the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2002-01-03
i kinda like that logo
- 2002-01-05
more bukkake! bukkake!
have sex
- 2002-01-06
have bukkake
true. no sex today.
- 2002-01-08
- 2002-01-12
we need bukkake in altparty!
- 2002-08-05
juokaa ihmiset ennemmin Sandelsia
- 2002-10-25
*judo kick*
- 2002-10-26
niko on taas humalassa. hyvä niin.
- 2003-01-30
i still think that Mike*WTblahblahwhatever is a lamer who's trying desperately get some glöps
- 2003-02-01
kozmik is working in secret french agency, it's almost sure that he's lying his age.
- 2003-02-28
this is bat country
- 2003-03-12
get another cookie coz u'll need one to post
- 2003-05-12
in Turku
- 2003-07-25
well window manager has been already done in QBasic
- 2003-08-04
who are you to call people eurotrash? :P
- 2003-08-05
i kickfuck so much, ass
- 2003-08-20
- 2003-09-02
you mean converters or trackers? :P
- 2003-09-08
bhead, actually it is "take on the world"
- 2004-03-23
that's true, JML rules
- 2004-04-16
(o Y o)
- 2004-07-11
now that's hideous
- 2004-08-31
wait until your hand drops off