
Mystical Members

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AXF-GRZT.ZIP Passed Mystical Members On Monday, August 26th At 21:29 Uploaded By Iron Eagle

                      __    ___  ___   _      __     __
                     /  \  /   \/   \ / \    /  \   /  \
                    / (. \ \      ' /_\_/_  / (. \ |    |__
                   /      \ )  .   ((     )/      \|    /  \
                  ( `  \   )   :    \|   |( `  \   )  ·   ' |
                  /\___|__/\___|____(_____)\___|__/ \______/\
                  |          A.X.I.A.L.∙.F.O.R.C.E     [GR] |
                  | TiTLe: Zippy TeXT Search 2.0            |
                  | AuTHor: GRiLo            Date: 26/08/96 |
                  |                                         |
                  |            -■ Description ■-            |
                  |  This is just the Best Text search! To  |
                  | substitute the old Z command! Now you   |
                  | can choose the directory to search!     |
                  | All with animations in HaCKeR STyLΣ!    |
                  └─-─- - - ∙ · axial°force '96 · ∙ - -─--──┘

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