the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2015-12-06
Buckfast is shortcut to subway shouting.
- 2016-07-29
You can't sing when you're under it.
- 2016-07-31
pouët 2.0: ünicøde иow шőrks in the σneliήer
- 2017-07-27
deepr: because should it convert those three values to floats or ints before clamping? The compiler doesn't know.
- 2017-10-21
Faster, higher quality, smaller code. Choose three.
- 2017-11-03
no trayracing inside the party hall!
- 2017-11-18
Ah yes, the 18/11/02 conspiracy. Happy birthday to the people behind it.
- 2018-01-04
- 2018-02-13
that moment when you accidentally mistyped demozoo
- 2018-11-05
Look up the early doctor who sequences, they were almost demos.