the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2009-10-15
ik wil graag slapen, maar de nederlanders laat me niet :o
i actually just bought a bottle of lagavulin 16yo! for a gift, but maybe a little sip won't do no harm...
wut? girls on pouet? NOOOOOOO
oh yes, almost forgot: uncle-x/mfx IS JARIG! \o/
c0c00n: (love the lyrics!)
c0c00n: don't worry, here are the best parts ->
not yet, but in progress! it'll be the just the fourth language i speak...
german is the fifth. or fourth, since it came before dutch, but i speak better dutch than german nowadays :o
are others still sleeping? :o
i like my women like my whiskey - 16yo and cold in the cellar
why don't they let me sleep... the voices are telling me to... TROLL... must... troll... with... c0c00n...
- est-entry
c0c00n: have you slept at all? :D (i sure haven't)
... guy? :) oh nevermind, my balls are bigger than yours anyway!
you guys make me cry.
must.. keep.. oneliner.. alive... must.. post.. useless nonsense...
gezelligheid voor alles <3
Win 7 from teh internets: PRICELESS
Ah yes, I do respect that. And I must say that this thingie works way better than XP did. I skipped the whole Vista-phase totally.
c0c00n: unless you have a 'thing' for SSBBW - no, you don't wanna see.
wtf DiamonDie lives in Netherlands nowadays?
awwww maali is so cute <3
- 2009-10-16
i wanna know what love isssssss
don't you want me baby?