R T S Y 2 0 0 0
Held at 31st-3rd of September
in Seyssins/Grenoble, France.
Party archive @ scene.org
-==================- HTML2TXT Conversion
-= OFFICIAL RESULTS =- by Redhound/Scene.org
-==================- <[email protected]>
( Results taken from http://www.rtsy.org/ )
Wild Compo
1 Radiel by Porcos Prod
2 Timewest by Porcos Prod
3 Just Do It by Sir-One/Ethereal
4 Da_Rap (à fromage) by Dobermann Team
5 Da_Wild aRTS by Dobermann Team
6 Irish Wide by Elric
7 The Cell by Soundlabs/Porcos Prod
7 Razaac.com by Cicile
9 Green Terror by Karybd
10 Le Gamin, la Babysitter et le Tueur en Série by BYG
11 TrashSex by <Psykocat>
PC Demos
1 Persistent by Wipe^Ukonx
2 Mary by Dahan/BOS
3 Sprite by Sprite
Amiga 64KB Intro
1 0Divide by Grim Project
PC 4KB Intros
1 RTSlime by Naku/d'Oh!
2 Color Cycling by Kalachnikov/d'Oh!^MDR
3 Winluv by Pizzafan!/BYG
1 Battle! by Mentasm
2 White Zine by Team-VG@
3 Piu! by Alcino Segusa/Porcos Prod
1 Lucky's Track by Hi$c@n/BMK
2 Gueulet by Calim/MDR^Sprite
3 Shine 2 by Kalachnikov/d'Oh!^MDR
4 Heart by Soundlabs/Porcos Prod
5 Promise Me by Kalachnikov/d'Oh!^MDR
6 Music Remix by Pif/Noix de Croco
7 Hymne à la Vieille by Nonox/Caution
8 Funkastic by bOZMAN
9 Necks by GuY/Dobermann Team
10 Cake Spirit #1 by Ramoutcho/Aubenas Paintball
1 Random Jazzy by Kalachnikov/d'Oh!^MDR
2 On the Mix by Yoz/Toaster
Hand-Drawn GFX
1 King of the Sea by Zone/Prune
2 Purple Dragon by Kisscool/Wipe
3 Girl by Ezekiel/Mentasm
4 Horeure Boréale by Sir-One/Ethereal
5 In the Wild by Alcino Segusa/Porcos Prod
6 Horses by Ydre/MDR
6 Dragoncow by Morfy/Karybd
8 Entre Enfer et Paradis by Maxwell/Porcos Prod
9 Divaïeul by tAGGY/PoPsY TeAm
10 Raining by Dlyr/MDR
11 Good World by R@sta/MDR
12 Gol_Yééé by Gol/Wipe
13 Spleen by pOOrX/Loafers
Rendered GFX
1 Crypt by Denethor/Mentasm
2 Gousset by Tetsuo/Porcos Prod
3 Scarlon by Yoz/Toaster
4 Lemonduphyon by Sir-One/Ethereal
4 Halloween by Noix de Croco
6 Moto by Kikou/Caution
7 Why Me by R@sta/MDR
8 LogoMDR by Monkey/MDR
Fast Compo
1 Harpik Spray Anti-Win by Noix de Croco
2 Achete by Colonel Clinck/Flying Team
3 Gol_Harpik by Gol/Wipe
4 Harpic gel by Sir-One/Ethereal
5 Artpic by Roundup/Karybd
6 Harpic PC by Maxwell/Porcos Prod
7 Burneh Windows by Morfy/Karybd
Party archive @ ftp.scene.org