the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2019-04-07
the so famous pouë twoliner
- 2019-04-16
What is 'dick tracing'?
- 2019-04-17
Fuck Seagate. Hate it. Despise it.
- 2019-04-19
- 2019-05-05
Seems like Firefox is made by the most incompetent people in the world.
- 2019-07-06
/me can't care less
- 2019-08-25
Here's something even better
- 2019-12-07
Spot on!
And talking about languages I would say the same about Python.
- 2020-01-11
Yes, modern web is retarded
- 2020-04-07
Fuck Firefox updates.
- 2020-04-12
Just don't use their spyware and problem solved.
- 2020-04-13
lusenk, who cares? So far I don't see the issue on my end and if it will change later then what? Just ignore it.
- 2020-04-18
@tomaes, it's called cacophony. Seriously, people without musical talent shouldn't even attempt writing music.
- 2020-05-27
New conspiracy theory: 1 glöp is equal to 1 bitcoin, except in debt.
- 2020-06-04
@kimi kandler it's a matter of proper porting, good ports have bigger rendered resolution and sometimes provide the choice between pal and ntsc.
- 2020-06-23
They promised not to ruin github and they just did it. What a POS is Microsoft, totally not surprised.
- 2020-06-24
People these days need google for noticing the obvious? Not surprised again.
Too much empty space waisted for nothing, that's my main grudge. Old design was compact, less mouse movement, less eye strain. Someone here also mentions it:
- 2021-02-14
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- 2021-06-14
Installed latest version of GIMP. Yep, still as slow as it always was. Uninstalled.
- 2022-08-06
Why the hell Shadertoy doesn't work in Firefox if I set dom.webaudio.enabled to false?
- 2022-08-19
LOL, even freaking Smurfs had better soundtrack than any Nintendo's own game!
- 2022-08-22
Who needs winamp when foobar2000 exists?
- 2022-09-28