the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2014-01-15
the whole economical system
- 2014-02-04
Will it take 4 years to be released?
- 2014-02-05
in soviet russia the construction ends after the olympics ;)
- 2014-03-27
Is there any recording of yesterday's compo night?
- 2014-03-30
Maali: what about a virtual machine?
- 2014-04-12
You should probably tell them about PC Engine in the comments.
- 2014-05-07
swapon swapoff
- 2014-08-02
### ebola virus spreading too fast ###
- 2014-08-06
One day I'll just stop using services and run everything from home. On the other hand I don't really have anything to hide, I'm that boring.
- 2014-09-18
...any sceners in Scotland? ;)
- 2014-09-21
- is that cdak at 2:14?
- 2014-09-30
Pornhub has a new Record Label and they have a contest! ...yeah I'm sure you're familiar with that content delivery company.
- 2014-10-08
Mark Kozelek keeps the fuck you.
- 2014-10-28
id software just across the street
- 2014-11-28
Watching tune-yards AND st. vincent tomorrow! How fucking cool is that? =)
- 2014-12-10
raer try the southern hemisphere
- 2015-02-21
Mastering audio.
- 2015-08-11
alert("you have not posted your comment, are you sure you want to close / change page / whatever") somewhere please? :)
confirm I mean.
Saga Musix, "good" browsers don't do drugs.
"fix human negligence with code" that would leave too many programmers unemployed.
- 2016-03-28
maytz LIES
- 2016-06-02
Going to Boiler Room in 1 hour... elitist afro techno shit.
- 2016-08-09
is it still a phone?
- 2016-08-16
What's the best / € gpu on the market now? Something cheap, "good enough".