the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2006-10-06
- 2006-12-30
I'm feeding the troll!
No, I'm feeding it elsewhere. I'm just announcing my activities on oneliner.
I scene dead people
Er, I think you'll find that *I* made it just for *you*.
- 2007-01-06
Please ensure you have your copy-book at hand
- 2007-02-02
Fred West
- 2007-03-05
marple me conscious
- 2007-04-01
ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps
- 2007-04-06
Imhotep is invisible.
- 2007-05-14
- 2007-07-06
Dalezy - I doubt 'spacker' is in the dictionary, but it's certainly one of my favourite words and as such is eligible for inclusion in 'the English language'. It comes from The Spastics Society, a charitable organisation for people with disabilities.
- 2007-08-05
glöp glöperly!!!!!11
- 2007-08-07
If he lived nowadays, Mozart would be in a decomposing wooden box under ten feet of soil.
- 2007-10-30
cool keops shock for japanese brain!!!
- 2007-12-25
Beannachtaí an tSéasúir!
- 2008-01-24
- 2008-02-15
when I was adok, I coded a oneliner that was exactly like this one, except the words, which were different
- 2008-03-18
Stingray! Pls speak 2 me!!
Yes, I wanted one of your kidneys ;_;
Triple-kidneys are for jazz magicians :(
- 2008-03-23
evilpaul came to BP to look at pouet all day. He did a 64k while waiting for pageloads.
- 2008-04-01
keito pissed through a Triad gangster's letterbox in 1996! They're still after him.