
The Lost Spirits

                   _________  _________  ___________|    |_
+-───-─────────--─ \_      / /_____    \/ __________  ____/ --───-─────-─-─-─+
 .::::::::::::::::::/     /__/   _/   ________   \_:|   |:::::::::::::::::::.
 .::::::::::::::::_/     /             /\    |    /:|   |:::::::::::::::::::.
 .::::::::::::::::\    /|   /\________/::\_______/::|   |:::::::::::::::::::.
+-───-─────────--─ \_______/ --──────────────-──-── |___| --─────-─────-─-─-─+
                            (the lost spirits bbs)
                   (nation of art productions headquarter)
                (99% legal art/scene/pcb/pce/ibm warez only!)
            (1.2  gigabyte art stuff online - running pc express)
           (isdn port 1: 02131-xxxxxx   isdn port 2: 02131-xxxxxx)
           \|/ (online-ascii-ordering - sysop is lviz of naps) \|/
              (break on through to the other side... the doors)
         (we are searching many art groups to support - contact us)
        ___________________  _____  ________   _____________  _________
+--─-─ / _______________   \(_____)──\_____ \_(_________    |/ _______/-───-─+
 .:::::\_____   \_|  __/    /     \:::/ __/  //     ___  __________   \_.:::.
 .:::::\    |    /|  \_____/|      \_/  \     |      \_|   |:\    |    /::::.
+--─-── \_______/ |    :    |       _____\   /|       /|   |──\_______/-───-─+
                  :____|    :______/      \:/ :______/ |   |
                                           :           |___|