the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2012-06-17
Sure, why now.
- 2012-06-20
1==1 ? ":D" : "WTF"
- 2012-06-22
"2 Textures and 1 Framebuffer, a sad opengl story" -- written by Blalcksheep8Bit, 2012.
Does anyone here have the knoledge of how to deal with Opengl FrameBuffers? If so check my Board Thread :(
- 2012-06-23
Not a demo, but still art :D
you've got mail
I Don't like opengl 3 and 4 too much, i haven't seen anything in 3 and 4 that couldn't be done in 2 :P
- 2012-06-24
xernobyl: I am trying to say: Rip glBegin(), it's hard to change habits, i'm currently changing from 2.0 for 3.1 :/
- 2012-06-27
Sure it is Gargaj!
- 2012-06-28
Click there and stop being an idiot! ->
Pouet indeed.. but wow! Antisocial!
- 2012-06-30
4k is like LSD.
- 2012-07-03
Truck is jarig
Memory leaks! Memory leaks everywhere!
- 2012-07-04
Thats a cool radio, so bad it's so underrated *like demoscene itself*, it was the background music of my experiments all the day ^^
why can't we talk about keygenjukebox too? ;__;
- 2012-07-05
random nerdfact: im starting to read my monary clock like a normal one
- 2012-07-06
### illegal critique on the onliner about the pouet online conversation about talking on pouet's onliner about the illegal injection of thoughts about telepathy will cost you the possibility to get your POUET EXTRA GOLD PLUS ENTERPRISE SUPER ACCOUNT ###
- 2012-07-07
LSD rulez.
- 2012-07-08
char * buffer[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) buffer[i] = (char*)'A'; cout << "AMIG" << buffer; // AMIGAAAAAAAAAAA...
- 2012-07-10
I blew the night tocan, wont happen again, I swear
- 2012-07-14
HAIL HI-- ops! i mean: HAIL POUET!
- 2012-07-15
Let's make a 3 word story! I start: Once upon a time...
- 2012-07-17
RIP megaman
- 2012-07-19
don't link me beautiful