the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2003-06-24
- 2003-06-25
Help me, I'm melting! (Pennsylvania in the summer)
- 2003-06-26
Why are the BBS art cles missi g letters ike thi ?
- 2003-07-03
Aah, independence day... Fireworks, parades, beer, politicians telling us they're taking away our rights for our own good...
- 2003-07-07
10000 is a biiig number (did they delete the Third Reality/FC joke?)
- 2003-07-08
It seems that the only thing that makes me happy these days, is music
- 2003-08-01
The exclamation to which all demos aspire is "holy cr@p, how'd they do that?"
- 2003-08-18
If it can't be said in less than 10 mb, it shouldn't be said
- 2003-08-19
optimus should take up novel writing.
- 2003-08-21
This post has been edited for content and formatted to fit your screen.
- 2003-08-26
Fear Doug:
- 2003-08-27
Spengler, hypothetically, would you thumb down the original Star Wars movie if it were a 64kb intro?
that explains the thumb on elektrofunk
- 2003-08-29
Ya just don't get it, do ya, Scott?
- 2003-08-30
"I will not stand for this Communist infiltration... of our precious bodily fluids."
- 2003-09-03
An anti-Optimus checkbox would eventually lead to censoring of the scene
Sw3d1sh N1nj4 p0w44!
- 2003-09-04
600 pages of Oneliners...
- 2003-09-07
YoP !!!
- 2003-09-11
(American) NPR (radio) had an article about Edward Teller this morning...
- 2003-09-19
Isabel is almost here!
- 2003-09-21
I am (not) the Walrusz
- 2003-09-22
fr-028 has .the .product, poemtoahorse, art, garbage collection, .ein .schlag, out of the blue (iirc)... and E.T. was linked to on the prod page
- 2003-10-09
I can't get the theme to Hardwired/Slient&Crionics out of my head! :-(
- 2003-10-12
Kasparov makes me dizzy