the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2002-08-29
- so you can't watch demos at the cafe, and your connection at home is a modem.. how the hell did you get 1012 glops then
- 2002-09-01
- vor der ICE ein Zuschlag ist erforderlich
- no prob, we thought some of those smelled like sweatsocks :)
- hallo avoozl!
- plek is right
- 2002-09-02
- i'm afraid i'm going to have to agree with sanx
- 2002-09-04
- nobody who speaks german can be bad
- 2002-09-06
- yess!
- 2002-09-07
- urls and oneliners dont mix
- 2002-09-09
- shit, you got me
- you'll go to jail, optimus
- 2002-09-10
- as long as the quote is correct :(
- 2002-09-12
- [00:19] <raver> nah i only deal weed :)
- 2002-09-16
- ich wil ryg's freundin sein
- 2002-09-17
- !!!!!!!!!!ACCEPT THE OREO AS YOUR NEW GOD!!!!!!!!
- eat
- gloom, 1) eat 2) understand
- 2002-09-18
- eat more then, duh
- 2002-09-19
- wtf is a timtam... tsk
- timtams are made of poo
- 2002-09-20
- wat zit er in uw koektrommel
- damn skippy, demomike
- to dunk the oreo in, of course