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the so complete pouët.net oneliner
"polish baseball with no balls in a game - know this shit all living here."
godzina piąta minut trzydzieści, kiedy pobudka zagrała, grupa rezerwy szła do cywila, niejedna panna płakała. Nie te czasy panowie, czterdziestka stuknęła kilo temu...
wyszedł z kompanii, pierdolnął drzwiami - tak się pożegnał z kolegami.
śmierć behawiorystom!!!
"policja! proszę mi oddać wszystkie oszczędności!" - "nie, misiu! ja mu wysprzęglę w ryj!"
there's no such a movies in English to be quoted here, and if I had to switch it to English, you would have to pay for the translation again.
out of memory - precz z mej pamięci
- shankar, shankar! where are you? - I've been in the toilet, lickin poo!
Three is the number that you have to count to and such a number has to be three. When number three as a third in the order will be achieved, you will throw holy hand granade in the direction of your enemy, who was ridiculing you in the area of your view, and he will kick in the bucket.
7th urban takeover
terror dares to teach me behaviour!
as a kid I couldn't stop wondering why adult men are married to shit-looking gheckos, wackos and gizmos... psychiatric enforcement buddies!!!!
Malice in wonkerland
et joseph dixid ad eum: - inserere haeret in asinum et adolebit! dominici dixit: - insanis! melius aditus ad calida aqua. et joseph dixit ad eum: - elegantia gallia!
remember: give blood often, improve your erection angle!
so many peeps are flying backwards so for this occasion remember the rule (written backwards, while they fly backwards): .secnatsmucric no tnadneped ton snoitca ekat uoy dluohs secnatsmucric on rednu
!yawa sredoc ?tinni murof teop a s'ti .murtceps ycneuqerf ni noitamrofsnart reiruof ton ylsuoivbo soc' ,stoggaf fo sruoloc lla naem uoy murtceps yb