the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2007-05-27
we've got a growing number of thalidomide/paraplegics at be sure to see us gatecrash your parties sometime in the future...hell we'll even post our own party here
ok gotit
- 2007-05-28
commodore if u still here? HAHAHA tell tim'll fixit he's a dood
- 2007-05-29
L.C.F. Why not put your words into a wall picture, you might find this helpfull for you to explain yourself whilst still maintaining normality
dont spam like that
LCF theres a message for u here
richieb is my friend-thank you i do try sometimes
now i have finished it please add what u want for your own group
LAST THINK I NEED A NICE LOGO OF THAT ANTENNA CReature to replace the yellow telemate logo
L.C.F theres a message for you here
i think u are suffering from illness contact your GP or go here
i know u are talking about eternity - your doctor will understand especially the hospital a and e if u contact them
we are not impostors look what we did
no the new optimus
- 2007-05-30
well i'm a vegitarian since i read this but i do eat meat sometimes when i am in a mood with someone/thing
LCF-what country are u in?
- 2007-06-02
the appocalypse has begun
mmmmm WET pizza
damit thats it i'm getting a pizza tonight
it is pink not red now u know why so wrong
- 2007-07-08
well it keeps the kids amused :)
why not sell them for charity like getoart do
getoart hass a list of initiatives for lamers