
Assembly 1993

1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024
added on the 2000-08-30 12:21:23 by analogue analogue
invittype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
invitation MS-Dos assembly '93 invitation by Future Crew 16 4 1 0.71
invitation Amiga OCS/ECS Assembly '93 Invitation by Virtual Dreams & Fairlight [web] 2 1 0 0.67
invitation Amiga OCS/ECS Assembly '93 invitation by Movement 11 0 0 1.00
compo type prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
intro Amiga OCS/ECS Just Middle of Assembly by D-29 0 0 0 0.00
40k Amiga OCS/ECS Another Compointro by Zcoopex 0 3 0 0.00
demopack Amiga OCS/ECS Flowers Pack #05 by Nightfall [web] 0 0 0 0.00
demopack Amiga OCS/ECS Too hot to handle #13 by Frantic 0 0 0 0.00
nonetype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
n/a 32k Amiga OCS/ECS Assembly 1993 Intro by Tarkus Team 1 0 0 1.00
n/a intro Amiga OCS/ECS Assembly 1993 Intro by Extacy 0 0 0 0.00
n/a diskmag Commodore 64 Fresh'n Sticky #7 by Topaz Beerline 0 0 0 0.00
n/a diskmag Amiga OCS/ECS Mag-Net Preview by Decnite 0 1 0 0.00
n/a demopack Amiga OCS/ECS Open your Mind #14 by The Bold And The Beautiful 0 1 0 0.00
n/a demopack Amiga OCS/ECS Rapid Transfer #23 by Decnite 2 0 0 1.00
amiga demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st demo Amiga OCS/ECS Extension by Pygmy Projects
149 2 0 0.99
2nd demo Amiga OCS/ECS 242 by Fairlight [web] & Virtual Dreams 72 16 5 0.72
3rd demo Amiga OCS/ECS romantic demo by Melon [web] 16 2 10 0.21
4th demo Amiga OCS/ECS Amnesty international by Vectra 4 2 0 0.67
5th demo Amiga OCS/ECS Hysteria by Analogy 2 6 1 0.11
8th demo Amiga OCS/ECS transfusion by Extacy 2 0 0 1.00
not shown demo Amiga OCS/ECS Contacto - Anam by Investation 1 4 0 0.20
amiga 40ktype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
40k Amiga OCS/ECS Happy Birthday Fun Factory by The Fun Factory 1 0 0 1.00
1st 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Bananamen by Stellar [web]
67 1 1 0.96
2nd 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Cyberdance by Virtual Dreams & Fairlight [web] 21 1 1 0.87
3rd 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Nagual by Virtual Dreams & Fairlight [web] 20 2 0 0.91
3rd 40k Amiga OCS/ECS plastic messiah by Carillon & Cyberiad [web] 12 7 3 0.41
4th 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Ting by Movement 19 1 0 0.95
5th 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Milkman by Excide 0 6 0 0.00
6th 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Wild Thing by Stellar [web] 19 2 0 0.90
7th 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Runtro II - The Next Chapter by Genocide 3 1 0 0.75
8th 40k Amiga OCS/ECS asm93 40k intro by Chrome 18 1 0 0.95
9th 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Piippola Intro by Humane 11 4 0 0.73
10th 40k Amiga OCS/ECS No Assembly Required (Some Assembly Required) by Epsilon [web] 13 5 1 0.63
11th 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Assembly '93 40k intro by Beyond Force [web] 7 1 0 0.88
n/a 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Cubic Dimensions by Krafted 3 3 0 0.50
n/a 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Kaaos by Banal Projects 8 3 0 0.73
n/a 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Mass Technology by Decnite 10 2 0 0.83
not shown 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Analnation2 by Blade 0 1 0 0.00
not shown 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Ratstro by Space 2 0 0 1.00
not shown 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Three Men and a Glenz Vector by Limbo [web] 30 1 0 0.97
c64 demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st intro Commodore 64 Four Years by Origo Dreamline 11 1 0 0.92
2nd demo Commodore 64 Attack of Stubidos 2 by Beyond Force [web] 7 0 0 1.00
3rd demo Commodore 64 Party Demo by The Electric Boys & Collision [web] 2 0 0 1.00
demo Commodore 64 Creation by Diffusion & Utopia 0 0 0 0.00
5th demo Commodore 64 Technophobia 2 by The Sharks 0 1 0 0.00
6th demo Commodore 64 Dreams Flower Garden by Astral [web] 0 0 0 0.00
pc demotype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st demo MS-Dos Second Reality by Future Crew
384 48 16 0.82
2nd demo MS-Dos Optic Nerve by The Silents [web] 28 11 0 0.72
3rd demo MS-Dos Elements by Xography [web] 13 5 1 0.63
4th demo MS-Dos Saga by Dust 18 5 2 0.64
7th demo MS-Dos Wasted Time by Paranoids 1 3 0 0.25
8th demo MS-Dos Phenomenon by Alphaforce 5 1 0 0.83
9th demo MS-Dos Obsession by The Black Rain 6 3 0 0.67
not shown demo MS-Dos Inconexia by Iguana [web] 24 6 5 0.54
not shown demo MS-Dos Minus 40 degree by Eterno 6 1 0 0.86
not shown demo MS-Dos Strumpsaft by The Unexpected 3 1 0 0.75
pc 100ktype prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
1st 100k MS-Dos Eclipse by Electromotive Force [web]
22 4 0 0.85
2nd intro MS-Dos Tangle by Epical 5 4 0 0.56
3rd intro MS-Dos/gus Debut CD Version by Darkzone [web] 8 3 0 0.73
4th 100k MS-Dos Locomotion by Onyx 3 2 2 0.14
5th intro MS-Dos/gus Motion. by Avalanche 5 3 0 0.62
6th 64k MS-Dos plan-b by Sonic PC [web] 10 1 0 0.91
7th intro MS-Dos Vanity and Apathy by Doomsday 12 3 0 0.80
8th 64k MS-Dos Stardream by Surprise!Productions [web] 8 3 0 0.73
9th 64k MS-Dos caloriafree diet intro by Jeskola! Productions 2 3 0 0.40
11th intro MS-Dos Privtro by Irresistible Works 1 2 0 0.33
12th 100k MS-Dos Urgent by Pentagon 4 3 0 0.57
not shown intro MS-Dos 24 hour Break by Digitize Design Group 5 1 0 0.83
not shown 64k MS-Dos Fixup Overflow by Epical 0 3 0 0.00
not shown 100k MS-Dos Fleet intro by Fleet 3 1 0 0.75
not shown 100k MS-Dos Hyla by Onyx 2 2 0 0.50
not shown 100k MS-Dos The Spiral by Dataction 1 1 1 0.00

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