the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2002-02-19
- Ex-sex didn't make my life complex. But I stopped doing it though, seemed like it made her life complex.
- complex sex? sounds just fine to me :)
- 2002-07-07
- being in top10 glöppers is quite a bad grade, isn't it? "what's your hobbies, well, glöpping on pouet. only."
- and optimus is even bad at being a loser. he's nr 10 on the list.
- And you do all of those hobbies, except coding, on pouet I guess :) And heck, diamondie was FAST to reply
- 2002-08-06
- Nokia Sucks by The Swedes Ownz
- lator, what is the exact url to mazys pics?
- 2002-08-13
- I want my computer back. The asm-trip killed it :)
- Peggy, well, it's at the hospital atm.
- peggy, I think so yes. They said the treatment would be free of charge as well!
- 2002-08-21
- brainfucked?
- Eh, no I didn't. Quit lying right now, or I will get medieval on your ass.
- So can I. And I do. It feels good.
- Yes I do... SONNET SUCKS
- 2002-08-25
- ofcourse I'm going to dh02w.
- 2003-04-29
- 2003-08-11
- [22:39] <mov> mouth.. ass.. mouth - [22:39] <codec0ck> mov: that's me! - [22:40] <mov> yay!