the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2017-10-01
you could make the internet unreal if you wanted to :
just because... of the onliner posted 7 lines above ^^
please see this before anyone dies : so good stuff 0_0
- 2017-10-05
read today : in the same line as Nes mini :
Buckethead: yeah and that sucks really. Anyway, apparently, adding a keyboard to it would allow to type in listings anyway (as explained by vendor). saving listing isn't pointed out
- 2017-10-07
good morning
- 2017-10-09
demoish ready :
- 2017-10-13
- ;s=65
- 2017-10-15
99 bottles of beer are not a square of 2
nice one :) + I realized I wanted to say 'power of 2' (double fail =10 bottles more to get rid of ?)
- 2017-10-17
- [blender & Webgl + free meetings + Paris/ France]
Seen on 3dvf : completely free now
2 swallows and a line in October, many demo releases during winter
- 2017-10-20
- -> <3 this funny modern star trek style
riffle fart a funny loop
that moment when you accidentally mistaped : Uranus with your naked eye.
Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. It has the third-largest planetary radius and fourth-largest planetary mass in the Solar System (wiki)
dq : nice. At start the loop reminded me Wax Taylor ('que sera..sera' edit from an hitchcock movie)
- 2017-10-21
actually the amiga ocs demo special message is : unsupported signal ^^
- 2017-10-22
+1 -> I am not adhesive/ placid
my cat contacted me for food
- 2017-10-24
just wondering, only the amstrad series couldn't be bought without the monitor right ?
- 2017-10-28
glop ^