong!!!) credits but otherwise i liked it - in some scenes i even do not know how they are done ;)
Beautiful visuals and fitting music.
It's not especially exciting (for me), but it gets the job done.
I've seen demos much worse than this 64k!
It's not especially exciting (for me), but it gets the job done.
I've seen demos much worse than this 64k!
very excellent, the first real decent non-fr werkkzeug thing that i saw. love the atmosphere. that said, i disagree with kb - i really liked the music.
Way cool.
Liked it :)
i only hear music, but the screen is black. 1ghz, 256mb ram, gf4mx.
Skrebbel is right - this is BY FAR the best non-fr werkkzeug prod. Intense and haunting, graphics and music are ace. A well deserved thumb up!
64K that? impressive.
apart the credits scroll, visuals kick ass!
apart the credits scroll, visuals kick ass!
A massive demo made with a 5 years old demotool (werkkzeug still rox!).
Cute rendering.
Music is maybe the weakiest part of the demo.
I've appreciated the tribute to kewlers too... :-)
Cute rendering.
Music is maybe the weakiest part of the demo.
I've appreciated the tribute to kewlers too... :-)
Impulsive and nice music :)
Forgot my thumb)
werkzug intro tool? ah, fuck it ...this was still damn cool.
for the offspan :)
Dispneic Strike
what a beauty!
Very cool, though the direction isn't too great, too much unwarranted tension that never gets released, then again that's exactly what sort of makes this unique and interesting. Love the credits as well.
great werkzeugery!!! can't believe i have not thumbed it up.
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