the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2007-11-15
$57 $57 $57 $2E $50 $4F $55 $45 $54 $2E $4E $45 $54
- 2007-11-17
Those who believe in telekinesis, raise my hand...
- 2007-11-27
I miss Cat-Fur ][
- 2008-06-24
Windows 2010 - FY the 'Fuck You' edition
- 2008-11-11
- 2009-06-11
srorrim htiw enod ton saw siht
- 2009-06-20
with green eggs
- 2009-07-27
May the Schwartz Be With You...
- 2009-08-10
Mmmm Bork! Bork! Bork!
- 2009-08-21
- 2010-12-10
- 2011-01-02
take a dip in the Hot Tub Time Machine and party like it's 1986
- 2012-10-16
We have a saying in India...