the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2007-03-02
oneliners to onelining oneliners
- 2007-03-22
demos and intros doesnt work on oneliner, I think
- 2007-05-08
bass doesnt work on oneliner
- 2007-05-12
I think. I think.
- 2007-05-25
- 2007-06-08
Pouët - unicode and bbcode is impossible on oneliner
- 2007-06-12
Agreed with Emperor, Safari for windows ain't that great. At least I can finally test my pages in it though.
- 2007-08-12
reversed text does work on oneliner
- 2007-08-15
- <- we need demos on that
- 2007-08-24
12 hours? no thanks.
- 2007-08-26
bbcode and unicode doesnt work on oneliner
- 2007-08-29
quote escapes do seem to work on oneliner
- 2007-09-07
oneliner doesnt work on oneliner .. wait what?
- 2007-09-15
### telepathy makes everything illegal ###
- 2007-09-16
### bbcode and unicode doesnt work on telepathy ###
- 2007-09-28
Pouet/ was throwing random apache config files at me earlier - someone tell me why. :(
- 2007-10-03
This is a automated message: Your message contained bbcode, which doesnt work on oneliner. Please refrain from using bbcode, as well as unicode, on oneliner in the future. Thank you for understanding.
- 2007-10-05
Thanks for the free avatar change ps! But I perfer my own, thanks though!
- 2007-10-07
### violation of comment tags over illegal blue telepathy whale ###
- 2007-10-08
### use of telepathy to put bbcode and unicode on oneliner is illegal ###
- 2007-10-09
People do not understand dolphins.
- 2007-10-15
- 2007-10-16
bbcode and unicode are for jazz musicians
Grats on your idea getting L.C.F.
- 2007-10-18
I believe I can code a demo