the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2022-03-02
- So are our demos themselves art? I do think so. Is art political? I do think so. And with all respect, I don't care if someone's not comfortable with that. (you're still great and this discussion is important)
- 2022-05-03
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- 2023-01-01
- Happy new year y‘all
- 2023-07-31
- Camp demoscene
- 2023-10-07
- „Mehr Geometrie wagen” - Willy Brandt
- 2023-10-30
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- 2023-11-16
- dan tish liwl cafteft het Mosencede.
- 2023-11-26
- Macht mal mehr Intros.
- 2023-12-31
- New year compo starting in 10:21:44 …
- 2024-01-01
- Happy new year everyone! The new year will affect the demoscene…
- 2024-02-24
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- Really?
- 2024-02-25
- ☕
- 2024-03-14
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- 2024-03-21
- 2024-04-06
- Piep, piep, kleiner Satellit!
- 2024-05-30
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- 2024-06-23
- UC jingle running in my head non-stop now and I like that :3
- 2024-06-24
- and confusion will demo the affection scene.
- 2024-07-07
- uwu
- 2024-07-19
- You can't even make money with demos and intros! Ha!
- 2024-08-27
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- 2024-10-19
- or maybe some lorazepam does...