the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2010-07-26
- 2010-08-02
- 2010-08-04
msqrt: IRC…
- 2010-08-08
My wife is a man…
- 2010-08-09
- 2010-08-14
- 2010-08-18
legend: meetkö neveriin perjantaina?
- 2010-08-19
Sounds like it is a fancier glUniform*iv with a syntactical emphasis on samplers.
- 2010-08-29
Bullshit, it has way more implications than that.
- 2010-08-30
Welcome to the world of Symbian, now who told you to even take a look at Symbian? Qt does tick on Symbian you know.
- 2010-10-18
- 2010-11-13
- 2010-11-16
iq: if you check the recent prods, it should give an idea :D
- 2010-11-17
word up.
- 2010-12-05
panic: you don't. apple's drivers have a bug and thus they don't support arrays "for now" I have been bitten by the same bug in the ass too
- 2010-12-17
plugless shame
- 2010-12-27
Ferris is jarig too!
- 2010-12-31
But in that case the sticky component wouldn't be your cock. :/ You can stick the inside of whomever onto your cock, however.
- 2011-01-01
"Just because I fucked him doesn't mean I like him!"
- 2011-01-21
Sorry this is not Amnesty International, it's fucking Pouët.
- 2011-01-28
the bigger question is - since when egypt is in the middle east!?
as for the revolutions in tunisia and egypt and many other places. I am very much confused. it feels like the shell of the top-man is changing though the mentality is the same. :/ I hope I am wrong though.
panic: have you ever thought that one day the revolution fever might hit over there as well? :)
- 2011-02-01
I heard if you join Osama he can give you 72 of them instead of 10.