[½╗] e l i t e s w i t h r e s p e c t f o r t h e m s e l v e s [½╗]
[╗½] s u p p o r t [╗½]
_ __________ __________ ____ __________ _\ | _ __ __________ _
\\\ __ | __ /_| \______| __ /_|_ |____/_| ______///
| \____\/ | \/___/ | \\ | \/___/ | | \/ |
|___________|___________|_____\\____|____________ _______|___________|
| |
grotesticle whq!! _______ | |
jrm nhq! ______ _ __________ | ___/___| |__________ _
mgs! hq! / __/___\\\____ /_|\______ |_ | __ ///
dg nhq! / \ \ \/ | \/ | \/___/ |
/_____/\ \____\______|___________ ____________|
\_____\ | _|dk!/hNY!
gENETíC╖waSTE! |_____\
[╗½] faster than your right arm under your duvai! [╗½]
[½╗] ascii requesting from the greatest! [½╗]
[╗½] own school-work conference for people tired of homework! [╗½]
[½╗] online for over 1 year [½╗]
[╗½] telnet available [╗½]
[½╗] no aminet allowed inside [½╗]