the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2011-03-19
Captain: Open your eyes, for this be the matrix, running since 0 AD.
Captain: Yes. And I really don't know what's my destiny and purpose. Duh. :D
Captain: That's what I intend to :D Hehe. :)
Captain (Rottingham): I'm dogged and relentless to my prey!
Mensa: We're all asleep... hoping the snakes won't bite.
- 2011-03-20
Captain: What are you sensing, my simulated friends? Analyse the quantum stream of randomness and report.
Captain: Yes, and do that on the double. That's the order of my master, the grand designer of the matrix.
Captain: Oh sorry master... let me go get it... :D Hehe :)
Captain: Ok... and a few simulated girls for the evening, too? :D
Captain: That's what you have to find out... :)
Yes, I'm sure it's the C-64^10000 released in year 218691 AD by our beloved Commodore. <3
...and besides nobody nececcerily has to have a "real" physical body anymore. :) we can very well be just code running in the superbox.
- 2011-03-23
Mensa: It's good to be an old fart. With time comes the experience. :)
Mensa: Yes, but being ignorant or immature doesn't change responsibility or the truth. :)
innocent of what? :D with experience you get responsibility in work and such, of course. but the universal responsibility is always present.
- 2011-09-07
10^10000000000 bytes and 10^1000000000 flops
look around, you're running in it. just joking of course. :)
- 2011-09-09
- 2011-09-11
indeed. +7 <3 always.
- 2011-09-20
the sentient uploaded lobsters, yarr. ok, too much accelerando :D