Unreal by Future Crew
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popularity : 79% |
alltime top: #305 |
added on the 2001-01-01 23:49:39 by saffron ![]() |
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This must be the first megademo I'd ever seen on the PC... runs fine on a 386 and it's got awesome gfx, killer music for its time and it's the next best thing for future crew after Second Reality. A must have.
added on the 2001-02-06 02:26:41 by moT 

This must be the best megademo I was never be able to watch it without computer problems :P
I could only see the parts by pressing Escape in my old 486. In my Pentium it's much worse. The music stops :P
And I would love very much to see it with music. The intro, the main part with the scrollers (I loved very much the music on this part,.) the great gfx and musics..
I shall think oneday to find some old 386 or 486 or something... (Or do a descent PC2PC Emulator pliz!)
I could only see the parts by pressing Escape in my old 486. In my Pentium it's much worse. The music stops :P
And I would love very much to see it with music. The intro, the main part with the scrollers (I loved very much the music on this part,.) the great gfx and musics..
I shall think oneday to find some old 386 or 486 or something... (Or do a descent PC2PC Emulator pliz!)
Works fine on my P3 in DOS without mem-managers of any kind. I have a GUS though [grin]
Like moT, this was the first "megademo" I'd ever seen on the PC (I'd seen smaller stuff before). So when I downloaded more demos, I was hoping they'd be even better than Unreal (and for a while, I was let down).
v1.1 is more compatible and even works on some modern machines (textures part is WAY too fast), but if you're a fan, find v1.0 and give it a try. It has a longer scroller in the first part (2 scrollers arguing with each other!) and the infamous "let's kick some balls" line which was replaced in v1.1.
Watching this demo on the bigscreen at Mekka/Symposium 2001 was a great oldskool experience, and did the demo great justice since it was only shown on a small TV at ASM92, AFAIK.
v1.1 is more compatible and even works on some modern machines (textures part is WAY too fast), but if you're a fan, find v1.0 and give it a try. It has a longer scroller in the first part (2 scrollers arguing with each other!) and the infamous "let's kick some balls" line which was replaced in v1.1.
Watching this demo on the bigscreen at Mekka/Symposium 2001 was a great oldskool experience, and did the demo great justice since it was only shown on a small TV at ASM92, AFAIK.
This demo opens my eyes for the demoscene. I think that every scener must see this really "unreal" production.
Cool! But I can almost not watch it anymore... :P
the day the pc demoscene was born...
This is real...
This is unreal.
Well, it was at the time :-)
(had to vote)
This is unreal.
Well, it was at the time :-)
(had to vote)
Nice prod, but I prefer Second Reality over this one, although none of this are my favourites
Everyone must see this!!! A true CLASSIC.
I showed this to lots of people when I first got a hold of it :)
It was the very first demo that I have seen. I have downloaded it from an Amiga multiline bbs and from this time I was addicted to demos. ASM'93 was my first demoparty then (with the successor Second Reality and some other cool stuff) :)
First demoscene prod I had ever seen. It blew me away - simply kicked arse over the cracktros I had collected =)
Too bad that some parts are too long, some parts run a tad too fast... But it's great if you consider it overall.
Too bad that some parts are too long, some parts run a tad too fast... But it's great if you consider it overall.
this is ubber
there you go - a divx version! and there are even ones with english and finnish comments from the authors!
Thanks bhead for those links!
Great that someone finally divX'ed that great demo to preserve for the future!
Although it's always best to be able to watch it LIVE on a realtime computer... ;-)
Anyways...gone to leeech! ;-)
Thanks bhead for those links!
Great that someone finally divX'ed that great demo to preserve for the future!
Although it's always best to be able to watch it LIVE on a realtime computer... ;-)
Anyways...gone to leeech! ;-)
wow, that finnish interview represents finnish tv entertainment in its purest form - it's like a rainy day funeral with four people present and they're embarassed because they can barely remember the dead guy's name.
but it's cool to have the divx version... this is of course a milestone demo for the pc scene. seeing the "worldvector" again reminds how amazing it was, and the tunes are still nice to listen to and thoroughly familiar (annoying how short they are cut in the demo, though).
phoenix: you're right, the "let's kick some balls" line is missing... well, for FC the PC scene apparently meant "Politically Correct" as well...
but it's cool to have the divx version... this is of course a milestone demo for the pc scene. seeing the "worldvector" again reminds how amazing it was, and the tunes are still nice to listen to and thoroughly familiar (annoying how short they are cut in the demo, though).
phoenix: you're right, the "let's kick some balls" line is missing... well, for FC the PC scene apparently meant "Politically Correct" as well...
It will be even cooler to have the DVD version (shameless plug ;). Really though, it should be closer to the original speed, muuch nicer video and sound, and no video signal displays :). Liked the commenting clip tho! Oh, and here's the thumb up I apparently missed before. (p.s. abyss, get me those forms back! :)
Didn't I vote for this? DAMN!
Brilliant demo. Way ahead of it's time, did some real ripples in the pond. It's laughable at this point, but then again: if you really think it is, you probably never were ito demos anyway =)
Brilliant demo. Way ahead of it's time, did some real ripples in the pond. It's laughable at this point, but then again: if you really think it is, you probably never were ito demos anyway =)
Thanks bhead... the link rules :) A low-quality divx of second reality is sitting there too.. as well as some other fun stuff. It's a shame that single pixels don't show up properly at all in it... but it's still much much better than nothing.
I watched it on my p133 and it runs well. Maybe i should try it on my ol' amstrad 386 sx 20Mhz :)
Great demo
Great demo
It´s soooo classic! The best demo ever!
I don't know, whether this is the best demo ever, but it is one of the best. Maybe it is better than Unreal ][. Hey, this demo is 10 years old and it still rules. There you can see how good fc really was.
boring shit.
picazzo: What you say?
picazzo: wasn't 'boring shit' in '92
didn't get any kicks from the demo back in 92-93, and certainly don't get any kicks from it now... it's ok, but nothing more...
I concur, it wasn't a masterpiece, but not 'boring shit' either IMO
Great in 92, but became boring in 93 already
classic, EXCELLENT music
A true classic indeed :)
10 years anniversary thumbs up.
10 years of azzkikking and counting...
Oldschool appeal, tight code, the design leaves a lot to be desired.
MF!: Yes it was boring, even in '92! I had it on my dads computer and it was boring to watch. (i found that my dad had porno on that computer too)
well, ass 'Dirty' Harry Callahan used to say:
"opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one" ;)
"opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one" ;)
Nothing special.
fat owns on this one! music I like
a milestone in scene history
a milestone in scene history
pc-scene history
damn! When the landscape came i got goosebums eheh :) So fucking nice!!! All of it is nice, gfx, music, code, EVERYTHING! No new demo can compare with this. To0 bad no1 makes co0l stuff like this now'a'days :(
This, and Crystal Dream by Triton were indeed the first real demos on PC, which could be compared to Amiga-demos.
The start of the PC era.
The start of the PC era.
it's very boring, but I like it :)
If you've been a programmer since early 90's you'll know how much thinking and work it takes make such a demo! Indeed, this and the Crystal Dreams demo and may I add Amnesia by Renaissance were amazing. If only they would run on modern machines!
unreal was probably the first demo i saw (1994ish or something) and was like 'whoa, how did they do this' :)
Nothing to add... Simply super!
this was my first timer into watching demos and adoring scene... i probably saw it around 50 times or something - future crew rocked my world back in the early 90s!
watched it today on http://ytv.yodel.net/
soundtrack still kicks butt.. along with the effects!
btw: it was kinda hip to render its chars/logos for a while.. but nowadays the 3ds4-logos simply seem to suck..
btw: it was kinda hip to render its chars/logos for a while.. but nowadays the 3ds4-logos simply seem to suck..
Amazing effects for 1992 exscuse me while I go watch this again. soundtrack too
Horrifyingly dated now, but this is one of the demos that got me into the scene originally (yaay for bbs's) so it has a special place in my heart.
Yes great demo, I've just discovered it recently, thanks to dosbox, (open source dos emulator). The music is very good, the effects are nice, and the graphics too.
Probably groundbreaking back in the day, but I can find a lot more 1992 demos that are far more entertaining than this. Especially the vector world is boring to watch. Nice plasmas though, and the music is excellent (especially in the end scroller)
The first scene production I saw, so a thumb up for the nostalgic feeling it gives :)
One of my favourites ever!
Enjoy !
Whaat, no thumb up yet?
I don't know anymore what I thoght when I watched it the first time, but now I think it's too long...
I saw this first in 1992 at a big local shopping store
running as some kind of appetizer to buy a 386
in the computerrrr section.
Being an AMIGA maniac even back then, this was the first PC demo I've ever seen and I was
running as some kind of appetizer to buy a 386
in the computerrrr section.
Being an AMIGA maniac even back then, this was the first PC demo I've ever seen and I was
The first PC demo i have seen in my life, and still one of my favourite, especially the fabulous screenshot's scene, absolutely great (special mention for the amazing music !).
very fantastic for its time!
what a memories... it was first demo I saw, 1993-1994 year, I don't remember. This music I will remember forever. Visuals are amazing too.
monumental in the PC=demos revolution
( ! )
I love Future Crew !
Pretty impressive for it's time and still impresses via dosbox on a p4 1.8Ghz laptop. Well done guys. 15 years on. Quite a long demo too.. 18mins on my watch - good mileage for 2Mb considering the content. I also liked the dot 3d landscape section.
Almost as good as 2nd Reality.
Forgot the 

I didn't know oldschool demos with scrolls, logos and effects such as shadebobs exist on PC!
Definitely a nice oldskool show. :)
This is real.
This is unreal.
Awesome demo, LOL at Textures part.
This is unreal.
Awesome demo, LOL at Textures part.
FC \o/
awesome 3d studio max logos with default textures! graphic design at it's max!
best wormhole EVER!
Not really at the same level of 2nd reality (a bit low) but it RoXX the same as 2nd reality!
"awesome 3d studio max logos with default ttures! graphic design at it's max!"
Cool, waremies.
it's still real to me dammit 

Omg. I didn't thumb this up already. Fantastic demo. I'd seen mental hangover on the amiga and a few cracker intros on it too - then I saw Ultraforce's demo on the PC and then this. One of the first "real" multipart demos I saw together with Crystal Dreams I. And from then on, the rest is history...
A little boring yes and there were so much better demos on amiga for example, but it's not bad of course and groundbreaking at the time i believe, and the music is great.
FC <3
"Apparently this is possible" x'D
great demo, and amazing tracks!!
great demo, and amazing tracks!!
First PC demo I saw. Reminds me good moments. Varied and colorful effects (just before AGA stuff on Amiga, 256 colors demos were rare or inexistent) and great music !
long and good.
ahh, being child again
I was never able to watch the whole demo from beginning to end. 'Nough said.
yatta ze
No comment.
Very overrated though we helped and digitized the pictures with Dr.Dos.. and the music. ARGH.
Classic classic.
Wonderful. Brings back memories.
might as well been the first demo I ever saw on the pc and which effectively drew me into the demoscene.
Was linked to this by thec. Excellent introduction to all effects used on Amiga in 1992 ;P In fact, the vector and texture stuff are better than any Amiga could do before the A1200 came.
Can someone confirm that those two run full framerate on say, a normal PC from 1992? I didn't have a PC then, so I won't judge from a video.
Can someone confirm that those two run full framerate on say, a normal PC from 1992? I didn't have a PC then, so I won't judge from a video.
One of the first demos i saw. It runs smooth on a 386DX/40 with Tseng Et4000, except the scene with the green spaceship.
always loved this one, but never voted.
Definately one of the first demos I ever watched on PC. Fascinated me at the time. But it wasn't until Second Reality I got draggen into the demoscene.
Whops.. dragged.. and forgot rulez .. classic! Oh.. hi Phobium :)
Second after the SR!
This demo is made out of pure awesome!
One of the first demos I ever saw, and probably still my favorite from FC. I love the music(s) =)
Unreal has just never compelled me to sit through the whole demo like Crystal Dream does. Yes, it was impressive for its time, but it hasn't aged too well in my opinion.
Really Good. but I prefer sequel more.
Where is source code?
Where is source code?
Unreal was my first PC demo that I saw (at least one of the first), and it blasted me away on 386/486! My fav from FC and yes, music rules. Esp love the vector graphics demo and this part of the music, also the intro! :)
One of my first PC-demos watched at that time. Good work.
A legend. Whoever thumbs "Unreal" down doesn't remember how life was before 1992.
after all these years these songs sound even better
simply GUD
Awesome classic. Btw, one of the first demo that i saw.
I always wonder why the blue bars in the first scroller part don't pulsate on some videos, except here. Maybe capture with emulator and it doesn't do it properly? But then is it maybe v1.1 is missing this for some reason? I remember now that I watched v1.0 the very first time and that part with the great music, pulsating bars and scroller wrapping around the bars impressed me at the time. I think last recently time I ran Unreal (but maybe v1.1) on a 386 and was like, wtf the pulsating bars are still missing? Gotta find v1.0 and investigate (didn't even know they truncated and changed text)
I also remember that version 1.0 would randomly freeze at various part on a Cyrix 486 I had at the time (Second Reality did too), so I never managed to watch back then the demo rolling on it's own, I had to press space/esc to bypass things fast to watch the rest. Maybe 1.1 would have solved this issue, however I don't have that 486 anymore to try :)
I am also seeing demoscene references in this WAD :)
It was for sure a milestone at its time, but it hasn't aged well unfortunately
true classic greatness
This rules, although it is very 1992.
This is a true classic. The 3D-part with spaceships was very impressive in the 90s; the movement of spaceships seems very polished. On the other hand, there are also worse parts. For example, the shadebobs-part is quite ugly and decreases the overall quality of the product.
As a side note: a well-known game engine may has taken inspiration from this demo (the name and the font style of "Future Crew" at the beginning of the demo) though FC wasn't the first one using the name "Unreal".
As a side note: a well-known game engine may has taken inspiration from this demo (the name and the font style of "Future Crew" at the beginning of the demo) though FC wasn't the first one using the name "Unreal".
For the early 90s and this computer platform that was quite cool !!!
great soundtrack and some nice FX,
Those were the days! We eagerly awaited every new demo from Future Crew, Triton, and others! :) It was incredible to witness the progress and evolution of the PC demo-scene back then.
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