
The Meltdown (Spring) 2002 results

                      ---///   THE MELTDOWN IX - Stay Creative   ///---

----/ Demo /---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - (266 points)        Untitled party prod                Nogroup + reactor 11
2 - (158 points)        Pis og lort                        Ninja & Kaae
3 - (125 points)        Valentine                          TRSAC
4 - (124 points)        #1                                 .cination
5 - (123 points)        Oldschool-batchaa                  TGG
6 - (67 points)         Monokrom gr├╕n QB oldschool pis    DSF
7 - (66 points)         Newbie C++                         TUS

----/ Streaming Music /----------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - (346 points)        45ound                             oRaNGe       Ostebulen & TBC
2 - (305 points)        Ones there was a story             MoRtY        reactor 11
3 - (230 points)        Euro TamTam                        BUDDA-X      Junk
4 - (128 points)        Synthetic                          Mult         reactor 11
5 - (120 points)        Undo Toffifee                      GurliGebis   TUS

----/ EJay Music /---------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - (227 points)        Skibslasten Fuld af lever          Dwarf        TBC
2 - (191 points)        Polka Forest                       Cultura      Alkoholdet
3 - (169 points)        Iskariot                           Iskariot     SAD
4 - (126 points)        counter-strike.mp3                 _SID_        TGG
5 - (109 points)        Er du på swampeeeeee eller hva'           Shatter      SAD
6 - (61 points)         Spray and Pray                     Shoota       sap
7 - (60 points)         jazzy jane                         Fizban       SAD
8 - (46 points)         Bells                              Zagger       SAD
9 - (35 points)         Aus Berlin                         Eagle        SAD
10 - (33 points)        hip dance                          dance        ejay

----/ Pixel Graphics /-----------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - (502 points)        Help                               DFeKT        JUNK
2 - (195 points)        Zille                              maZh         TBC
3 - (170 points)        Human Waste                        Lorello      .Cination
4 - (154 points)        SAD var her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       Rhino        SAD
5 - (104 points)        Forever to be alone                BlueAngel    n/a
6 - (98 points)         En verden uden Ekstra Bladet       Krok         SMPS
7 - (91 points)         Vi kommer efter dig!               MoRtY        Reactor 11
8 - (53 points)         Restart                            Cultura      Alkoholdet
9 - (35 points)         Kender du det                      Kunish       .DLL
10 - (6 points)         GrimReaper swiin!!                 [Gris]Gizzmo Grisesyndikatet

----/ Raytraced Graphics /-------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - (342 points)        DarkAngel                          DFeKT        Junk
2 - (284 points)        Forgotten                          MoleGene     .cination
2 - (284 points)        Save the Scene                     Trenox       JUNK
4 - (142 points)        Gid jeg havde en hurtigere spand   oRaNGe       Ostebulen & TBC
5 - (66 points)         Tilbed ilden                       Kunish       .DLL
6 - (64 points)         Alien Ko                           RRS          Carex
7 - (63 points)         brazil_glas_skodtest               HEiNRiCH     Junk
8 - (59 points)         Light House                        MoRtY        reactor 11
9 - (57 points)         What the fuck is this anyway       Krok         SMPS
10 - (24 points)        Disaster Joe                       Hio          Carex

----/ Oldschool Graphics /-------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - (382 points)        Pussy Power                        Ice Fox      TBC
2 - (279 points)        Halvvisne Lårt                    Dwarf        TBC
3 - (252 points)        Sam'n'Max hits TMD                 Nion         BSA
4 - (135 points)        TUS at TMD                         GurliGebis   TUS
5 - (79 points)         Klam sæk                          Qunax        DSF
6 - (61 points)         PLAY                               maZh         TBC
7 - (41 points)         The Joker                          The Joker    TUS
8 - (27 points)         Man pixler fandme ikke ...         Kaptajnen    TBC
9 - (13 points)         Paperdress in the wind             Leia         Squirrelz

----/ Flash /--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - (448 points)        FUBARdemo                          Bytebusters
2 - (313 points)        Så for en fisk                    Propan/TBC
3 - (201 points)        Powers Rangers                     Ostebulen & TBC
4 - (136 points)        Chili Tripping                     BSA
5 - (82 points)         Kenned @ TMD                       Prebzi/BSA
6 - (54 points)         cs styre....                       Shoota/sap

----/ Fast Flash /---------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - (193 points)        Elbo Demo                          Memborg/Bytebusters
2 - (174 points)        elbo/tmd fast-flash demo           MBJ/Bytebusters
3 - (159 points)        Dark-knight..                      Shoota/sap
4 - (151 points)        Time-Tunnel                        Orion & Toras

----/ Wild /---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - (506 points)        TBC DVD Experience                 TBC
2 - (317 points)        Overkill                           Junk
3 - (134 points)        Terminator 3                       SMPS
4 - (128 points)        March                              TBC
5 - (100 points)        rajTrais                           reactor 11
6 - (85 points)         Snif lim!                          oRaNGe & Fitnak
7 - (74 points)         Hva Hulen?                         BSA
8 - (49 points)         Do you see the light?              Carex
9 - (40 points)         Made on no time.DLL                .DLL

                             (results taken from the TMD website)