the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2023-09-09
Body-Positive Agnus
- 2023-09-13
If you play Jaws backwards, it's a story about a helpful shark that barfs out missing children.
- 2023-09-19
- 2024-01-06
If you play Star Wars backwards, its a movie about a guy who rejects his father after he reattaches son's severed arm.
- 2024-01-08
If you watch E.T. backwards, it's about an alien who comes to earth, gets drunk, and leaves. If you play it forwards, it's also about an alien that comes to earth, gets drunk, and leaves.
- 2024-06-22
I want Angelina Jolie to play me when the inevitable demoscene film is made. Because i'm 6'5" 300 lbs and yes, I actually do know Unix.