the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2024-12-28
Making demos requires effort? Bah!
I've heard that for most people, 90% of the effort is just gathering enough willpower to decide to start making their demo. :]
what is better, talk about or make a demo? I say the latter, even if it requires more effort! wrt emulator, shove where the sun never shines :)
Real hardware > videos captured from real hardware > emulation > video captured from emulation
you can watch three amiga demos on youtube while finicking with winuae just to get one to run, so, fuck that shit... :D
and this will affect the Demoscene.
- 2024-12-29
By effort, I mean choosing the right emulator settings for the prod in question, at least so it runs as closely as intended as possible
blimey, now that's what I call an effort!
This is what the so-called YouTube singularity have in store for us:
A good capture from real hardware is authentic, accurate, accessible, reliable, smooth, properly synchronized and free of hiccups. An emulator is none of those things.
video is just a video. with emulator at least real machine language instructions are processed thus bringing you closer to the spirit of the machine
A video is just one way of bringing the pixels and soundwaves to your eyes and ears. What matters for authenticity is how those pixels and soundwaves were produced in the first place.
Let's directly stimulate the primate's cerebral cortex and make it watch and listen to this video generated with a precise model of what a computer was like at the end of the 20th century.
Most people don't have the money or physical space for multiple items of real hardware, never mind the skills needed for soldering the components during repairs
Somehow I doubt that, Im sure most of us can scrape the money to buy their preferred piece of hardware. And most of the time this old hardware is exceptionally resilient...
Most people only have real hardware for (at most) the platforms on which they are active. For watching demos for all the other platforms, the choice is between capture and emulator.
or parties and demoshows at friends
Well, yes, better to use real hardware when making demos, because you want to make sure the prod at least RUNS on it!
Sceners are welcome to come over at my place to watch shit on real hardware!
same here and others in our posse
My posse is more genuine than your posse!
Pistä sie se puukko poies, ny katotaan demoja
at least until your girlfriend forces you to throw it all out in favour of some live love laugh ornaments!
and this will affect the Demoscene.