
Titan artpack 1 by Titan [web]
screenshot added by cerror on 2005-04-15 02:24:16
platform :
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release date : april 2005
  • 20
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popularity : 66%
  • 0.06
alltime top: #14329
added on the 2005-04-15 02:24:15 by cerror cerror

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A pack with all kinds of code/music/gfx and so on by titan!
added on the 2005-04-15 02:24:55 by cerror cerror
an artpack packaged in .rar without file_id.diz.... i don't know. the artscene lives on tradition and if you don't follow that, whats the point? apart from that, some nice hirez stuff, especially from alien.
added on the 2005-04-15 02:58:02 by dipswitch dipswitch
huhu i love myself :D
rulez added on the 2005-04-15 03:48:24 by iks iks
Nice content, but pure lazyness :)
rulez added on the 2005-04-15 08:25:51 by willbe willbe
Im not lazy! im just slow! +)
added on the 2005-04-15 09:20:02 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
rulez added on the 2005-04-15 09:51:44 by krabob krabob
ah... no it isn't.
added on the 2005-04-15 09:54:41 by krabob krabob
Lazyness on the package, i meant.
No interface, no text... It looks like a demo's dat folder. Too bad there's no binaries to go with.
added on the 2005-04-15 10:31:37 by willbe willbe
pig for me too. some nice stuff, some not so nice stuff, no interface, pig.
added on the 2005-04-15 12:59:32 by psonice psonice
Sorry, no selfvoting allowed anyway.
sucks added on the 2005-04-15 13:12:58 by dixan dixan
most hirez is nice :) Music is ok, it was not boring, neither great. Just ok :)
Miss installer, would be nice with a kewl installer from moonlord..
Code..hm..Most sucked, exept moonlord-backlash installer :]
Have not had the time to look over asciis yet! Piggy from me :)
added on the 2005-04-15 14:15:22 by smurf1 smurf1
it's an artpack you know. An artpack aint normally done with an interface, according to the traditions, as dipswitch said..
added on the 2005-04-15 14:17:16 by iks iks
that was kinda nice!

how do they creates that art?
added on the 2005-04-15 14:21:25 by LiraNuna LiraNuna
I'm not impressed.
sucks added on the 2005-04-15 14:29:11 by sprocket sprocket
if it's an artpack or musicdisk without GUI/viewer, _DON'T ADD IT_

coming from pouet submission form for prods :)
added on the 2005-04-15 14:39:55 by keops keops
added on the 2005-04-15 15:02:55 by NuKem NuKem
so if its an artpack release it on deviantart or any other playground for the non existing art "scene".
most of the content was crap
sucks added on the 2005-04-15 15:05:04 by xeNusion xeNusion
but it uses irfanview, notepad and winamp as a gui and its fully customisable!
added on the 2005-04-15 15:05:48 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
HAHA Alien! <3
added on the 2005-04-15 15:06:51 by iks iks
quite ok for a pile of data ;)
added on the 2005-04-15 15:29:28 by el mal el mal
odd release but filled with nice gfx and great music. maybe those 8 intros should be added one at a time (if they're not on P)? anyway - here's my thumb:
rulez added on the 2005-04-15 17:33:45 by prm prm
nah we dont want all those coding things being added on pouet kthx.
added on the 2005-04-16 02:13:42 by iks iks
Some nice logo work, cool music and some nice intro/cracktro things by themselves all good, collected together for dl is good but I was expecting an interface and player. So much for expectations :) PIg for the work and good stuff.
added on the 2005-04-16 02:55:22 by wham wham
thanks guys for the gfx comments. greets to asciiers/coders/sfxers who made a really nice work. and don't hesitate if u wanna join our ranks we are still open for new talented ppl to improve our skills and work.
rulez added on the 2005-04-16 23:35:50 by bull bull
i agree with what dipswitch, dixan and keops said.
okay, yeah... there's some nice art stuff in, for sure some nice music, respect for that. but finally after more than 3 months, you should have fixed that crash on ATI, and i already offered my help.
sucks added on the 2005-04-17 10:28:05 by las las
There is a nice ass there! Wanna Join Titan today?! ;)
rulez added on the 2005-04-17 11:05:48 by Optimus Optimus
//well jokes apart i think that you should work
//on more original OS ASCII stuff
//some stuff looks stolen ;P
//and las, keops, dixan are right ;)
sucks added on the 2005-04-17 11:59:19 by dbrn dbrn
btw, some hi rez stuff expecially alien's is really good ;)
added on the 2005-04-17 12:00:38 by dbrn dbrn
what can I say... I dont really like lowrez... really...
heard some good music and alien's gfx are very good. for the rest, read what dbrn, las, keops & dixan said...

overall this production is not worth imho of a pigface.

sucks added on the 2005-04-17 12:10:08 by skizo skizo
oh, to be specified... it's not that I don't like lowrez generally... I just don't like the lowrez released here ;)
added on the 2005-04-17 12:11:58 by skizo skizo
+ some nice stuff
- no gui
- selfvoting
sucks added on the 2005-04-17 12:14:21 by teel teel
Yep, a Pig - it looks good for me - nearly a big but... yes, finally a RuleZ Thumb. Good Work Titan ! =)
rulez added on the 2005-04-17 12:20:00 by AMItac_TSA AMItac_TSA
thank u Ami,
as usual the whole DBCDemo team is jaleous, it's so funny :)
added on the 2005-04-17 13:24:16 by bull bull
(most of dbc prods are thumbed down..just check by yourself.. hehe)
added on the 2005-04-17 13:33:15 by bull bull
<< 0ok^imp^ACiD who has bigger balls?
added on the 2005-04-17 14:07:56 by dbrn dbrn
thank u Ami,
as usual the whole DBCDemo team is jaleous, it's so funny :)

Said by the guy who actually took the time to thumb down every production of ours... funny man you are, BuLL... and you even have the nuts to say something like that, lmao
added on the 2005-04-17 14:47:06 by skizo skizo
You're not my friend, so i've to thumb down. (it works like that if i clearly anderstand the vote system)
sucks added on the 2005-04-17 14:50:26 by skarab skarab
well. i see that there are not at all any optimistic reply?
1st : Skizo, learn to draw real ascii before talking.
2nd : dbrn, it aint because you are in all those groups that you can talk like that : that action is haughty. I dont give a fuck about you being in ACID or anything related.
3rd : las, stop being childish kthx.
added on the 2005-04-17 15:09:04 by iks iks
skizo : learn to make good prods be4 thumbing down ours. on all your probs is written the word "ugly". your chan is empty and your prods are not appreciated. now i know why u thumb down ours, it's jalousy, that's all.
added on the 2005-04-17 15:19:10 by bull bull
1) Artpacks don't belong here
2) BuLL has an attitude problem
sucks added on the 2005-04-17 15:38:06 by sagacity sagacity
"...your prods are not appreciated."
doesn't seem this has been appreciated much afterall
added on the 2005-04-17 16:11:04 by dbrn dbrn
a zip file with some random stuff... wow....
sucks added on the 2005-04-17 16:17:03 by Lupin Lupin
I've said it before and I'll say it again, use a demo maker like Demopaja and turn this work into a slideshow or two. It will cut down on the criticism and make the graphics more enjoyable to watch.

The artists put a lot of effort into their work they deserve to see it used in a production, not just thrown into an archive.
sucks added on the 2005-04-17 16:17:28 by Shanethewolf Shanethewolf
rar even...
added on the 2005-04-17 16:18:03 by Lupin Lupin
lmao. first off: irokos, I'm a kid at ascii & even more new to ansi. I never said I'm great at it.

And BuLL, regarding you, about the thumbs down, I just meant that you in a very short while posted comments in a row. was kinda noticeable (and still is) by watching http://www.pouet.net/comments.php

Other than that, I dont actually give a fuck if you have a problem with me, and I dont even give a fuck if my ascii sux, and I dont even give a fuck if you think our prods sux.

Here, I just claimed my opinion, so before shouting out something like "skizo thumbed down because he's jealous being in dbc" or any other shit like that, you should probably think about it more than once.

On a side note: just get a fucking life
added on the 2005-04-17 16:18:46 by skizo skizo
Some nice stuff inside, but the presentation sucks, as already mentioned.
added on the 2005-04-17 16:33:16 by Preacher Preacher
haha skizo telling that we should get a *fucking* life.. is it a joke?
added on the 2005-04-17 16:38:19 by iks iks
oke how about posting your lil groupwar anywhere else... but not pouet? going around posting thubs down cause you dont like each other is



piggy from me only cause there are more bad then good things in my opinion but nevertheless not worth a thumb down..

*hint* GUI/Viewer next time would be nice *hint*
added on the 2005-04-17 16:43:31 by slashy slashy
better luck next time.
sucks added on the 2005-04-17 17:11:10 by annieeee annieeee
+ nice gfx from alien. others looks like unfinished (particularly 3d block letters)
+ nice musics
- no gui
- selfvoting
- aggressive attitude with comments

> if u don't want thumb down, DONT release your pack here.comments are done to help u to progress !!!
sucks added on the 2005-04-17 17:21:36 by minz minz

some things are fine.
as always aliens gfxes belong to them
was nice to see something from moonlord aswell.

but. some lowres are good aswell...
--> bariums pieces are quite nice i think.

i agree. some things arent that good.
overall i think it at least doesn't suck.
added on the 2005-04-17 17:47:38 by realist realist
lets say i pretend i would have downloaded this - which i havent - i would say this: its not too hard to code a gui, nevertheless there is some nice msx & hirez. now.. but i didnt download it, maybe later.

so, this would be a "is ok" from my side. but saying "you're jelaous because your prods suck" is simply lame. of course, most of our prods DO SUCK (at least the one's i was involved in, except maybe for that valentines thingie), but does this forbid me to critisize other prods? you should try to learn from that what is said here - i for example am not working alone anymore, i suck at design (probably because i'm colorblind), so i teamed up with other people - and yea we're working on stuff.
c'mon, it wouldnt have been to hard to kick your coder in teh nutz to write some small interface ;) and whats all the flames about between my group and yours - i probably did miss something :P
bull, i'm just trying to be constructive here and i dont get why you're so pissed of about negative critics. get a fucking life :)

... oh and now i will check the stuff. maybe it's still worth a thumb.
added on the 2005-04-17 19:16:20 by red red
ur all so funny :)
added on the 2005-04-17 21:45:29 by bull bull
hey, as it's said aboce: The comments are for helping the creators to improve the quality of their prods - not to argue. So please calm down a bit and watch upcoming prods of TiTAN!
added on the 2005-04-17 23:25:37 by crYpe crYpe
reddor is always right :) <3
added on the 2005-04-17 23:41:14 by iks iks
enjoyable gfx and tunes there :)
rulez added on the 2005-04-18 00:36:00 by Zest Zest
two thumbs up for this fine release! it's a great pack, with lots and lots of candy. nice music, nice gfx, even sweet intros. really don't think it's something to whine about the missing viewer or installer. really.
rulez added on the 2005-06-06 00:26:09 by pikzel pikzel
Some stunning artwork I must say - that TiTAN logo amidst the mountains roxx!
rulez added on the 2005-06-06 01:59:36 by rio702 rio702
asciis kinda suck, gfx are very nice from all, so thumb up for the year work !
rulez added on the 2005-06-07 22:54:23 by r00t r00t
- improperly packed and clearly doesn't belong here
- selfvoting still isn't nice
- cracktro people getting pissy after getting slapped on the wrist -again
+ yeah okay, *some* stuff was reasonably nice
sucks added on the 2005-06-08 00:36:51 by Shifter Shifter
good work. some very cool gfx and chiptunes.
and that installer for Backlash was stylish
rulez added on the 2005-07-21 18:54:09 by kimi kardashian kimi kardashian
for a 1st pack, its good
rulez added on the 2005-09-09 12:57:28 by NovaB NovaB
irokos must have a long penis! if not i will find out cuz kleene will tell me! anyways, irokos has a large penis anyways! large penixaxion ownz! peeeeeeeeeenis! i love penises! especially mine! not women penises! women with penises suck (to death, they really fukking damn suck)! so uhm, this fucking artpack is teeeeh shite, what the fuck? shit fuck shit! lots of art id say, im drunk id say! anyways, fucking fuck i like this fucking piece of shitfuck! and remember: irokos has a french penis (which i think is huge, i dont wanna see it, but i just assume irokos penis is large, cuz i think irokos should be able to fuck wichever bitch he wants to!)
rulez added on the 2005-10-11 05:17:15 by fup fup
good artpack
rulez added on the 2005-10-15 09:34:07 by ken0 ken0
stop flooding!
added on the 2005-11-17 21:50:34 by nugua nugua
sucks added on the 2005-11-17 22:20:13 by nugua nugua
not bad at all...

btw, you can use the viewer from artpack #2 for maximum viewing pleasure.
rulez added on the 2005-12-03 03:39:31 by v3nom v3nom
haha, nice idea :)
added on the 2005-12-03 04:01:05 by iks iks
Includes some good gear.
rulez added on the 2005-12-04 00:59:37 by ALiEN^bf ALiEN^bf
not enough, have some quality control too. oh and ... Thumbs.db, please ... :-(
sucks added on the 2006-01-11 19:45:30 by Kravtsov Kravtsov
sucks added on the 2006-02-23 13:58:45 by Jallabert Jallabert
great art :)
rulez added on the 2009-07-29 00:48:43 by Queen_Luna Queen_Luna
a "best of" selection and an interface would have been helpful...
added on the 2013-01-05 19:18:05 by T$ T$
rulez added on the 2016-11-14 12:23:43 by STN STN
thank you, pretty cool references
rulez added on the 2017-09-19 19:13:34 by nemka nemka

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