the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2023-04-07
bout ai: like with all things male, people aint afraid bout things being artificial... boobs, marriage, reality, what have you... people'r afraid of the intelligence part. d'fuck is that? fucking scared actually. [cue laughter]
- 2023-04-09
$DFF0A8 (Coil, 1991)
- 2023-04-10
i experienced two entirely new feelings tonight, thanks to revision: enthusiasticly boring and hysterically boring. 👍
- 2023-05-13
i wish castle master was a full fps ocs rls with additional sekrits and truthful iterations of the main theme
- 2023-05-22
Make a computer that displays bomb icons instead of popping up a debugger, please.
- 2023-05-24
i wonder if a 350 pt modules musicdisc would count as an overkilldemo
- 2023-07-18
The Magic Egg. Computer generated visuals? Check. All synthetic sounds? Check. Demo? Check! (Sound by Michael Boddicker)
- 2024-02-19
whoever gifted (me with) the ice choir link here long time ago, i hope this finds them well:
- 2024-09-21
Demosceners hate this trick: I am really ashamed of humanity and the scene, of how underrepresented and unquoted women are ... (1989)